#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # A library of helper functions and constant for the local config. # Use the config file specified in $KUBE_CONFIG_FILE, or default to # config-default.sh. setglobal KUBE_ROOT = "$[dirname $(BASH_SOURCE)]/../.." source "$(KUBE_ROOT)/cluster/gce/$(KUBE_CONFIG_FILE-"config-default.sh")" source "$(KUBE_ROOT)/cluster/common.sh" source "$(KUBE_ROOT)/hack/lib/util.sh" if [[ "${NODE_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" == "debian" || "${NODE_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" == "container-linux" || "${NODE_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" == "trusty" || "${NODE_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" == "gci" || "${NODE_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" == "ubuntu" ]] { source "$(KUBE_ROOT)/cluster/gce/$(NODE_OS_DISTRIBUTION)/node-helper.sh" } else { echo "Cannot operate on cluster using node os distro: $(NODE_OS_DISTRIBUTION)" > !2 exit 1 } if [[ "${MASTER_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" == "container-linux" || "${MASTER_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" == "trusty" || "${MASTER_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" == "gci" || "${MASTER_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" == "ubuntu" ]] { source "$(KUBE_ROOT)/cluster/gce/$(MASTER_OS_DISTRIBUTION)/master-helper.sh" } else { echo "Cannot operate on cluster using master os distro: $(MASTER_OS_DISTRIBUTION)" > !2 exit 1 } if [[ "${MASTER_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" == "gci" ]] { setglobal DEFAULT_GCI_PROJECT = 'google-containers' if [[ "${GCI_VERSION}" == "cos"* ]] { setglobal DEFAULT_GCI_PROJECT = 'cos-cloud' } setglobal MASTER_IMAGE_PROJECT = $(KUBE_GCE_MASTER_PROJECT:-${DEFAULT_GCI_PROJECT}) # If the master image is not set, we use the latest GCI image. # Otherwise, we respect whatever is set by the user. setglobal MASTER_IMAGE = $(KUBE_GCE_MASTER_IMAGE:-${GCI_VERSION}) } elif [[ "${MASTER_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" == "debian" ]] { setglobal MASTER_IMAGE = $(KUBE_GCE_MASTER_IMAGE:-${CVM_VERSION}) setglobal MASTER_IMAGE_PROJECT = $(KUBE_GCE_MASTER_PROJECT:-google-containers) } # Sets node image based on the specified os distro. Currently this function only # supports gci and debian. proc set-node-image { if [[ "${NODE_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" == "gci" ]] { setglobal DEFAULT_GCI_PROJECT = 'google-containers' if [[ "${GCI_VERSION}" == "cos"* ]] { setglobal DEFAULT_GCI_PROJECT = 'cos-cloud' } # If the node image is not set, we use the latest GCI image. # Otherwise, we respect whatever is set by the user. setglobal NODE_IMAGE = $(KUBE_GCE_NODE_IMAGE:-${GCI_VERSION}) setglobal NODE_IMAGE_PROJECT = $(KUBE_GCE_NODE_PROJECT:-${DEFAULT_GCI_PROJECT}) } elif [[ "${NODE_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" == "debian" ]] { setglobal NODE_IMAGE = $(KUBE_GCE_NODE_IMAGE:-${CVM_VERSION}) setglobal NODE_IMAGE_PROJECT = $(KUBE_GCE_NODE_PROJECT:-google-containers) } } set-node-image # Verfiy cluster autoscaler configuration. if [[ "${ENABLE_CLUSTER_AUTOSCALER}" == "true" ]] { if [[ -z $AUTOSCALER_MIN_NODES ]] { echo "AUTOSCALER_MIN_NODES not set." exit 1 } if [[ -z $AUTOSCALER_MAX_NODES ]] { echo "AUTOSCALER_MAX_NODES not set." exit 1 } } setglobal NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX = ""$(INSTANCE_PREFIX)-minion"" setglobal NODE_TAGS = $(NODE_TAG) setglobal ALLOCATE_NODE_CIDRS = 'true' setglobal PREEXISTING_NETWORK = 'false' setglobal PREEXISTING_NETWORK_MODE = ''"" setglobal KUBE_PROMPT_FOR_UPDATE = $(KUBE_PROMPT_FOR_UPDATE:-"n") # How long (in seconds) to wait for cluster initialization. setglobal KUBE_CLUSTER_INITIALIZATION_TIMEOUT = $(KUBE_CLUSTER_INITIALIZATION_TIMEOUT:-300) proc join_csv { local IFS=','; echo "$ifsjoin(Argv)"; } # This function returns the first string before the comma proc split_csv { echo "$ifsjoin(Argv)" | cut -d',' -f1 } # Verify prereqs