#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # TODO(jbeda): Provide a way to override project # gcloud multiplexing for shared GCE/GKE tests. setglobal KUBE_ROOT = "$[dirname $(BASH_SOURCE)]/../.." source "$(KUBE_ROOT)/cluster/gce/config-common.sh" # Specifying KUBE_GCE_API_ENDPOINT will override the default GCE Compute API endpoint (https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/). # This endpoint has to be pointing to v1 api. For example, https://www.googleapis.com/compute/staging_v1/ setglobal GCE_API_ENDPOINT = $(KUBE_GCE_API_ENDPOINT:-) setglobal GCLOUD = 'gcloud' setglobal ZONE = $(KUBE_GCE_ZONE:-us-central1-b) setglobal REGION = $(ZONE%-*) setglobal RELEASE_REGION_FALLBACK = $(RELEASE_REGION_FALLBACK:-false) setglobal REGIONAL_KUBE_ADDONS = $(REGIONAL_KUBE_ADDONS:-true) setglobal NODE_SIZE = $(NODE_SIZE:-n1-standard-2) setglobal NUM_NODES = $(NUM_NODES:-3) setglobal MASTER_SIZE = $(MASTER_SIZE:-n1-standard-$(get-master-size)) setglobal MASTER_DISK_TYPE = 'pd-ssd' setglobal MASTER_DISK_SIZE = $(MASTER_DISK_SIZE:-$(get-master-disk-size)) setglobal MASTER_ROOT_DISK_SIZE = $(MASTER_ROOT_DISK_SIZE:-$(get-master-root-disk-size)) setglobal NODE_DISK_TYPE = $(NODE_DISK_TYPE:-pd-standard) setglobal NODE_DISK_SIZE = $(NODE_DISK_SIZE:-100GB) setglobal NODE_LOCAL_SSDS = $(NODE_LOCAL_SSDS:-0) setglobal NODE_ACCELERATORS = $(NODE_ACCELERATORS:-"") setglobal REGISTER_MASTER_KUBELET = $(REGISTER_MASTER:-true) setglobal KUBE_APISERVER_REQUEST_TIMEOUT = '300' setglobal PREEMPTIBLE_NODE = $(PREEMPTIBLE_NODE:-false) setglobal PREEMPTIBLE_MASTER = $(PREEMPTIBLE_MASTER:-false) setglobal KUBE_DELETE_NODES = $(KUBE_DELETE_NODES:-true) setglobal KUBE_DELETE_NETWORK = $(KUBE_DELETE_NETWORK:-true) setglobal CREATE_CUSTOM_NETWORK = $(CREATE_CUSTOM_NETWORK:-false) setglobal MASTER_OS_DISTRIBUTION = $(KUBE_MASTER_OS_DISTRIBUTION:-${KUBE_OS_DISTRIBUTION:-gci}) setglobal NODE_OS_DISTRIBUTION = $(KUBE_NODE_OS_DISTRIBUTION:-${KUBE_OS_DISTRIBUTION:-gci}) if [[ "${MASTER_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" == "coreos" ]] { setglobal MASTER_OS_DISTRIBUTION = '"container-linux'" } if [[ "${NODE_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" == "coreos" ]] { setglobal NODE_OS_DISTRIBUTION = '"container-linux'" } if [[ "${MASTER_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" == "cos" ]] { setglobal MASTER_OS_DISTRIBUTION = '"gci'" } if [[ "${NODE_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" == "cos" ]] { setglobal NODE_OS_DISTRIBUTION = '"gci'" } # GPUs supported in GCE do not have compatible drivers in Debian 7. if [[ "${NODE_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" == "debian" ]] { setglobal NODE_ACCELERATORS = ''"" } # By default a cluster will be started with the master and nodes # on Container-optimized OS (cos, previously known as gci). If # you are updating the os image versions, update this variable. # Also please update corresponding