#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Common utilities, variables and checks for all build scripts. set -o errexit set -o nounset set -o pipefail setglobal USER_ID = $[id -u] setglobal GROUP_ID = $[id -g] setglobal DOCKER_OPTS = $(DOCKER_OPTS:-"") setglobal DOCKER = ''(docker ${DOCKER_OPTS}) setglobal DOCKER_HOST = $(DOCKER_HOST:-"") setglobal DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME = $(DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME:-"kube-dev") readonly DOCKER_MACHINE_DRIVER=$(DOCKER_MACHINE_DRIVER:-"virtualbox --virtualbox-cpu-count -1") # This will canonicalize the path setglobal KUBE_ROOT = $[cd $[dirname $(BASH_SOURCE)]/.. && pwd -P] source "$(KUBE_ROOT)/hack/lib/init.sh" # Constants readonly KUBE_BUILD_IMAGE_REPO=kube-build readonly KUBE_BUILD_IMAGE_CROSS_TAG="$[cat $(KUBE_ROOT)/build/build-image/cross/VERSION]" # This version number is used to cause everyone to rebuild their data containers # and build image. This is especially useful for automated build systems like # Jenkins. # # Increment/change this number if you change the build image (anything under # build/build-image) or change the set of volumes in the data container. readonly KUBE_BUILD_IMAGE_VERSION_BASE="$[cat $(KUBE_ROOT)/build/build-image/VERSION]" readonly KUBE_BUILD_IMAGE_VERSION="$(KUBE_BUILD_IMAGE_VERSION_BASE)-$(KUBE_BUILD_IMAGE_CROSS_TAG)" # Here we map the output directories across both the local and remote _output # directories: # # *_OUTPUT_ROOT - the base of all output in that environment. # *_OUTPUT_SUBPATH - location where golang stuff is built/cached. Also # persisted across docker runs with a volume mount. # *_OUTPUT_BINPATH - location where final binaries are placed. If the remote # is really remote, this is the stuff that has to be copied # back. # OUT_DIR can come in from the Makefile, so honor it. readonly LOCAL_OUTPUT_ROOT="$(KUBE_ROOT)/$(OUT_DIR:-_output)" readonly LOCAL_OUTPUT_SUBPATH="$(LOCAL_OUTPUT_ROOT)/dockerized" readonly LOCAL_OUTPUT_BINPATH="$(LOCAL_OUTPUT_SUBPATH)/bin" readonly LOCAL_OUTPUT_GOPATH="$(LOCAL_OUTPUT_SUBPATH)/go" readonly LOCAL_OUTPUT_IMAGE_STAGING="$(LOCAL_OUTPUT_ROOT)/images" # This is a symlink to binaries for "this platform" (e.g. build tools). readonly THIS_PLATFORM_BIN="$(LOCAL_OUTPUT_ROOT)/bin" readonly REMOTE_ROOT="/go/src/$(KUBE_GO_PACKAGE)" readonly REMOTE_OUTPUT_ROOT="$(REMOTE_ROOT)/_output" readonly REMOTE_OUTPUT_SUBPATH="$(REMOTE_OUTPUT_ROOT)/dockerized" readonly REMOTE_OUTPUT_BINPATH="$(REMOTE_OUTPUT_SUBPATH)/bin" readonly REMOTE_OUTPUT_GOPATH="$(REMOTE_OUTPUT_SUBPATH)/go" # This is the port on the workstation host to expose RSYNC on. Set this if you # are doing something fancy with ssh tunneling. readonly KUBE_RSYNC_PORT="$(KUBE_RSYNC_PORT:-)" # This is the port that rsync is running on *inside* the container. This may be # mapped to KUBE_RSYNC_PORT via docker networking. readonly KUBE_CONTAINER_RSYNC_PORT=8730 # Get the set of master binaries that run in Docker (on Linux) # Entry format is ",". # Binaries are placed in /usr/local/bin inside the image. # # $1 - server architecture proc kube::build::get_docker_wrapped_binaries { setglobal debian_iptables_version = 'v8' ### If you change any of these lists, please also update DOCKERIZED_BINARIES ### in build/BUILD. match $1 { with "amd64" local targets=( cloud-controller-manager,busybox kube-apiserver,busybox kube-controller-manager,busybox kube-scheduler,busybox kube-aggregator,busybox kube-proxy,gcr.io/google-containers/debian-iptables-amd64:${debian_iptables_version} ) with "arm" local targets=( cloud-controller-manager,arm32v7/busybox kube-apiserver,arm32v7/busybox kube-controller-manager,arm32v7/busybox kube-scheduler,arm32v7/busybox kube-aggregator,arm32v7/busybox kube-proxy,gcr.io/google-containers/debian-iptables-arm:${debian_iptables_version} ) with "arm64" local targets=( cloud-controller-manager,arm64v8/busybox kube-apiserver,arm64v8/busybox kube-controller-manager,arm64v8/busybox kube-scheduler,arm64v8/busybox kube-aggregator,arm64v8/busybox kube-proxy,gcr.io/google-containers/debian-iptables-arm64:${debian_iptables_version} ) with "ppc64le" local targets=( cloud-controller-manager,ppc64le/busybox kube-apiserver,ppc64le/busybox kube-controller-manager,ppc64le/busybox kube-scheduler,ppc64le/busybox kube-aggregator,ppc64le/busybox kube-proxy,gcr.io/google-containers/debian-iptables-ppc64le:${debian_iptables_version} ) with "s390x" local targets=( cloud-controller-manager,s390x/busybox kube-apiserver,s390x/busybox kube-controller-manager,s390x/busybox kube-scheduler,s390x/busybox kube-aggregator,s390x/busybox kube-proxy,gcr.io/google-containers/debian-iptables-s390x:${debian_iptables_version} ) } echo $(targets[@]) } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Basic setup functions # Verify that the right utilities and such are installed for building Kube. Set # up some dynamic constants. # Args: # $1 - boolean of whether to require functioning docker (default true) # # Vars set: # KUBE_ROOT_HASH # KUBE_BUILD_IMAGE_TAG_BASE # KUBE_BUILD_IMAGE_TAG # KUBE_BUILD_IMAGE # KUBE_BUILD_CONTAINER_NAME_BASE # KUBE_BUILD_CONTAINER_NAME # KUBE_DATA_CONTAINER_NAME_BASE # KUBE_DATA_CONTAINER_NAME # KUBE_RSYNC_CONTAINER_NAME_BASE # KUBE_RSYNC_CONTAINER_NAME # DOCKER_MOUNT_ARGS # LOCAL_OUTPUT_BUILD_CONTEXT proc kube::build::verify_prereqs { local -r require_docker=$(1:-true) kube::log::status "Verifying Prerequisites...." kube::build::ensure_tar || return 1 kube::build::ensure_rsync || return 1 if $(require_docker) { kube::build::ensure_docker_in_path || return 1 if kube::build::is_osx { kube::build::docker_available_on_osx || return 1 } kube::util::ensure_docker_daemon_connectivity || return 1 if sh-expr ' ${KUBE_VERBOSE} > 6 ' { kube::log::status "Docker Version:" $(DOCKER[@]) version | kube::log::info_from_stdin } } setglobal KUBE_GIT_BRANCH = $[git symbolic-ref --short -q HEAD !2 >/dev/null || true] setglobal KUBE_ROOT_HASH = $[kube::build::short_hash "$(HOSTNAME:-):$(KUBE_ROOT):$(KUBE_GIT_BRANCH)] setglobal KUBE_BUILD_IMAGE_TAG_BASE = ""build-$(KUBE_ROOT_HASH)"" setglobal KUBE_BUILD_IMAGE_TAG = ""$(KUBE_BUILD_IMAGE_TAG_BASE)-$(KUBE_BUILD_IMAGE_VERSION)"" setglobal KUBE_BUILD_IMAGE = ""$(KUBE_BUILD_IMAGE_REPO):$(KUBE_BUILD_IMAGE_TAG)"" setglobal KUBE_BUILD_CONTAINER_NAME_BASE = ""kube-build-$(KUBE_ROOT_HASH)"" setglobal KUBE_BUILD_CONTAINER_NAME = ""$(KUBE_BUILD_CONTAINER_NAME_BASE)-$(KUBE_BUILD_IMAGE_VERSION)"" setglobal KUBE_RSYNC_CONTAINER_NAME_BASE = ""kube-rsync-$(KUBE_ROOT_HASH)"" setglobal KUBE_RSYNC_CONTAINER_NAME = ""$(KUBE_RSYNC_CONTAINER_NAME_BASE)-$(KUBE_BUILD_IMAGE_VERSION)"" setglobal KUBE_DATA_CONTAINER_NAME_BASE = ""kube-build-data-$(KUBE_ROOT_HASH)"" setglobal KUBE_DATA_CONTAINER_NAME = ""$(KUBE_DATA_CONTAINER_NAME_BASE)-$(KUBE_BUILD_IMAGE_VERSION)"" setglobal DOCKER_MOUNT_ARGS = ''(--volumes-from "${KUBE_DATA_CONTAINER_NAME}") setglobal LOCAL_OUTPUT_BUILD_CONTEXT = ""$(LOCAL_OUTPUT_IMAGE_STAGING)/$(KUBE_BUILD_IMAGE)"" kube::version::get_version_vars kube::version::save_version_vars "$(KUBE_ROOT)/.dockerized-kube-version-defs" } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Utility functions proc kube::build::docker_available_on_osx { if [[ -z "${DOCKER_HOST}" ]] { if [[ -S "/var/run/docker.sock" ]] { kube::log::status "Using Docker for MacOS" return 0 } kube::log::status "No docker host is set. Checking options for setting one..." if [[ -z "$(which docker-machine)" ]] { kube::log::status "It looks like you're running Mac OS X, yet neither Docker for Mac nor docker-machine can be found." kube::log::status "See: https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/mac/ for installation instructions." return 1 } elif [[ -n "$(which docker-machine)" ]] { kube::build::prepare_docker_machine } } } proc kube::build::prepare_docker_machine { kube::log::status "docker-machine was found." local available_memory_bytes=$[sysctl -n hw.memsize !2 >/dev/null] local bytes_in_mb=1048576 # Give virtualbox 1/2 the system memory. Its necessary to divide by 2, instead # of multiple by .5, because bash can only multiply by ints. local memory_divisor=2 local virtualbox_memory_mb=$shExpr(' ${available_memory_bytes} / (${bytes_in_mb} * ${memory_divisor}) ') docker-machine inspect $(DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME) &> /dev/null || do { kube::log::status "Creating a machine to build Kubernetes" docker-machine create --driver $(DOCKER_MACHINE_DRIVER) \ --virtualbox-memory $(virtualbox_memory_mb) \ --engine-env HTTP_PROXY="$(KUBERNETES_HTTP_PROXY:-)" \ --engine-env HTTPS_PROXY="$(KUBERNETES_HTTPS_PROXY:-)" \ --engine-env NO_PROXY="$(KUBERNETES_NO_PROXY:-" \ $(DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME) > /dev/null || do { kube::log::error "Something went wrong creating a machine." kube::log::error "Try the following: " kube::log::error "docker-machine create -d $(DOCKER_MACHINE_DRIVER) --virtualbox-memory $(virtualbox_memory_mb) $(DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME)" return 1 } } docker-machine start $(DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME) &> /dev/null # it takes `docker-machine env` a few seconds to work if the machine was just started local docker_machine_out while ! setglobal docker_machine_out = $[docker-machine env $(DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME) !2 > !1] { if [[ ${docker_machine_out} =~ "Error checking TLS connection" ]] { echo $(docker_machine_out) docker-machine regenerate-certs $(DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME) } else { sleep 1 } } eval $[docker-machine env $(DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME)] kube::log::status "A Docker host using docker-machine named '$(DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME)' is ready to go!" return 0 } proc kube::build::is_osx { [[ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]] } proc kube::build::is_gnu_sed { [[ $(sed --version 2>&1) == *GNU* ]] } proc kube::build::ensure_rsync { if [[ -z "$(which rsync)" ]] { kube::log::error "Can't find 'rsync' in PATH, please fix and retry." return 1 } } proc kube::build::update_dockerfile { if kube::build::is_gnu_sed { setglobal sed_opts = ''(-i) } else { setglobal sed_opts = ''(-i '') } sed $(sed_opts[@]) "s/KUBE_BUILD_IMAGE_CROSS_TAG/$(KUBE_BUILD_IMAGE_CROSS_TAG)/" "$(LOCAL_OUTPUT_BUILD_CONTEXT)/Dockerfile" } proc kube::build::set_proxy { if [[ -n "${KUBERNETES_HTTPS_PROXY:-}" ]] { echo "ENV https_proxy $KUBERNETES_HTTPS_PROXY" >> "$(LOCAL_OUTPUT_BUILD_CONTEXT)/Dockerfile" } if [[ -n "${KUBERNETES_HTTP_PROXY:-}" ]] { echo "ENV http_proxy $KUBERNETES_HTTP_PROXY" >> "$(LOCAL_OUTPUT_BUILD_CONTEXT)/Dockerfile" } if [[ -n "${KUBERNETES_NO_PROXY:-}" ]] { echo "ENV no_proxy $KUBERNETES_NO_PROXY" >> "$(LOCAL_OUTPUT_BUILD_CONTEXT)/Dockerfile" } } proc kube::build::ensure_docker_in_path { if [[ -z "$(which docker)" ]] { kube::log::error "Can't find 'docker' in PATH, please fix and retry." kube::log::error "See https://docs.docker.com/installation/#installation for installation instructions." return 1 } } proc kube::build::ensure_tar { if [[ -n "${TAR:-}" ]] { return } # Find gnu tar if it is available, bomb out if not. setglobal TAR = 'tar' if which gtar &>/dev/null { setglobal TAR = 'gtar' } else { if which gnutar &>/dev/null { setglobal TAR = 'gnutar' } } if ! $(TAR) --version | grep -q GNU { echo " !!! Cannot find GNU tar. Build on Linux or install GNU tar" echo " on Mac OS X (brew install gnu-tar)." return 1 } } proc kube::build::has_docker { which docker &> /dev/null } proc kube::build::has_ip { ip -Version | grep 'iproute2' &> /dev/null } # Detect if a specific image exists # # $1 - image repo name # #2 - image tag proc kube::build::docker_image_exists { [[ -n $1 && -n $2 ]] || do { kube::log::error "Internal error. Image not specified in docker_image_exists." exit 2 } [[ $("${DOCKER[@]}" images -q "${1}:${2}") ]] } # Delete all images that match a tag prefix except for the "current" version # # $1: The image repo/name # $2: The tag base. We consider any image that matches $2* # $3: The current image not to delete if provided proc kube::build::docker_delete_old_images { # In Docker 1.12, we can replace this with # docker images "$1" --format "{{.Tag}}" for tag in [$[$(DOCKER[@]) images $(1) | tail -n +2 | awk '{print $2}]] { if [[ "${tag}" != "${2}"* ]] { env V=3 kube::log::status "Keeping image $(1):$(tag)" continue } if [[ -z "${3:-}" || "${tag}" != "${3}" ]] { env V=2 kube::log::status "Deleting image $(1):$(tag)" $(DOCKER[@]) rmi "$(1):$(tag)" >/dev/null } else { env V=3 kube::log::status "Keeping image $(1):$(tag)" } } } # Stop and delete all containers that match a pattern # # $1: The base container prefix # $2: The current container to keep, if provided proc kube::build::docker_delete_old_containers { # In Docker 1.12 we can replace this line with # docker ps -a --format="{{.Names}}" for container in [$[$(DOCKER[@]) ps -a | tail -n +2 | awk '{print $NF}]] { if [[ "${container}" != "${1}"* ]] { env V=3 kube::log::status "Keeping container $(container)" continue } if [[ -z "${2:-}" || "${container}" != "${2}" ]] { env V=2 kube::log::status "Deleting container $(container)" kube::build::destroy_container $(container) } else { env V=3 kube::log::status "Keeping container $(container)" } } } # Takes $1 and computes a short has for it. Useful for unique tag generation proc kube::build::short_hash { [[ $# -eq 1 ]] || do { kube::log::error "Internal error. No data based to short_hash." exit 2 } local short_hash if which md5 >/dev/null !2 > !1 { setglobal short_hash = $[md5 -q -s $1] } else { setglobal short_hash = $[echo -n $1 | md5sum] } echo $(short_hash:0:10) } # Pedantically kill, wait-on and remove a container. The -f -v options # to rm don't actually seem to get the job done, so force kill the # container, wait to ensure it's stopped, then try the remove. This is # a workaround for bug https://github.com/docker/docker/issues/3968. proc kube::build::destroy_container { $(DOCKER[@]) kill $1 >/dev/null !2 > !1 || true if [[ $("${DOCKER[@]}" version --format '{{.Server.Version}}') = 17.06.0* ]] { # Workaround https://github.com/moby/moby/issues/33948. # TODO: remove when 17.06.0 is not relevant anymore env DOCKER_API_VERSION=v1.29 $(DOCKER[@]) wait $1 >/dev/null !2 > !1 || true } else { $(DOCKER[@]) wait $1 >/dev/null !2 > !1 || true } $(DOCKER[@]) rm -f -v $1 >/dev/null !2 > !1 || true } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Building proc kube::build::clean { if kube::build::has_docker { kube::build::docker_delete_old_containers $(KUBE_BUILD_CONTAINER_NAME_BASE) kube::build::docker_delete_old_containers $(KUBE_RSYNC_CONTAINER_NAME_BASE) kube::build::docker_delete_old_containers $(KUBE_DATA_CONTAINER_NAME_BASE) kube::build::docker_delete_old_images $(KUBE_BUILD_IMAGE_REPO) $(KUBE_BUILD_IMAGE_TAG_BASE) env V=2 kube::log::status "Cleaning all untagged docker images" $(DOCKER[@]) rmi $[$(DOCKER[@]) images -q --filter 'dangling=true] !2 > /dev/null || true } if [[ -d "${LOCAL_OUTPUT_ROOT}" ]] { kube::log::status "Removing _output directory" rm -rf $(LOCAL_OUTPUT_ROOT) } } # Set up the context directory for the kube-build image and build it. proc kube::build::build_image { mkdir -p $(LOCAL_OUTPUT_BUILD_CONTEXT) # Make sure the context directory owned by the right user for syncing sources to container. chown -R $(USER_ID):$(GROUP_ID) $(LOCAL_OUTPUT_BUILD_CONTEXT) cp /etc/localtime "$(LOCAL_OUTPUT_BUILD_CONTEXT)/" cp build/build-image/Dockerfile "$(LOCAL_OUTPUT_BUILD_CONTEXT)/Dockerfile" cp build/build-image/rsyncd.sh "$(LOCAL_OUTPUT_BUILD_CONTEXT)/" dd if=/dev/urandom bs=512 count=1 !2 >/dev/null | env LC_ALL=C tr -dc 'A-Za-z0-9' | dd bs=32 count=1 !2 >/dev/null > "$(LOCAL_OUTPUT_BUILD_CONTEXT)/rsyncd.password" chmod go= "$(LOCAL_OUTPUT_BUILD_CONTEXT)/rsyncd.password" kube::build::update_dockerfile kube::build::set_proxy kube::build::docker_build $(KUBE_BUILD_IMAGE) $(LOCAL_OUTPUT_BUILD_CONTEXT) 'false' # Clean up old versions of everything kube::build::docker_delete_old_containers $(KUBE_BUILD_CONTAINER_NAME_BASE) $(KUBE_BUILD_CONTAINER_NAME) kube::build::docker_delete_old_containers $(KUBE_RSYNC_CONTAINER_NAME_BASE) $(KUBE_RSYNC_CONTAINER_NAME) kube::build::docker_delete_old_containers $(KUBE_DATA_CONTAINER_NAME_BASE) $(KUBE_DATA_CONTAINER_NAME) kube::build::docker_delete_old_images $(KUBE_BUILD_IMAGE_REPO) $(KUBE_BUILD_IMAGE_TAG_BASE) $(KUBE_BUILD_IMAGE_TAG) kube::build::ensure_data_container