proc verify-prereqs { local cmd for cmd in [gcloud gsutil] { if ! which $(cmd) >/dev/null { local resp="n" if [[ "${KUBE_PROMPT_FOR_UPDATE}" == "y" ]] { echo "Can't find $(cmd) in PATH. Do you wish to install the Google Cloud SDK? [Y/n]" read resp } if [[ "${resp}" != "n" && "${resp}" != "N" ]] { curl https://sdk.cloud.google.com | bash } if ! which $(cmd) >/dev/null { echo "Can't find $(cmd) in PATH, please fix and retry. The Google Cloud " > !2 echo "SDK can be downloaded from https://cloud.google.com/sdk/." > !2 exit 1 } } } update-or-verify-gcloud } # Use the gcloud defaults to find the project. If it is already set in the # environment then go with that. # # Vars set: # PROJECT # NETWORK_PROJECT # PROJECT_REPORTED proc detect-project { if [[ -z "${PROJECT-}" ]] { setglobal PROJECT = $[gcloud config list project --format 'value(core.project)] } setglobal NETWORK_PROJECT = $(NETWORK_PROJECT:-${PROJECT}) if [[ -z "${PROJECT-}" ]] { echo "Could not detect Google Cloud Platform project. Set the default project using " > !2 echo "'gcloud config set project '" > !2 exit 1 } if [[ -z "${PROJECT_REPORTED-}" ]] { echo "Project: $(PROJECT)" > !2 echo "Network Project: $(NETWORK_PROJECT)" > !2 echo "Zone: $(ZONE)" > !2 setglobal PROJECT_REPORTED = 'true' } } # Use gsutil to get the md5 hash for a particular tar proc gsutil_get_tar_md5 { # location_tar could be local or in the cloud # local tar_location example ./_output/release-tars/kubernetes-server-linux-amd64.tar.gz # cloud tar_location example gs://kubernetes-staging-PROJECT/kubernetes-devel/kubernetes-server-linux-amd64.tar.gz local -r tar_location=$1 #parse the output and return the md5 hash #the sed command at the end removes whitespace local -r tar_md5=$[gsutil hash -h -m $(tar_location) !2 >/dev/null | grep "Hash (md5):" | awk -F ':' '{print $2}' | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//g] echo $(tar_md5) } # Copy a release tar and its accompanying hash. proc copy-to-staging { local -r staging_path=$1 local -r gs_url=$2 local -r tar=$3 local -r hash=$4 local -r basename_tar=$[basename $(tar)] #check whether this tar alread exists and has the same hash #if it matches, then don't bother uploading it again #remote_tar_md5 checks the remote location for the existing tarball and its md5 #staging_path example gs://kubernetes-staging-PROJECT/kubernetes-devel #basename_tar example kubernetes-server-linux-amd64.tar.gz local -r remote_tar_md5=$[gsutil_get_tar_md5 "$(staging_path)/$(basename_tar)] if [[ -n ${remote_tar_md5} ]] { #local_tar_md5 checks the remote location for the existing tarball and its md5 hash #tar example ./_output/release-tars/kubernetes-server-linux-amd64.tar.gz local -r local_tar_md5=$[gsutil_get_tar_md5 $(tar)] if [[ "${remote_tar_md5}" == "${local_tar_md5}" ]] { echo "+++ $(basename_tar) uploaded earlier, cloud and local file md5 match (md5 = $(local_tar_md5))" return 0 } } echo $(hash) > "$(tar).sha1" gsutil -m -q -h "Cache-Control:private, max-age=0" cp $(tar) "$(tar).sha1" $(staging_path) gsutil -m acl ch -g all:R $(gs_url) "$(gs_url).sha1" >/dev/null !2 > !1 echo "+++ $(basename_tar) uploaded (sha1 = $(hash))" } # Given the cluster zone, return the list of regional GCS release # bucket suffixes for the release in preference order. GCS doesn't # give us an API for this, so we hardcode it. # # Assumed vars: # RELEASE_REGION_FALLBACK # REGIONAL_KUBE_ADDONS # ZONE # Vars set: # PREFERRED_REGION # KUBE_ADDON_REGISTRY proc set-preferred-region { match $(ZONE) { with asia-* setglobal PREFERRED_REGION = ''("asia" "us" "eu") with europe-* setglobal PREFERRED_REGION = ''("eu" "us" "asia") with * setglobal PREFERRED_REGION = ''("us" "eu" "asia") } local -r preferred="$(PREFERRED_REGION[0])" if [[ "${RELEASE_REGION_FALLBACK}" != "true" ]] { setglobal PREFERRED_REGION = ''( "${preferred}" ) } # If we're using regional GCR, and we're outside the US, go to the # regional registry. The gcr.io/google_containers registry is # appropriate for US (for now). if [[ "${REGIONAL_KUBE_ADDONS}" == "true" ]] && [[ "${preferred}" != "us" ]] { setglobal KUBE_ADDON_REGISTRY = ""$(preferred).gcr.io/google_containers"" } else { setglobal KUBE_ADDON_REGISTRY = '"gcr.io/google_containers'" } if [[ "${ENABLE_DOCKER_REGISTRY_CACHE:-}" == "true" ]] { setglobal DOCKER_REGISTRY_MIRROR_URL = ""https://$(preferred)-mirror.gcr.io"" } } # Take the local tar files and upload them to Google Storage. They will then be # downloaded by the master as part of the start up script for the master. # # Assumed vars: # PROJECT # SERVER_BINARY_TAR # SALT_TAR # KUBE_MANIFESTS_TAR # ZONE # Vars set: # SERVER_BINARY_TAR_URL # SERVER_BINARY_TAR_HASH # SALT_TAR_URL # SALT_TAR_HASH # KUBE_MANIFESTS_TAR_URL # KUBE_MANIFESTS_TAR_HASH proc upload-server-tars { setglobal SERVER_BINARY_TAR_URL = '' setglobal SERVER_BINARY_TAR_HASH = '' setglobal SALT_TAR_URL = '' setglobal SALT_TAR_HASH = '' setglobal KUBE_MANIFESTS_TAR_URL = '' setglobal KUBE_MANIFESTS_TAR_HASH = '' local project_hash if which md5 > /dev/null !2 > !1 { setglobal project_hash = $[md5 -q -s $PROJECT] } else { setglobal project_hash = $[echo -n $PROJECT | md5sum | awk '{ print $1 }] } # This requires 1 million projects before the probability of collision is 50% # that's probably good enough for now :P setglobal project_hash = $(project_hash:0:10) set-preferred-region setglobal SERVER_BINARY_TAR_HASH = $[sha1sum-file $(SERVER_BINARY_TAR)] setglobal SALT_TAR_HASH = $[sha1sum-file $(SALT_TAR)] if [[ -n "${KUBE_MANIFESTS_TAR:-}" ]] { setglobal KUBE_MANIFESTS_TAR_HASH = $[sha1sum-file $(KUBE_MANIFESTS_TAR)] } local server_binary_tar_urls=() local salt_tar_urls=() local kube_manifest_tar_urls=() for region in [$(PREFERRED_REGION[@])] { setglobal suffix = ""-$(region)"" if [[ "${suffix}" == "-us" ]] { setglobal suffix = ''"" } local staging_bucket="gs://kubernetes-staging-$(project_hash)$(suffix)" # Ensure the buckets are created if ! gsutil ls $(staging_bucket) >/dev/null { echo "Creating $(staging_bucket)" gsutil mb -l $(region) $(staging_bucket) } local staging_path="$(staging_bucket)/$(INSTANCE_PREFIX)-devel" echo "+++ Staging server tars to Google Storage: $(staging_path)" local server_binary_gs_url="$(staging_path)/$(SERVER_BINARY_TAR##*/)" local salt_gs_url="$(staging_path)/$(SALT_TAR##*/)" copy-to-staging $(staging_path) $(server_binary_gs_url) $(SERVER_BINARY_TAR) $(SERVER_BINARY_TAR_HASH) copy-to-staging $(staging_path) $(salt_gs_url) $(SALT_TAR) $(SALT_TAR_HASH) # Convert from gs:// URL to an https:// URL setglobal server_binary_tar_urls = ''("${server_binary_gs_url/gs:\/\//https://storage.googleapis.com/}") setglobal salt_tar_urls = ''("${salt_gs_url/gs:\/\//https://storage.googleapis.com/}") if [[ -n "${KUBE_MANIFESTS_TAR:-}" ]] { local kube_manifests_gs_url="$(staging_path)/$(KUBE_MANIFESTS_TAR##*/)" copy-to-staging $(staging_path) $(kube_manifests_gs_url) $(KUBE_MANIFESTS_TAR) $(KUBE_MANIFESTS_TAR_HASH) # Convert from gs:// URL to an https:// URL setglobal kube_manifests_tar_urls = ''("${kube_manifests_gs_url/gs:\/\//https://storage.googleapis.com/}") } } setglobal SERVER_BINARY_TAR_URL = $[join_csv $(server_binary_tar_urls[@])] setglobal SALT_TAR_URL = $[join_csv $(salt_tar_urls[@])] if [[ -n "${KUBE_MANIFESTS_TAR:-}" ]] { setglobal KUBE_MANIFESTS_TAR_URL = $[join_csv $(kube_manifests_tar_urls[@])] } } # Detect minions created in the minion group # # Assumed vars: # NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX # Vars set: # NODE_NAMES # INSTANCE_GROUPS proc detect-node-names { detect-project setglobal INSTANCE_GROUPS = ''() setglobal INSTANCE_GROUPS = ''($(gcloud compute instance-groups managed list \ --project "${PROJECT}" \ --filter "name ~ '${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-.