image for node e2e at: # https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/test/e2e_node/jenkins/image-config.yaml setglobal CVM_VERSION = $(CVM_VERSION:-container-vm-v20170627) setglobal GCI_VERSION = $(KUBE_GCI_VERSION:-cos-stable-60-9592-90-0) setglobal MASTER_IMAGE = $(KUBE_GCE_MASTER_IMAGE:-) setglobal MASTER_IMAGE_PROJECT = $(KUBE_GCE_MASTER_PROJECT:-cos-cloud) setglobal NODE_IMAGE = $(KUBE_GCE_NODE_IMAGE:-${GCI_VERSION}) setglobal NODE_IMAGE_PROJECT = $(KUBE_GCE_NODE_PROJECT:-cos-cloud) setglobal CONTAINER_RUNTIME = $(KUBE_CONTAINER_RUNTIME:-docker) setglobal GCI_DOCKER_VERSION = $(KUBE_GCI_DOCKER_VERSION:-) setglobal RKT_VERSION = $(KUBE_RKT_VERSION:-1.23.0) setglobal RKT_STAGE1_IMAGE = $(KUBE_RKT_STAGE1_IMAGE:-coreos.com/rkt/stage1-coreos) setglobal NETWORK = $(KUBE_GCE_NETWORK:-e2e-test-${USER}) if [[ "${CREATE_CUSTOM_NETWORK}" == true ]] { setglobal SUBNETWORK = $(SUBNETWORK:-${NETWORK}-custom-subnet) } setglobal INSTANCE_PREFIX = $(KUBE_GCE_INSTANCE_PREFIX:-e2e-test-${USER}) setglobal CLUSTER_NAME = $(CLUSTER_NAME:-${INSTANCE_PREFIX}) setglobal MASTER_NAME = ""$(INSTANCE_PREFIX)-master"" setglobal AGGREGATOR_MASTER_NAME = ""$(INSTANCE_PREFIX)-aggregator"" setglobal INITIAL_ETCD_CLUSTER = $(MASTER_NAME) setglobal ETCD_QUORUM_READ = $(ENABLE_ETCD_QUORUM_READ:-false) setglobal MASTER_TAG = ""$(INSTANCE_PREFIX)-master"" setglobal NODE_TAG = ""$(INSTANCE_PREFIX)-minion"" setglobal CLUSTER_IP_RANGE = $(CLUSTER_IP_RANGE:-$(get-cluster-ip-range)) setglobal MASTER_IP_RANGE = $(MASTER_IP_RANGE:- # NODE_IP_RANGE is used when ENABLE_IP_ALIASES=true or CREATE_CUSTOM_NETWORK=true. # It is the primary range in the subnet and is the range used for node instance IPs. setglobal NODE_IP_RANGE = $[get-node-ip-range] setglobal RUNTIME_CONFIG = $(KUBE_RUNTIME_CONFIG:-) # Optional: set feature gates setglobal FEATURE_GATES = $(KUBE_FEATURE_GATES:-ExperimentalCriticalPodAnnotation=true) if [[ ! -z "${NODE_ACCELERATORS}" ]] { setglobal FEATURE_GATES = ""$(FEATURE_GATES),Accelerators=true"" } setglobal TERMINATED_POD_GC_THRESHOLD = $(TERMINATED_POD_GC_THRESHOLD:-100) # Extra docker options for nodes. setglobal EXTRA_DOCKER_OPTS = $(EXTRA_DOCKER_OPTS:-) # Enable the docker debug mode. setglobal EXTRA_DOCKER_OPTS = ""$(EXTRA_DOCKER_OPTS) --debug"" setglobal SERVICE_CLUSTER_IP_RANGE = '"'" # formerly PORTAL_NET # When set to true, Docker Cache is enabled by default as part of the cluster bring up. setglobal ENABLE_DOCKER_REGISTRY_CACHE = 'true' # Optional: Deploy a L7 loadbalancer controller to fulfill Ingress requests: # glbc - CE L7 Load Balancer Controller setglobal ENABLE_L7_LOADBALANCING = $(KUBE_ENABLE_L7_LOADBALANCING:-glbc) # Optional: Cluster monitoring to setup as part of the cluster bring up: # none - No cluster monitoring setup # influxdb - Heapster, InfluxDB, and Grafana # google - Heapster, Google Cloud Monitoring, and Google Cloud Logging # stackdriver - Heapster, Google Cloud