kube::build::sync_to_container } # Build a docker image from a Dockerfile. # $1 is the name of the image to build # $2 is the location of the "context" directory, with the Dockerfile at the root. # $3 is the value to set the --pull flag for docker build; true by default proc kube::build::docker_build { local -r image=$1 local -r context_dir=$2 local -r pull="$(3:-true)" local -ra build_cmd=("${DOCKER[@]}" build -t "${image}" "--pull=${pull}" "${context_dir}") kube::log::status "Building Docker image $(image)" local docker_output setglobal docker_output = $[$(build_cmd[@]) !2 > !1] || do { cat << """ >&2 +++ Docker build command failed for $(image) $(docker_output) To retry manually, run: $(build_cmd[*]) """ > !2 +++ Docker build command failed for ${image} ${docker_output} To retry manually, run: ${build_cmd[*]} EOF return 1 } } proc kube::build::ensure_data_container { # If the data container exists AND exited successfully, we can use it. # Otherwise nuke it and start over. local ret=0 local code=$[docker inspect \ -f '{{.State.ExitCode}}' \ $(KUBE_DATA_CONTAINER_NAME) !2 >/dev/null || setglobal ret = $Status] if [[ "${ret}" == 0 && "${code}" != 0 ]] { kube::build::destroy_container $(KUBE_DATA_CONTAINER_NAME) setglobal ret = '1' } if [[ "${ret}" != 0 ]] { kube::log::status "Creating data container $(KUBE_DATA_CONTAINER_NAME)" # We have to ensure the directory exists, or else the docker run will # create it as root. mkdir -p $(LOCAL_OUTPUT_GOPATH) # We want this to run as root to be able to chown, so non-root users can # later use the result as a data container. This run both creates the data # container and chowns the GOPATH. # # The data container creates volumes for all of the directories that store # intermediates for the Go build. This enables incremental builds across # Docker sessions. The *_cgo paths are re-compiled versions of the go std # libraries for true static building. local -ra docker_cmd=( "${DOCKER[@]}" run --volume "${REMOTE_ROOT}" # white-out the whole output dir --volume /usr/local/go/pkg/linux_386_cgo --volume /usr/local/go/pkg/linux_amd64_cgo --volume /usr/local/go/pkg/linux_arm_cgo --volume /usr/local/go/pkg/linux_arm64_cgo --volume /usr/local/go/pkg/linux_ppc64le_cgo --volume /usr/local/go/pkg/darwin_amd64_cgo --volume /usr/local/go/pkg/darwin_386_cgo --volume /usr/local/go/pkg/windows_amd64_cgo --volume /usr/local/go/pkg/windows_386_cgo --name "${KUBE_DATA_CONTAINER_NAME}" --hostname "${HOSTNAME}" "${KUBE_BUILD_IMAGE}" chown -R ${USER_ID}:${GROUP_ID} "${REMOTE_ROOT}" /usr/local/go/pkg/ ) $(docker_cmd[@]) } } # Run a command in the kube-build image. This assumes that the image has # already been built. proc kube::build::run_build_command { kube::log::status "Running build command..." kube::build::run_build_command_ex $(KUBE_BUILD_CONTAINER_NAME) -- @Argv } # Run a command in the kube-build image. This assumes that the image has # already been built. # # Arguments are in the form of # -- proc kube::build::run_build_command_ex { [[ $# != 0 ]] || do { echo "Invalid input - please specify a container name." > !2; return 4; } local container_name="$(1)" shift local -a docker_run_opts=( "--name=${container_name}" "--user=$(id -u):$(id -g)" "--hostname=${HOSTNAME}" "${DOCKER_MOUNT_ARGS[@]}" ) local