+' AND zone:(${ZONE})" \ --format='value(name)' || true)) setglobal NODE_NAMES = ''() if [[ -n "${INSTANCE_GROUPS[@]:-}" ]] { for group in [$(INSTANCE_GROUPS[@])] { setglobal NODE_NAMES = ''($(gcloud compute instance-groups managed list-instances \ "${group}" --zone "${ZONE}" --project "${PROJECT}" \ --format='value(instance)')) } } # Add heapster node name to the list too (if it exists). if [[ -n "${HEAPSTER_MACHINE_TYPE:-}" ]] { setglobal NODE_NAMES = ''("${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-heapster") } echo "INSTANCE_GROUPS=$(INSTANCE_GROUPS[*]:-)" > !2 echo "NODE_NAMES=$(NODE_NAMES[*]:-)" > !2 } # Detect the information about the minions # # Assumed vars: # ZONE # Vars set: # NODE_NAMES # KUBE_NODE_IP_ADDRESSES (array) proc detect-nodes { detect-project detect-node-names setglobal KUBE_NODE_IP_ADDRESSES = ''() for (( i=0; i<${#NODE_NAMES[@]}; i++)); do local node_ip=$(gcloud compute instances describe --project "${PROJECT}" --zone "${ZONE}" \ "${NODE_NAMES[$i]}" --format='value(networkInterfaces[0].accessConfigs[0].natIP)') if [[ -z "${node_ip-}" ]] ; then echo "Did not find ${NODE_NAMES[$i]}" >&2 else echo "Found ${NODE_NAMES[$i]} at ${node_ip}" KUBE_NODE_IP_ADDRESSES+=("${node_ip}") fi done if [[ -z "${KUBE_NODE_IP_ADDRESSES-}" ]] { echo "Could not detect Kubernetes minion nodes. Make sure you've launched a cluster with 'kube-up.sh'" > !2 exit 1 } } # Detect the IP for the master # # Assumed vars: # MASTER_NAME # ZONE # REGION # Vars set: # KUBE_MASTER # KUBE_MASTER_IP proc detect-master { detect-project setglobal KUBE_MASTER = $(MASTER_NAME) echo "Trying to find master named '$(MASTER_NAME)'" > !2 if [[ -z "${KUBE_MASTER_IP-}" ]] { local master_address_name="$(MASTER_NAME)-ip" echo "Looking for address '$(master_address_name)'" > !2 setglobal KUBE_MASTER_IP = $[gcloud compute addresses describe $(master_address_name) \ --project $(PROJECT) --region $(REGION) -q --format='value(address)] } if [[ -z "${KUBE_MASTER_IP-}" ]] { echo "Could not detect Kubernetes master node. Make sure you've launched a cluster with 'kube-up.sh'" > !2 exit 1 } echo "Using master: $KUBE_MASTER (external IP: $KUBE_MASTER_IP)" > !2 } # Reads kube-env metadata from master # # Assumed vars: # KUBE_MASTER # PROJECT # ZONE proc get-master-env { # TODO(zmerlynn): Make this more reliable with retries. gcloud compute --project $(PROJECT) ssh --zone $(ZONE) $(KUBE_MASTER) --command \ "curl --fail --silent -H 'Metadata-Flavor: Google' \ 'http://metadata/computeMetadata/v1/instance/attributes/kube-env'" !2 >/dev/null gcloud compute --project $(PROJECT) ssh --zone $(ZONE) $(KUBE_MASTER) --command \ "curl --fail --silent -H 'Metadata-Flavor: Google' \ 'http://metadata/computeMetadata/v1/instance/attributes/kube-master-certs'" !2 >/dev/null } # Robustly try to create a static ip. # $1: The name of the ip to create # $2: The name of the region to create the ip in. proc create-static-ip { detect-project local attempt=0 local REGION="$2" while true { if gcloud compute addresses create $1 \ --project $(PROJECT) \ --region $(REGION) -q > /dev/null { # successful operation - wait until it's visible setglobal start = $[date +%s] while true { setglobal now = $[date +%s] # Timeout set to 15 minutes if [[ $((now - start)) -gt 900 ]] { echo "Timeout while waiting for master IP visibility" exit 2 } if gcloud compute addresses describe $1 --project $(PROJECT) --region $(REGION) >/dev/null !2 > !1 { break } echo "Master IP not visible yet. Waiting..." sleep 5 } break } if gcloud compute addresses describe $1 \ --project $(PROJECT) \ --region $(REGION) >/dev/null !2 > !1 { # it exists - postcondition satisfied break } if sh-expr ' attempt > 4 ' { echo -e "$(color_red)Failed to create static ip $1 $(color_norm)" > !2 exit 2 } setglobal attempt = $shExpr('$attempt+1') echo -e "$(color_yellow)Attempt $attempt failed to create static ip $1. Retrying.$(color_norm)" > !2 sleep $shExpr('$attempt * 5') } } # Robustly try to create a firewall rule. # $1: The name of firewall rule. # $2: IP ranges. # $3: Target tags for this firewall rule. proc create-firewall-rule { detect-project local attempt=0 while true { if ! gcloud compute firewall-rules create $1 \ --project $(NETWORK_PROJECT) \ --network $(NETWORK) \ --source-ranges $2 \ --target-tags $3 \ --allow tcp,udp,icmp,esp,ah,sctp { if sh-expr ' attempt > 4 ' { echo -e "$(color_red)Failed to create firewall rule $1 $(color_norm)" > !2 exit 2 } echo -e "$(color_yellow)Attempt $shExpr('$attempt+1') failed to create firewall rule $1. Retrying.