Monitoring (schema container), and Google Cloud Logging # googleinfluxdb - Enable influxdb and google (except GCM) # standalone - Heapster only. Metrics available via Heapster REST API. setglobal ENABLE_CLUSTER_MONITORING = $(KUBE_ENABLE_CLUSTER_MONITORING:-influxdb) # Optional: Enable Metrics Server. Metrics Server should be enable everywhere, # since it's a critical component, but in the first release we need a way to disable # this in case of stability issues. # TODO(piosz) remove this option once Metrics Server became a stable thing. setglobal ENABLE_METRICS_SERVER = $(KUBE_ENABLE_METRICS_SERVER:-true) # One special node out of NUM_NODES would be created of this type if specified. # Useful for scheduling heapster in large clusters with nodes of small size. setglobal HEAPSTER_MACHINE_TYPE = $(HEAPSTER_MACHINE_TYPE:-) # Set etcd image (e.g. gcr.io/google_containers/etcd) and version (e.g. 3.1.10) if you need # non-default version. setglobal ETCD_IMAGE = $(TEST_ETCD_IMAGE:-) setglobal ETCD_DOCKER_REPOSITORY = $(TEST_ETCD_DOCKER_REPOSITORY:-) setglobal ETCD_VERSION = $(TEST_ETCD_VERSION:-) # Default Log level for all components in test clusters and variables to override it in specific components. setglobal TEST_CLUSTER_LOG_LEVEL = $(TEST_CLUSTER_LOG_LEVEL:---v=4) setglobal KUBELET_TEST_LOG_LEVEL = $(KUBELET_TEST_LOG_LEVEL:-$TEST_CLUSTER_LOG_LEVEL) setglobal DOCKER_TEST_LOG_LEVEL = $(DOCKER_TEST_LOG_LEVEL:---log-level=info) setglobal API_SERVER_TEST_LOG_LEVEL = $(API_SERVER_TEST_LOG_LEVEL:-$TEST_CLUSTER_LOG_LEVEL) setglobal CONTROLLER_MANAGER_TEST_LOG_LEVEL = $(CONTROLLER_MANAGER_TEST_LOG_LEVEL:-$TEST_CLUSTER_LOG_LEVEL) setglobal SCHEDULER_TEST_LOG_LEVEL = $(SCHEDULER_TEST_LOG_LEVEL:-$TEST_CLUSTER_LOG_LEVEL) setglobal KUBEPROXY_TEST_LOG_LEVEL = $(KUBEPROXY_TEST_LOG_LEVEL:-$TEST_CLUSTER_LOG_LEVEL) # TODO: change this and flex e2e test when default flex volume install path is changed for GCI # Set flex dir to one that's readable from controller-manager container and writable by the flex e2e test. if [[ "${MASTER_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" == "gci" ]] { setglobal CONTROLLER_MANAGER_TEST_VOLUME_PLUGIN_DIR = '"--flex-volume-plugin-dir=/etc/srv/kubernetes/kubelet-plugins/volume/exec'" } # Set flex dir to one that's readable from kubelet and writable by the flex e2e test. if [[ "${NODE_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" == "gci" ]] || shell {[[ "${MASTER_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" == "gci" ]] && [[ "${REGISTER_MASTER_KUBELET}" == "false" ]]} { setglobal KUBELET_TEST_VOLUME_PLUGIN_DIR = '"--volume-plugin-dir=/etc/srv/kubernetes/kubelet-plugins/volume/exec'" } setglobal TEST_CLUSTER_DELETE_COLLECTION_WORKERS = $(TEST_CLUSTER_DELETE_COLLECTION_WORKERS:---delete-collection-workers=1) setglobal TEST_CLUSTER_MAX_REQUESTS_INFLIGHT = $(TEST_CLUSTER_MAX_REQUESTS_INFLIGHT:-) setglobal TEST_CLUSTER_RESYNC_PERIOD = $(TEST_CLUSTER_RESYNC_PERIOD:---min-resync-period=3m) # ContentType used by all components to communicate with apiserver. setglobal TEST_CLUSTER_API_CONTENT_TYPE = $(TEST_CLUSTER_API_CONTENT_TYPE:-) setglobal KUBELET_TEST_ARGS = ""$(KUBELET_TEST_ARGS:-) --max-pods=110 --serialize-image-pulls=false $(TEST_CLUSTER_API_CONTENT_TYPE) $(KUBELET_TEST_VOLUME_PLUGIN_DIR:-)"" if [[ "${NODE_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" == "gci" ]] || [[ "${NODE_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" == "ubuntu" ]] { setglobal NODE_KUBELET_TEST_ARGS = '" --experimental-kernel-memcg-notification=true'" } if [[ "${MASTER_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" == "gci" ]] || [[ "${MASTER_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" == "ubuntu" ]] { setglobal MASTER_KUBELET_TEST_ARGS = '" --experimental-kernel-memcg-notification=true'" } setglobal APISERVER_TEST_ARGS = ""$(APISERVER_TEST_ARGS:-) --runtime-config=extensions/v1beta1 $(TEST_CLUSTER_DELETE_COLLECTION_WORKERS) $(TEST_CLUSTER_MAX_REQUESTS_INFLIGHT)"" setglobal CONTROLLER_MANAGER_TEST_ARGS = ""$(CONTROLLER_MANAGER_TEST_ARGS:-) $(TEST_CLUSTER_RESYNC_PERIOD) $(TEST_CLUSTER_API_CONTENT_TYPE) $(CONTROLLER_MANAGER_TEST_VOLUME_PLUGIN_DIR:-)"" setglobal SCHEDULER_TEST_ARGS = ""$(SCHEDULER_TEST_ARGS:-) $(TEST_CLUSTER_API_CONTENT_TYPE)"" setglobal KUBEPROXY_TEST_ARGS = ""$(KUBEPROXY_TEST_ARGS:-) $(TEST_CLUSTER_API_CONTENT_TYPE)"" # Historically fluentd was a manifest pod and then was migrated to DaemonSet. # To avoid situation during cluster upgrade when there are two instances # of fluentd running on a node, kubelet need to mark node on which # fluentd is not running as a manifest pod with appropriate label. # TODO(piosz): remove this in 1.8 setglobal NODE_LABELS = $(KUBE_NODE_LABELS:-beta.kubernetes.io/fluentd-ds-ready=true) # To avoid running Calico on a node that is not configured appropriately, # label each Node so that the DaemonSet can run the Pods only on ready Nodes. if [[ ${NETWORK_POLICY_PROVIDER:-} == "calico" ]] { setglobal NODE_LABELS = ""$NODE_LABELS,projectcalico.org/ds-ready=true"" } # Apply the right node label if metadata proxy is on. if [[ ${ENABLE_METADATA_PROXY:-} == "simple" ]] { setglobal NODE_LABELS = ""$(NODE_LABELS),beta.kubernetes.io/metadata-proxy-ready=true"" } # Optional: Enable node logging. setglobal ENABLE_NODE_LOGGING = $(KUBE_ENABLE_NODE_LOGGING:-true) setglobal LOGGING_DESTINATION = $(KUBE_LOGGING_DESTINATION:-gcp) # options: elasticsearch, gcp # Optional: When set to true, Elasticsearch and Kibana will be setup as part of the cluster bring up. setglobal ENABLE_CLUSTER_LOGGING = $(KUBE_ENABLE_CLUSTER_LOGGING:-true) setglobal ELASTICSEARCH_LOGGING_REPLICAS = '1' # Optional: Don't require https for registries in our local RFC1918 network if [[ ${KUBE_ENABLE_INSECURE_REGISTRY:-false} == "true" ]] { setglobal EXTRA_DOCKER_OPTS = ""$(EXTRA_DOCKER_OPTS) --insecure-registry"" } # Optional: Install