#!/bin/bash # validint--Validates integer input, allowing negative ints too. validint() { # Validate first field and test that value against min value $2 and/or # max value $3 if they are supplied: If the value isn't within range or # it's not composed of just digits, fail. number="$1"; min="$2"; max="$3" if [ -z $number ] ; then echo "You didn't enter anything. Please enter a number." >&2 ; return 1 fi # Is the first character a '-' sign? if [ "${number%${number#?}}" = "-" ] ; then testvalue="${number#?}" # Grab all but the first character to test. else testvalue="$number" fi # Create a version of the number that has no digits, for testing. nodigits="$(echo $testvalue | sed 's/[[:digit:]]//g')" # Check for non-digit characters. if [ ! -z $nodigits ] ; then echo "Invalid number format! Only digits, no commas, spaces, etc" >&2 return 1 fi if [ ! -z $min ] ; then # Is the input less than the minimum value? if [ "$number" -lt "$min" ] ; then echo "$number is too small: smallest acceptable value is $min" >&2 return 1 fi fi if [ ! -z $max ] ; then # Is the input greater than the maximum value? if [ "$number" -gt "$max" ] ; then echo "Your value is too big: largest acceptable value is $max" >&2 return 1 fi fi return 0 } # Input validation #if validint "$1" "$2" "$3" ; then # echo "That input is a valid integer value within your constraints" #fi