$(color_norm)" > !2 setglobal attempt = $shExpr('$attempt+1') sleep $shExpr('$attempt * 5') } else { break } } } # Format the string argument for gcloud network. proc make-gcloud-network-argument { local network_project="$1" local region="$2" local network="$3" local subnet="$4" local address="$5" # optional local enable_ip_alias="$6" # optional local alias_size="$7" # optional local networkURL="projects/$(network_project)/global/networks/$(network)" local subnetURL="projects/$(network_project)/regions/$(region)/subnetworks/$(subnet:-)" local ret="" if [[ "${enable_ip_alias}" == 'true' ]] { setglobal ret = '"--network-interface'" setglobal ret = ""$(ret) network=$(networkURL)"" # If address is omitted, instance will not receive an external IP. setglobal ret = ""$(ret),address=$(address:-)"" setglobal ret = ""$(ret),subnet=$(subnetURL)"" setglobal ret = ""$(ret),aliases=pods-default:$(alias_size)"" setglobal ret = ""$(ret) --no-can-ip-forward"" } else { if [[ -n ${subnet:-} ]] { setglobal ret = ""$(ret) --subnet $(subnetURL)"" } else { setglobal ret = ""$(ret) --network $(networkURL)"" } setglobal ret = ""$(ret) --can-ip-forward"" if [[ -n ${address:-} ]] { setglobal ret = ""$(ret) --address $(address)"" } } echo $(ret) } # $1: version (required) proc get-template-name-from-version { # trim template name to pass gce name validation echo "$(NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX)-template-$(1)" | cut -c 1-63 | sed 's/[\.\+]/-/g;s/-*$//g' } # Robustly try to create an instance template. # $1: The name of the instance template. # $2: The scopes flag. # $3: String of comma-separated metadata entries (must all be from a file). proc create-node-template { detect-project detect-subnetworks local template_name="$1" # First, ensure the template doesn't exist. # TODO(zmerlynn): To make this really robust, we need to parse the output and # add retries. Just relying on a non-zero exit code doesn't # distinguish an ephemeral failed call from a "not-exists". if gcloud compute instance-templates describe $template_name --project $(PROJECT) &>/dev/null { echo "Instance template $(1) already exists; deleting." > !2 if ! gcloud compute instance-templates delete $template_name --project $(PROJECT) --quiet &>/dev/null { echo -e "$(color_yellow)Failed to delete existing instance template$(color_norm)" > !2 exit 2 } } local gcloud="gcloud" local accelerator_args="" # VMs with Accelerators cannot be live migrated. # More details here - https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/gpus/add-gpus#create-new-gpu-instance if [[ ! -z "${NODE_ACCELERATORS}" ]] { setglobal accelerator_args = ""--maintenance-policy TERMINATE --restart-on-failure --accelerator $(NODE_ACCELERATORS)"" setglobal gcloud = '"gcloud beta'" } if [[ "${ENABLE_IP_ALIASES:-}" == 'true' ]] { setglobal gcloud = '"gcloud beta'" } local preemptible_minions="" if [[ "${PREEMPTIBLE_NODE}" == "true" ]] { setglobal preemptible_minions = '"--preemptible --maintenance-policy TERMINATE'" } local local_ssds="" if [[ ! -z ${NODE_LOCAL_SSDS+x} ]] { # The NODE_LOCAL_SSDS check below fixes issue #49171 # Some versions of seq will count down from 1 if "seq 0" is specified if [[ ${NODE_LOCAL_SSDS} -ge 1 ]] { for i in [$[seq $(NODE_LOCAL_SSDS)]] { setglobal local_ssds = ""$local_ssds--local-ssd=interface=SCSI "" } } } local network=$[make-gcloud-network-argument \ $(NETWORK_PROJECT) \ $(REGION) \ $(NETWORK) \ $(SUBNETWORK:-) \ "" \ $(ENABLE_IP_ALIASES:-) \ $(IP_ALIAS_SIZE:-)] local attempt=1 while true { echo "Attempt $(attempt) to create $(1)" > !2 if ! $(gcloud) compute instance-templates create \ $template_name \ --project $(PROJECT) \ --machine-type $(NODE_SIZE) \ --boot-disk-type $(NODE_DISK_TYPE) \ --boot-disk-size $(NODE_DISK_SIZE) \ --image-project="$(NODE_IMAGE_PROJECT)" \ --image $(NODE_IMAGE) \ --tags $(NODE_TAG) \ $(accelerator_args) \ $(local_ssds) \ --region $(REGION) \ $(network) \ $(preemptible_minions) \ $2 \ --metadata-from-file $3 > !2 { if sh-expr ' attempt > 5 ' { echo -e "$(color_red)Failed to create instance template $template_name $(color_norm)" > !2 exit 2 } echo -e "$(color_yellow)Attempt $(attempt) failed to create instance template $template_name. Retrying.