cluster DNS. setglobal ENABLE_CLUSTER_DNS = $(KUBE_ENABLE_CLUSTER_DNS:-true) setglobal DNS_SERVER_IP = '"'" setglobal DNS_DOMAIN = '"cluster.local'" # Optional: Enable DNS horizontal autoscaler setglobal ENABLE_DNS_HORIZONTAL_AUTOSCALER = $(KUBE_ENABLE_DNS_HORIZONTAL_AUTOSCALER:-true) # Optional: Install cluster docker registry. setglobal ENABLE_CLUSTER_REGISTRY = $(KUBE_ENABLE_CLUSTER_REGISTRY:-false) setglobal CLUSTER_REGISTRY_DISK = $(CLUSTER_REGISTRY_DISK:-${INSTANCE_PREFIX}-kube-system-kube-registry) setglobal CLUSTER_REGISTRY_DISK_SIZE = $(CLUSTER_REGISTRY_DISK_SIZE:-200GB) setglobal CLUSTER_REGISTRY_DISK_TYPE_GCE = $(CLUSTER_REGISTRY_DISK_TYPE_GCE:-pd-standard) # Optional: Install Kubernetes UI setglobal ENABLE_CLUSTER_UI = $(KUBE_ENABLE_CLUSTER_UI:-true) # Optional: Install node problem detector. # none - Not run node problem detector. # daemonset - Run node problem detector as daemonset. # standalone - Run node problem detector as standalone system daemon. if [[ "${NODE_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" == "gci" ]] { # Enable standalone mode by default for gci. setglobal ENABLE_NODE_PROBLEM_DETECTOR = $(KUBE_ENABLE_NODE_PROBLEM_DETECTOR:-standalone) } else { setglobal ENABLE_NODE_PROBLEM_DETECTOR = $(KUBE_ENABLE_NODE_PROBLEM_DETECTOR:-daemonset) } setglobal NODE_PROBLEM_DETECTOR_VERSION = $(NODE_PROBLEM_DETECTOR_VERSION:-) setglobal NODE_PROBLEM_DETECTOR_TAR_HASH = $(NODE_PROBLEM_DETECTOR_TAR_HASH:-) # Optional: Create autoscaler for cluster's nodes. setglobal ENABLE_CLUSTER_AUTOSCALER = $(KUBE_ENABLE_CLUSTER_AUTOSCALER:-false) if [[ "${ENABLE_CLUSTER_AUTOSCALER}" == "true" ]] { setglobal AUTOSCALER_MIN_NODES = $(KUBE_AUTOSCALER_MIN_NODES:-) setglobal AUTOSCALER_MAX_NODES = $(KUBE_AUTOSCALER_MAX_NODES:-) setglobal AUTOSCALER_ENABLE_SCALE_DOWN = $(KUBE_AUTOSCALER_ENABLE_SCALE_DOWN:-false) setglobal AUTOSCALER_EXPANDER_CONFIG = $(KUBE_AUTOSCALER_EXPANDER_CONFIG:---expander=price) } # Optional: Enable Rescheduler setglobal ENABLE_RESCHEDULER = $(KUBE_ENABLE_RESCHEDULER:-true) # Optional: Enable allocation of pod IPs using IP aliases. # # BETA FEATURE. # # IP_ALIAS_SIZE is the size of the podCIDR allocated to a node. # IP_ALIAS_SUBNETWORK is the subnetwork to allocate from. If empty, a # new subnetwork will be created for the cluster. setglobal ENABLE_IP_ALIASES = $(KUBE_GCE_ENABLE_IP_ALIASES:-false) if test $(ENABLE_IP_ALIASES) = true { # Size of ranges allocated to each node. gcloud current supports only /32 and /24. setglobal IP_ALIAS_SIZE = $(KUBE_GCE_IP_ALIAS_SIZE:-/24) setglobal IP_ALIAS_SUBNETWORK = $(KUBE_GCE_IP_ALIAS_SUBNETWORK:-${INSTANCE_PREFIX}-subnet-default) # Reserve the services IP space to avoid being allocated for other GCP resources. setglobal SERVICE_CLUSTER_IP_SUBNETWORK = $(KUBE_GCE_SERVICE_CLUSTER_IP_SUBNETWORK:-${INSTANCE_PREFIX}-subnet-services) # Add to the provider custom variables. setglobal PROVIDER_VARS = ""$(PROVIDER_VARS:-) ENABLE_IP_ALIASES"" } # Enable