#!/bin/bash # This should not be considered a good idea in any measure... # Also script assumes root privs hash -r set -e setglobal port = '8443' # what if already occupied? if [[ $1 != "" ]] { setglobal target = $1 } else { setglobal target = 'supermarket.chef.io' } if [[ $2 != "" ]] { setglobal cafile = $2 } else { setglobal cafile = '/opt/chef/embedded/ssl/cert.pem' } echo "Copying SSL certificate for $target into store $cafile" if [[ -f ./proxy_setup.sh ]] { source ./proxy_setup.sh } apt-get install proxytunnel proxytunnel -p $(https_proxy##*://) -d $target:443 -a $(port) & setglobal pid = $BgPid trap 'kill ${pid}' HUP EXIT INT sleep 1 #TODO: check for some sort of failure? cp -H $(cafile) "$(cafile).old" echo | openssl s_client -connect$port -showcerts | sed -n '/-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----/,/-----END CERTIFICATE-----/p' >> $(cafile)