$(color_norm)" > !2 setglobal attempt = $shExpr('$attempt+1') sleep $shExpr('$attempt * 5') # In case the previous attempt failed with something like a # Backend Error and left the entry laying around, delete it # before we try again. gcloud compute instance-templates delete $template_name --project $(PROJECT) &>/dev/null || true } else { break } } } # Robustly try to add metadata on an instance. # $1: The name of the instance. # $2...$n: The metadata key=value pairs to add. proc add-instance-metadata { local -r instance=$1 shift 1 local -r kvs=( "$@" ) detect-project local attempt=0 while true { if ! gcloud compute instances add-metadata $(instance) \ --project $(PROJECT) \ --zone $(ZONE) \ --metadata $(kvs[@]) { if sh-expr ' attempt > 5 ' { echo -e "$(color_red)Failed to add instance metadata in $(instance) $(color_norm)" > !2 exit 2 } echo -e "$(color_yellow)Attempt $shExpr('$attempt+1') failed to add metadata in $(instance). Retrying.$(color_norm)" > !2 setglobal attempt = $shExpr('$attempt+1') sleep $shExpr('5 * $attempt') } else { break } } } # Robustly try to add metadata on an instance, from a file. # $1: The name of the instance. # $2...$n: The metadata key=file pairs to add. proc add-instance-metadata-from-file { local -r instance=$1 shift 1 local -r kvs=( "$@" ) detect-project local attempt=0 while true { echo $(kvs[@]) if ! gcloud compute instances add-metadata $(instance) \ --project $(PROJECT) \ --zone $(ZONE) \ --metadata-from-file $[join_csv $(kvs[@])] { if sh-expr ' attempt > 5 ' { echo -e "$(color_red)Failed to add instance metadata in $(instance) $(color_norm)" > !2 exit 2 } echo -e "$(color_yellow)Attempt $shExpr('$attempt+1') failed to add metadata in $(instance). Retrying.$(color_norm)" > !2 setglobal attempt = $shExpr('$attempt+1') sleep $shExpr('$attempt * 5') } else { break } } } # Instantiate a kubernetes cluster # # Assumed vars # KUBE_ROOT # proc kube-up { kube::util::ensure-temp-dir detect-project load-or-gen-kube-basicauth load-or-gen-kube-bearertoken # Make sure we have the tar files staged on Google Storage find-release-tars upload-server-tars # ensure that environmental variables specifying number of migs to create set_num_migs if [[ ${KUBE_USE_EXISTING_MASTER:-} == "true" ]] { detect-master parse-master-env create-subnetworks detect-subnetworks create-nodes } elif [[ ${KUBE_REPLICATE_EXISTING_MASTER:-} == "true" ]] { if [[ "${MASTER_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" != "gci" && "${MASTER_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" != "debian" && "${MASTER_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" != "ubuntu" ]] { echo "Master replication supported only for gci, debian, and ubuntu" return 1 } create-loadbalancer # If replication of master fails, we need to ensure that the replica is removed from etcd clusters. if ! replicate-master { remove-replica-from-etcd 2379 || true remove-replica-from-etcd 4002 || true } } else { check-existing create-network create-subnetworks detect-subnetworks write-cluster-name create-autoscaler-config create-master create-nodes-firewall create-nodes-template create-nodes check-cluster } } proc check-existing { local running_in_terminal=false # May be false if tty is not allocated (for example with ssh -T). if [[ -t 1 ]] { setglobal running_in_terminal = 'true' } if [[ ${running_in_terminal} == "true" || ${KUBE_UP_AUTOMATIC_CLEANUP} == "true" ]] { if ! check-resources { local run_kube_down="n" echo "$(KUBE_RESOURCE_FOUND) found." > !2 # Get user input only if running in