GCE Alpha features. if [[ -n "${GCE_ALPHA_FEATURES:-}" ]] { setglobal PROVIDER_VARS = ""$(PROVIDER_VARS:-) GCE_ALPHA_FEATURES"" } # If we included ResourceQuota, we should keep it at the end of the list to prevent incrementing quota usage prematurely. setglobal ADMISSION_CONTROL = $(KUBE_ADMISSION_CONTROL:-Initializers,NamespaceLifecycle,LimitRanger,ServiceAccount,PersistentVolumeLabel,PodPreset,DefaultStorageClass,DefaultTolerationSeconds,NodeRestriction,Priority,ResourceQuota) # Optional: if set to true kube-up will automatically check for existing resources and clean them up. setglobal KUBE_UP_AUTOMATIC_CLEANUP = $(KUBE_UP_AUTOMATIC_CLEANUP:-false) # Optional: setting it to true denotes this is a testing cluster, # so that we can use pulled kubernetes binaries, even if binaries # are pre-installed in the image. Note that currently this logic # is only supported in trusty or GCI. setglobal TEST_CLUSTER = $(TEST_CLUSTER:-true) # Storage backend. 'etcd2' and 'etcd3' are supported. setglobal STORAGE_BACKEND = $(STORAGE_BACKEND:-) # Storage media type: application/json and application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf are supported. setglobal STORAGE_MEDIA_TYPE = $(STORAGE_MEDIA_TYPE:-) # OpenContrail networking plugin specific settings setglobal NETWORK_PROVIDER = $(NETWORK_PROVIDER:-kubenet) # none, opencontrail, kubenet setglobal OPENCONTRAIL_TAG = $(OPENCONTRAIL_TAG:-R2.20) setglobal OPENCONTRAIL_KUBERNETES_TAG = $(OPENCONTRAIL_KUBERNETES_TAG:-master) setglobal OPENCONTRAIL_PUBLIC_SUBNET = $(OPENCONTRAIL_PUBLIC_SUBNET:- # Network Policy plugin specific settings. setglobal NETWORK_POLICY_PROVIDER = $(NETWORK_POLICY_PROVIDER:-none) # calico # How should the kubelet configure hairpin mode? setglobal HAIRPIN_MODE = $(HAIRPIN_MODE:-promiscuous-bridge) # promiscuous-bridge, hairpin-veth, none # Optional: if set to true, kube-up will configure the cluster to run e2e tests. setglobal E2E_STORAGE_TEST_ENVIRONMENT = $(KUBE_E2E_STORAGE_TEST_ENVIRONMENT:-false) # Optional: if set to true, a image puller is deployed. Only for use in e2e clusters. # TODO: Pipe this through GKE e2e clusters once we know it helps. setglobal PREPULL_E2E_IMAGES = $(PREPULL_E2E_IMAGES:-true) # Evict pods whenever compute resource availability on the nodes gets below a threshold. setglobal EVICTION_HARD = $(EVICTION_HARD:-memory.available<250Mi,nodefs.available<10%,nodefs.inodesFree<5%) # Optional: custom scheduling algorithm setglobal SCHEDULING_ALGORITHM_PROVIDER = $(SCHEDULING_ALGORITHM_PROVIDER:-) # Optional: install a default StorageClass setglobal ENABLE_DEFAULT_STORAGE_CLASS = $(ENABLE_DEFAULT_STORAGE_CLASS:-true) # Optional: Enable legacy ABAC policy that makes all service accounts superusers. # Disabling this by default in tests ensures default RBAC policies are sufficient from 1.6+ # Upgrade test jobs that go from a version < 1.6 to a version >= 1.6 should override this