  children: [
      pairs: [(assign_pair lhs:(lhs_expr.LhsName name:vers) op:Equal rhs:{(1.4)})]
      arms: [
          cond: [
              child: (C {(Lit_LBracket '[')} {($ VSub_Pound '$#')} {(-ne)} {(2)} {(Lit_RBracket ']')})
              terminator: <Op_Semi ';'>
          action: [
              words: [{(echo)} {(DQ ('Usage: amuFormat.sh <Card Type> <drive>'))}]
              redirects: [(redir.Redir op:<Redir_GreatAnd '>&'> fd:16777215 arg_word:{(2)})]
              words: [{(echo)} {(DQ ('<Card Type> has to be defined in amuFormat.sh itself'))}]
              redirects: [(redir.Redir op:<Redir_GreatAnd '>&'> fd:16777215 arg_word:{(2)})]
              words: [{(echo)} {(DQ ('<drive> has to be defined in mtools.conf'))}]
              redirects: [(redir.Redir op:<Redir_GreatAnd '>&'> fd:16777215 arg_word:{(2)})]
            (command.ControlFlow token:<ControlFlow_Exit exit> arg_word:{(1)})
    (C {(echo)} {(DQ ('amuFormat ') ($ VSub_DollarName '$vers') (' started...'))})
      pairs: [(assign_pair lhs:(lhs_expr.LhsName name:drive) op:Equal rhs:{(DQ ($ VSub_Number '$2'))})]
      to_match: {(DQ ($ VSub_Number '$1'))}
      arms: [
          pat_list: [{(8MBCARD-FW)}]
          action: [
              to_match: {(DQ ($ VSub_Number '$2'))}
              arms: [
                  pat_list: [{(Lit_LBracket '[') (bB) (Lit_RBracket ']') (Lit_Other ':')}]
                  action: [
                      pairs: [(assign_pair lhs:(lhs_expr.LhsName name:drive) op:Equal rhs:{(DQ ('f:'))})]
                  pat_list: [{(Lit_LBracket '[') (cC) (Lit_RBracket ']') (Lit_Other ':')}]
                  action: [
                      pairs: [(assign_pair lhs:(lhs_expr.LhsName name:drive) op:Equal rhs:{(DQ ('g:'))})]
                  pat_list: [{(Lit_Star '*')}]
                  action: [
                      child: (C {(echo)} {(DQ ('Drive ') ($ VSub_Number '$2') (' not supported.'))})
                      terminator: <Op_Semi ';'>
                      token: <ControlFlow_Exit exit>
                      arg_word: {(1)}
              pairs: [
                  lhs: (lhs_expr.LhsName name:cylinders)
                  op: Equal
                  rhs: {(245)}
                (assign_pair lhs:(lhs_expr.LhsName name:heads) op:Equal rhs:{(2)})
                  lhs: (lhs_expr.LhsName name:cluster_size)
                  op: Equal
                  rhs: {(8)}
          pat_list: [{(32MBCARD-FW)}]
          action: [
              pairs: [
                  lhs: (lhs_expr.LhsName name:cylinders)
                  op: Equal
                  rhs: {(489)}
                (assign_pair lhs:(lhs_expr.LhsName name:heads) op:Equal rhs:{(4)})
                  lhs: (lhs_expr.LhsName name:cluster_size)
                  op: Equal
                  rhs: {(4)}
          pat_list: [{(64MBCARD-FW)}]
          action: [
            (C {(echo)} {(DQ ('***** WARNING: untested on AvHMU, exiting *****'))})
            (command.ControlFlow token:<ControlFlow_Exit exit> arg_word:{(1)})
              pairs: [
                  lhs: (lhs_expr.LhsName name:cylinders)
                  op: Equal
                  rhs: {(245)}
                (assign_pair lhs:(lhs_expr.LhsName name:heads) op:Equal rhs:{(2)})
                  lhs: (lhs_expr.LhsName name:cluster_size)
                  op: Equal
                  rhs: {(8)}
          pat_list: [{(1GBCARD-FW)}]
          action: [
            (C {(echo)} {(DQ ('***** WARNING: untested on AvHMU *****'))})
              pairs: [
                  lhs: (lhs_expr.LhsName name:cylinders)
                  op: Equal
                  rhs: {(2327)}
                (assign_pair lhs:(lhs_expr.LhsName name:heads) op:Equal rhs:{(16)})
                  lhs: (lhs_expr.LhsName name:cluster_size)
                  op: Equal
                  rhs: {(64)}
          pat_list: [{(64MBCARDSAN)}]
          action: [
              pairs: [
                  lhs: (lhs_expr.LhsName name:cylinders)
                  op: Equal
                  rhs: {(489)}
                (assign_pair lhs:(lhs_expr.LhsName name:heads) op:Equal rhs:{(8)})
                  lhs: (lhs_expr.LhsName name:cluster_size)
                  op: Equal
                  rhs: {(4)}
          pat_list: [{(Lit_Star '*')}]
          action: [
            (C {(echo)} {(DQ ('Card not supported.'))})
            (command.ControlFlow token:<ControlFlow_Exit exit> arg_word:{(1)})
    (C {(echo)} {(DQ ('Formatting card in slot ') ($ VSub_Number '$2') (' as ') ($ VSub_Number '$1'))})
    (C {(mpartition)} {(-I)} {(DQ ($ VSub_DollarName '$drive'))})
    (C {(mpartition)} {(-c)} {(-t) ($ VSub_DollarName '$cylinders')} {(-h) ($ VSub_DollarName '$heads')} 
      {(-s32)} {(-b32)} {(DQ ($ VSub_DollarName '$drive'))}
    (C {(mformat)} {(-c) ($ VSub_DollarName '$cluster_size')} {(-v)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Number '$1'))} 
      {(DQ ($ VSub_DollarName '$drive'))}
    (C {(minfo)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Number '$2'))})
    (C {(mdir)} {(DQ ($ VSub_Number '$2'))})
    (C {(echo)} {(DQ (done.))})