detach=false [[ $# != 0 ]] || do { echo "Invalid input - please specify docker arguments followed by --." > !2; return 4; } # Everything before "--" is an arg to docker while not test -z $(1-) { if [[ "$1" == "--" ]] { shift break } setglobal docker_run_opts = ''("$1") if [[ "$1" == "-d" || "$1" == "--detach" ]] { setglobal detach = 'true' } shift } # Everything after "--" is the command to run [[ $# != 0 ]] || do { echo "Invalid input - please specify a command to run." > !2; return 4; } local -a cmd=() while not test -z $(1-) { setglobal cmd = ''("$1") shift } setglobal docker_run_opts = ''( --env "KUBE_FASTBUILD=${KUBE_FASTBUILD:-false}" --env "KUBE_BUILDER_OS=${OSTYPE:-notdetected}" --env "KUBE_VERBOSE=${KUBE_VERBOSE}" --env "GOFLAGS=${GOFLAGS:-}" --env "GOLDFLAGS=${GOLDFLAGS:-}" --env "GOGCFLAGS=${GOGCFLAGS:-}" ) # If we have stdin we can run interactive. This allows things like 'shell.sh' # to work. However, if we run this way and don't have stdin, then it ends up # running in a daemon-ish mode. So if we don't have a stdin, we explicitly # attach stderr/stdout but don't bother asking for a tty. if [[ -t 0 ]] { setglobal docker_run_opts = ''(--interactive --tty) } elif [[ "${detach}" == false ]] { setglobal docker_run_opts = ''(--attach=stdout --attach=stderr) } local -ra docker_cmd=( "${DOCKER[@]}" run "${docker_run_opts[@]}" "${KUBE_BUILD_IMAGE}") # Clean up container from any previous run kube::build::destroy_container $(container_name) $(docker_cmd[@]) $(cmd[@]) if [[ "${detach}" == false ]] { kube::build::destroy_container $(container_name) } } proc kube::build::rsync_probe::build::rsync_probe { # Wait unil rsync is up and running. local tries=20 while sh-expr ' ${tries} > 0 ' { if rsync "rsync://k8s@$(1):$(2)/" \ --password-file="$(LOCAL_OUTPUT_BUILD_CONTEXT)/rsyncd.password" \ &> /dev/null { return 0 } setglobal tries = $shExpr(' ${tries} - 1') sleep 0.1 } return 1 } # Start up the rsync container in the background. This should be explicitly # stopped with kube::build::stop_rsyncd_container. # # This will set the global var KUBE_RSYNC_ADDR to the effective port that the # rsync daemon can be reached out. proc kube::build::start_rsyncd_container { setglobal IPTOOL = 'ifconfig' if kube::build::has_ip { setglobal IPTOOL = '"ip address'" } kube::build::stop_rsyncd_container env V=3 kube::log::status "Starting rsyncd container" kube::build::run_build_command_ex \ $(KUBE_RSYNC_CONTAINER_NAME) -p$(KUBE_RSYNC_PORT):$(KUBE_CONTAINER_RSYNC_PORT) -d \ -e ALLOW_HOST="$[$(IPTOOL) | grep -Eo 'inet (addr:)?([0-9]*\.){3}[0-9]*' | grep -Eo '([0-9]*\.){3}[0-9]*' | grep -v ']" \ -- /rsyncd.sh >/dev/null local mapped_port if ! setglobal mapped_port = $[$(DOCKER[@]) port $(KUBE_RSYNC_CONTAINER_NAME) $(KUBE_CONTAINER_RSYNC_PORT) !2 > /dev/null | cut -d: -f 2] { kube::log::error "Could not get effective rsync port" return 1 } local container_ip setglobal container_ip = $[$(DOCKER[@]) inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' $(KUBE_RSYNC_CONTAINER_NAME)] # Sometimes we can reach rsync through localhost and a NAT'd port. Other # times (when we are running in another docker container on the Jenkins # machines) we have to talk directly to the container IP. There is no one # strategy that works in all cases