OSH Parser Performance

We run $sh -n $file for various files under various shells. This means that shell startup time is included in the elapsed time measurements, but long files are chosen to minimize its effect.

Parse Time Summary

host label shell label total lines total ms lines per ms
flanders bash 118,863 472 251.9
flanders dash 111,674 95 1,180.5
flanders mksh 111,674 256 436.1
flanders osh-cpython 118,863 30,020 4.0
flanders osh-ovm 118,863 34,868 3.4
flanders zsh 118,863 3,664 32.4
lisa bash 118,863 196 606.4
lisa dash 111,674 43 2,573.1
lisa mksh 111,674 117 956.9
lisa osh-cpython 118,863 9,987 11.9
lisa osh-ovm 118,863 11,088 10.7
lisa zsh 118,863 1,203 98.8

Memory Used to Parse

Running under osh-ovm. Memory usage is measured in MB (powers of 10), not MiB (powers of 2).

host VmRSS MB VmPeak MB num lines filename
flanders 10.9 23.8 1,679 t4014-format-patch.sh
flanders 14.1 27.0 1,733 functions
flanders 14.5 27.4 2,029 configure-helper.sh
flanders 16.4 29.2 2,512 abuild
flanders 15.4 28.0 2,698 Build.sh
flanders 11.2 24.2 3,123 t9300-fast-import.sh
flanders 27.4 40.3 5,160 test-cmd-util.sh
flanders 28.0 40.7 9,661 ltmain.sh
flanders 50.5 63.4 20,489 configure
flanders 122.6 135.5 69,779 configure-coreutils
lisa 10.8 23.8 1,679 t4014-format-patch.sh
lisa 14.1 27.0 1,733 functions
lisa 14.4 27.4 2,029 configure-helper.sh
lisa 16.4 29.2 2,512 abuild
lisa 15.2 28.0 2,698 Build.sh
lisa 11.2 24.2 3,123 t9300-fast-import.sh
lisa 27.4 40.3 5,160 test-cmd-util.sh
lisa 27.9 40.7 9,661 ltmain.sh
lisa 50.6 63.4 20,489 configure
lisa 122.6 135.5 69,779 configure-coreutils

Shell and Host Details

shell label shell id
bash bash-d685a43c
dash dash-2887d9e6
mksh mksh-ae7d165b
zsh zsh-ca7b4198
osh-cpython osh-225f8c31
osh-ovm osh-032735cb
host label host id
flanders flanders-3492acc1
lisa lisa-b43270f9

Raw Data


Parse Time Breakdown by File

Elasped Time in milliseconds

host label bash dash mksh zsh osh-ovm osh-cpython osh to bash ratio num lines filename
flanders 12 4 6 160 264 176 22.2 1,679 t4014-format-patch.sh
flanders 17 5 11 44 909 520 53.8 1,733 functions
flanders 17 NA NA 78 952 555 57.0 2,029 configure-helper.sh
flanders 16 6 13 63 1,252 883 77.3 2,512 abuild
flanders 19 4 10 148 871 633 45.6 2,698 Build.sh
flanders 17 4 7 194 266 220 15.6 3,123 t9300-fast-import.sh
flanders 41 NA NA 208 2,604 1,858 64.1 5,160 test-cmd-util.sh
flanders 48 15 30 236 2,721 2,710 56.9 9,661 ltmain.sh
flanders 82 18 53 583 7,318 5,381 88.7 20,489 configure
flanders 203 38 126 1,949 17,712 17,084 87.2 69,779 configure-coreutils
lisa 3 2 2 50 72 79 21.3 1,679 t4014-format-patch.sh
lisa 5 2 4 14 244 228 49.8 1,733 functions
lisa 6 NA NA 27 248 235 40.6 2,029 configure-helper.sh
lisa 6 2 5 22 392 357 65.4 2,512 abuild
lisa 7 2 3 44 259 261 36.0 2,698 Build.sh
lisa 5 2 2 59 86 87 17.2 3,123 t9300-fast-import.sh
lisa 19 NA NA 69 823 718 42.4 5,160 test-cmd-util.sh
lisa 18 4 12 80 961 852 53.1 9,661 ltmain.sh
lisa 38 8 26 196 2,096 1,870 55.5 20,489 configure
lisa 88 21 62 642 5,906 5,300 67.0 69,779 configure-coreutils

Parsing Rate in lines/millisecond

host label bash dash mksh zsh osh-ovm osh-cpython num lines filename
flanders 141.1 453.8 289.5 10.5 6.4 9.5 1,679 t4014-format-patch.sh
flanders 102.5 339.8 157.5 39.4 1.9 3.3 1,733 functions
flanders 121.5 NA NA 25.9 2.1 3.7 2,029 configure-helper.sh
flanders 155.1 405.2 193.2 39.9 2.0 2.8 2,512 abuild
flanders 141.3 642.4 272.5 18.2 3.1 4.3 2,698 Build.sh
flanders 183.7 726.3 459.3 16.1 11.8 14.2 3,123 t9300-fast-import.sh
flanders 127.1 NA NA 24.8 2.0 2.8 5,160 test-cmd-util.sh
flanders 202.1 639.8 316.8 41.0 3.6 3.6 9,661 ltmain.sh
flanders 248.4 1,151.1 385.9 35.1 2.8 3.8 20,489 configure
flanders 343.4 1,826.7 553.8 35.8 3.9 4.1 69,779 configure-coreutils
lisa 493.8 932.8 730.0 33.4 23.2 21.3 1,679 t4014-format-patch.sh
lisa 353.7 962.8 481.4 126.5 7.1 7.6 1,733 functions
lisa 332.6 NA NA 75.1 8.2 8.6 2,029 configure-helper.sh
lisa 418.7 1,141.8 492.5 115.8 6.4 7.0 2,512 abuild
lisa 374.7 1,284.8 793.5 60.8 10.4 10.3 2,698 Build.sh
lisa 624.6 1,951.9 1,357.8 53.3 36.3 35.9 3,123 t9300-fast-import.sh
lisa 266.0 NA NA 74.7 6.3 7.2 5,160 test-cmd-util.sh
lisa 533.8 2,246.7 832.8 120.6 10.1 11.3 9,661 ltmain.sh
lisa 542.0 2,498.7 773.2 104.4 9.8 11.0 20,489 configure
lisa 792.0 3,260.7 1,127.3 108.7 11.8 13.2 69,779 configure-coreutils