to be true. setglobal ENABLE_LEGACY_ABAC = $(ENABLE_LEGACY_ABAC:-false) # true, false # TODO(dawn1107): Remove this once the flag is built into CVM image. # Kernel panic upon soft lockup issue setglobal SOFTLOCKUP_PANIC = $(SOFTLOCKUP_PANIC:-true) # true, false # Enable a simple "AdvancedAuditing" setup for testing. setglobal ENABLE_APISERVER_ADVANCED_AUDIT = $(ENABLE_APISERVER_ADVANCED_AUDIT:-true) # true, false if [[ "${ENABLE_APISERVER_BASIC_AUDIT:-}" == "true" ]] { echo "Warning: Basic audit logging is deprecated and will be removed. Please use advanced auditing instead." } setglobal ENABLE_BIG_CLUSTER_SUBNETS = $(ENABLE_BIG_CLUSTER_SUBNETS:-false) if [[ -n "${LOGROTATE_FILES_MAX_COUNT:-}" ]] { setglobal PROVIDER_VARS = ""$(PROVIDER_VARS:-) LOGROTATE_FILES_MAX_COUNT"" } if [[ -n "${LOGROTATE_MAX_SIZE:-}" ]] { setglobal PROVIDER_VARS = ""$(PROVIDER_VARS:-) LOGROTATE_MAX_SIZE"" } # Fluentd requirements setglobal FLUENTD_GCP_MEMORY_LIMIT = $(FLUENTD_GCP_MEMORY_LIMIT:-300Mi) setglobal FLUENTD_GCP_CPU_REQUEST = $(FLUENTD_GCP_CPU_REQUEST:-100m) setglobal FLUENTD_GCP_MEMORY_REQUEST = $(FLUENTD_GCP_MEMORY_REQUEST:-200Mi) # Heapster requirements setglobal HEAPSTER_GCP_BASE_MEMORY = $(HEAPSTER_GCP_BASE_MEMORY:-140Mi) setglobal HEAPSTER_GCP_MEMORY_PER_NODE = $(HEAPSTER_GCP_MEMORY_PER_NODE:-4) setglobal HEAPSTER_GCP_BASE_CPU = $(HEAPSTER_GCP_BASE_CPU:-80m) setglobal HEAPSTER_GCP_CPU_PER_NODE = $(HEAPSTER_GCP_CPU_PER_NODE:-0.5) # Adding to PROVIDER_VARS, since this is GCP-specific. setglobal PROVIDER_VARS = ""$(PROVIDER_VARS:-) FLUENTD_GCP_MEMORY_LIMIT FLUENTD_GCP_CPU_REQUEST FLUENTD_GCP_MEMORY_REQUEST HEAPSTER_GCP_BASE_MEMORY HEAPSTER_GCP_MEMORY_PER_NODE HEAPSTER_GCP_BASE_CPU HEAPSTER_GCP_CPU_PER_NODE"" # prometheus-to-sd configuration setglobal PROMETHEUS_TO_SD_ENDPOINT = $(PROMETHEUS_TO_SD_ENDPOINT:-https://monitoring.googleapis.com/) setglobal PROMETHEUS_TO_SD_PREFIX = $(PROMETHEUS_TO_SD_PREFIX:-custom.googleapis.com) setglobal ENABLE_PROMETHEUS_TO_SD = $(ENABLE_PROMETHEUS_TO_SD:-true) # TODO(#51292): Make kube-proxy Daemonset default and remove the configuration here. # Optional: [Experiment Only] Run kube-proxy as a DaemonSet if set to true, run as static pods otherwise. setglobal KUBE_PROXY_DAEMONSET = $(KUBE_PROXY_DAEMONSET:-false) # true, false # Optional: duration of cluster signed certificates. setglobal CLUSTER_SIGNING_DURATION = $(CLUSTER_SIGNING_DURATION:-) # Optional: enable pod priority setglobal ENABLE_POD_PRIORITY = $(ENABLE_POD_PRIORITY:-) if [[ "${ENABLE_POD_PRIORITY}" == "true" ]] { setglobal FEATURE_GATES = ""$(FEATURE_GATES),PodPriority=true"" } # Optional: enable certificate rotation of the kubelet certificates. setglobal ROTATE_CERTIFICATES = $(ROTATE_CERTIFICATES:-) # The number of services that are allowed to sync concurrently. Will be passed # into kube-controller-manager via `--concurrent-service-syncs` setglobal CONCURRENT_SERVICE_SYNCS = $(CONCURRENT_SERVICE_SYNCS:-)