so we test to figure out which situation we # are in. if kube::build::rsync_probe $(mapped_port) { setglobal KUBE_RSYNC_ADDR = ""$(mapped_port)"" return 0 } elif kube::build::rsync_probe $(container_ip) $(KUBE_CONTAINER_RSYNC_PORT) { setglobal KUBE_RSYNC_ADDR = ""$(container_ip):$(KUBE_CONTAINER_RSYNC_PORT)"" return 0 } kube::log::error "Could not connect to rsync container. See build/README.md for setting up remote Docker engine." return 1 } proc kube::build::stop_rsyncd_container { env V=3 kube::log::status "Stopping any currently running rsyncd container" unset KUBE_RSYNC_ADDR kube::build::destroy_container $(KUBE_RSYNC_CONTAINER_NAME) } proc kube::build::rsync::build::rsync { local -a rsync_opts=( --archive --password-file="${LOCAL_OUTPUT_BUILD_CONTEXT}/rsyncd.password" ) if sh-expr ' ${KUBE_VERBOSE} >= 6 ' { setglobal rsync_opts = ''("-iv") } if sh-expr ' ${KUBE_RSYNC_COMPRESS} > 0 ' { setglobal rsync_opts = ''("--compress-level=${KUBE_RSYNC_COMPRESS}") } env V=3 kube::log::status "Running rsync" rsync $(rsync_opts[@]) @Argv } # This will launch rsyncd in a container and then sync the source tree to the # container over the local network. proc kube::build::sync_to_container { kube::log::status "Syncing sources to container" kube::build::start_rsyncd_container # rsync filters are a bit confusing. Here we are syncing everything except # output only directories and things that are not necessary like the git # directory and generated files. The '- /' filter prevents rsync # from trying to set the uid/gid/perms on the root of the sync tree. # As an exception, we need to sync generated files in staging/, because # they will not be re-generated by 'make'. Note that the 'H' filtered files # are hidden from rsync so they will be deleted in the target container if # they exist. This will allow them to be re-created in the container if # necessary. kube::build::rsync \ --delete \ --filter='H /.git/' \ --filter='- /.make/' \ --filter='- /_tmp/' \ --filter='- /_output/' \ --filter='- /' \ --filter='H zz_generated.*' \ --filter='H generated.proto' \ "$(KUBE_ROOT)/" "rsync://k8s@$(KUBE_RSYNC_ADDR)/k8s/" kube::build::stop_rsyncd_container } # Copy all build results back out. proc kube::build::copy_output { kube::log::status "Syncing out of container" kube::build::start_rsyncd_container local rsync_extra="" if sh-expr ' ${KUBE_VERBOSE} >= 6 ' { setglobal rsync_extra = '"-iv'" } # The filter syntax for rsync is a little obscure. It filters on files and # directories. If you don't go in to a directory you won't find any files # there. Rules are evaluated in order. The last two rules are a little # magic. '+ */' says to go in to every directory and '- /**' says to ignore # any file or directory that isn't already specifically allowed. # # We are looking to copy out all of the built binaries along with various # generated files. kube::build::rsync \ --prune-empty-dirs \ --filter='- /_temp/' \ --filter='+ /vendor/' \ --filter='+ /Godeps/' \ --filter='+ /staging/***/Godeps/**' \ --filter='+ /_output/dockerized/bin/**' \ --filter='+ zz_generated.*' \ --filter='+ generated.proto' \ --filter='+ *.pb.go' \ --filter='+ types.go' \ --filter='+ */' \ --filter='- /**' \ "rsync://k8s@$(KUBE_RSYNC_ADDR)/k8s/" $(KUBE_ROOT) kube::build::stop_rsyncd_container }