terminal. if [[ ${running_in_terminal} == "true" && ${KUBE_UP_AUTOMATIC_CLEANUP} == "false" ]] { read -p "Would you like to shut down the old cluster (call kube-down)? [y/N] " run_kube_down } if [[ ${run_kube_down} == "y" || ${run_kube_down} == "Y" || ${KUBE_UP_AUTOMATIC_CLEANUP} == "true" ]] { echo "... calling kube-down" > !2 kube-down } } } } proc create-network { if ! gcloud compute networks --project $(NETWORK_PROJECT) describe $(NETWORK) &>/dev/null { # The network needs to be created synchronously or we have a race. The # firewalls can be added concurrent with instance creation. local network_mode="auto" if [[ "${CREATE_CUSTOM_NETWORK:-}" == "true" ]] { setglobal network_mode = '"custom'" } echo "Creating new $(network_mode) network: $(NETWORK)" gcloud compute networks create --project $(NETWORK_PROJECT) $(NETWORK) --mode="$(network_mode)" } else { setglobal PREEXISTING_NETWORK = 'true' setglobal PREEXISTING_NETWORK_MODE = $[gcloud compute networks list --filter="name=('$(NETWORK)')" --project $(NETWORK_PROJECT) --format='value(x_gcloud_subnet_mode)' || true] echo "Found existing network $(NETWORK) in $(PREEXISTING_NETWORK_MODE) mode." } if ! gcloud compute firewall-rules --project $(NETWORK_PROJECT) describe "$(CLUSTER_NAME)-default-internal-master" &>/dev/null { gcloud compute firewall-rules create "$(CLUSTER_NAME)-default-internal-master" \ --project $(NETWORK_PROJECT) \ --network $(NETWORK) \ --source-ranges "" \ --allow "tcp:1-2379,tcp:2382-65535,udp:1-65535,icmp" \ --target-tags $(MASTER_TAG)& } if ! gcloud compute firewall-rules --project $(NETWORK_PROJECT) describe "$(CLUSTER_NAME)-default-internal-node" &>/dev/null { gcloud compute firewall-rules create "$(CLUSTER_NAME)-default-internal-node" \ --project $(NETWORK_PROJECT) \ --network $(NETWORK) \ --source-ranges "" \ --allow "tcp:1-65535,udp:1-65535,icmp" \ --target-tags $(NODE_TAG)& } if ! gcloud compute firewall-rules describe --project $(NETWORK_PROJECT) "$(NETWORK)-default-ssh" &>/dev/null { gcloud compute firewall-rules create "$(NETWORK)-default-ssh" \ --project $(NETWORK_PROJECT) \ --network $(NETWORK) \ --source-ranges "" \ --allow "tcp:22" & } } proc expand-default-subnetwork { gcloud compute networks switch-mode $(NETWORK) \ --mode custom \ --project $(NETWORK_PROJECT) \ --quiet || true gcloud compute networks subnets expand-ip-range $(NETWORK) \ --region="$(REGION)" \ --project $(NETWORK_PROJECT) \ --prefix-length=19 \ --quiet } proc create-subnetworks { match $(ENABLE_IP_ALIASES) { with true echo "IP aliases are enabled. Creating subnetworks." with false echo "IP aliases are disabled." if [[ "${ENABLE_BIG_CLUSTER_SUBNETS}" = "true" ]] { if [[ "${PREEXISTING_NETWORK}" != "true" ]] { expand-default-subnetwork } else { echo "$(color_yellow)Using pre-existing network $(NETWORK), subnets won't be expanded to /19!$(color_norm)" } } elif [[ "${CREATE_CUSTOM_NETWORK:-}" == "true" && "${PREEXISTING_NETWORK}" != "true" ]] { gcloud compute networks subnets create $(SUBNETWORK) --project $(NETWORK_PROJECT) --region $(REGION) --network $(NETWORK) --range $(NODE_IP_RANGE) } return with * echo "$(color_red)Invalid argument to ENABLE_IP_ALIASES$(color_norm)" exit 1 } # Look for the alias subnet, it must exist and have a secondary # range configured. local subnet=$[gcloud beta compute networks subnets describe \ --project $(NETWORK_PROJECT) \ --region $(REGION) \ $(IP_ALIAS_SUBNETWORK) !2 >/dev/null] if [[ -z ${subnet} ]] { # Only allow auto-creation for default subnets if [[ ${IP_ALIAS_SUBNETWORK} != ${INSTANCE_PREFIX}-subnet-default ]] { echo "$(color_red)Subnetwork $(NETWORK):$(IP_ALIAS_SUBNETWORK) does not exist$(color_norm)" exit 1 } echo "Creating subnet $(NETWORK):$(IP_ALIAS_SUBNETWORK)" gcloud beta compute networks subnets create \ $(IP_ALIAS_SUBNETWORK) \ --description "Automatically generated subnet for $(INSTANCE_PREFIX) cluster. This will be removed on cluster teardown." \ --project $(NETWORK_PROJECT) \ --network $(NETWORK) \ --region $(REGION) \ --range $(NODE_IP_RANGE) \ --secondary-range "pods-default=$(CLUSTER_IP_RANGE)" \ --secondary-range "services-default=$(SERVICE_CLUSTER_IP_RANGE)" echo "Created subnetwork $(IP_ALIAS_SUBNETWORK)" } else { if ! echo $(subnet) | grep --quiet secondaryIpRanges $(subnet) { echo "$(color_red)Subnet $(IP_ALIAS_SUBNETWORK) does not have a secondary range$(color_norm)" exit 1 } } } # detect-subnetworks sets the SUBNETWORK var if not already set # Assumed vars: # NETWORK # REGION # NETWORK_PROJECT # # Optional vars: # SUBNETWORK # IP_ALIAS_SUBNETWORK proc detect-subnetworks { if [[ -n ${SUBNETWORK:-} ]] { echo "Using subnet $(SUBNETWORK)" return 0 } if [[ -n ${IP_ALIAS_SUBNETWORK:-} ]] { setglobal SUBNETWORK = $(IP_ALIAS_SUBNETWORK) echo "Using IP Alias subnet $(SUBNETWORK)" return 0 } setglobal SUBNETWORK = $[gcloud beta compute networks subnets list \ --network=$(NETWORK) \ --regions=$(REGION) \ --project=$(NETWORK_PROJECT) \ --limit=1 \ --format='value(name)' !2 >/dev/null] if [[ -n ${SUBNETWORK:-} ]] { echo "Found subnet for region $(REGION) in network $(NETWORK): $(SUBNETWORK)" return 0 } echo "$(color_red)Could not find subnetwork with region $(REGION), network $(NETWORK), and project $(NETWORK_PROJECT)" } proc delete-all-firewall-rules { if setglobal fws = $[gcloud compute firewall-rules list --project $(NETWORK_PROJECT) --filter="network=$(NETWORK)" --format="value(name)] { echo "Deleting firewall rules remaining in network $(NETWORK): $(fws)" delete-firewall-rules $fws } else { echo "Failed to list firewall rules from the network $(NETWORK)" } } proc delete-firewall-rules { for fw in [$ifsjoin(Argv)] { if [[ -n $(gcloud compute firewall-rules --project "${NETWORK_PROJECT}" describe "${fw}" --format='value(name)' 2>/dev/null || true) ]] { gcloud compute firewall-rules delete --project $(NETWORK_PROJECT) --quiet $(fw) & } } kube::util::wait-for-jobs || do { echo -e "$(color_red)Failed to delete firewall rules.$(color_norm)" > !2 } } proc delete-network { if [[ -n $(gcloud compute networks --project "${NETWORK_PROJECT}" describe "${NETWORK}" --format='value(name)' 2>/dev/null || true) ]] { if ! gcloud compute networks delete --project $(NETWORK_PROJECT) --quiet $(NETWORK) { echo "Failed to delete network '$(NETWORK)'. Listing firewall-rules:" gcloud compute firewall-rules --project $(NETWORK_PROJECT) list --filter="network=$(NETWORK)" return 1 } } } proc delete-subnetworks { if [[ ${ENABLE_IP_ALIASES:-} != "true" ]] { # If running in custom mode network we need to delete subnets setglobal mode = $[gcloud compute networks list --filter="name=('$(NETWORK)')" --project $(NETWORK_PROJECT) --format='value(x_gcloud_subnet_mode)' || true] if [[ "${mode}" == "CUSTOM" ]] { if [[ "${ENABLE_BIG_CLUSTER_SUBNETS}" = "true" ]] { echo "Deleting default subnets..." # This value should be kept in sync with number of regions. local parallelism=9 gcloud compute networks subnets list --network="$(NETWORK)" --project $(NETWORK_PROJECT) --format='value(region.basename())' | \ xargs -i -P $(parallelism) gcloud --quiet compute networks subnets delete $(NETWORK) --project $(NETWORK_PROJECT) --region="{}" || true } elif [[ "${CREATE_CUSTOM_NETWORK:-}" == "true" ]] { echo "Deleting custom subnet..." gcloud --quiet compute networks subnets delete $(SUBNETWORK) --project $(NETWORK_PROJECT) --region="$(REGION)" || true } } return } # Only delete automatically created subnets. if [[ ${IP_ALIAS_SUBNETWORK} == ${INSTANCE_PREFIX}-subnet-default ]] { echo "Removing auto-created subnet $(NETWORK):$(IP_ALIAS_SUBNETWORK)" if [[ -n $(gcloud beta compute networks subnets describe \ --project "${NETWORK_PROJECT}" \ --region ${REGION} \ ${IP_ALIAS_SUBNETWORK} 2>/dev/null) ]] { gcloud beta --quiet compute networks subnets delete \ --project $(NETWORK_PROJECT) \ --region $(REGION) \ $(IP_ALIAS_SUBNETWORK) } } } # Generates SSL certificates for etcd cluster. Uses cfssl program. # # Assumed vars: # KUBE_TEMP: temporary directory # NUM_NODES: #nodes in the cluster # # Args: # $1: host name # $2: CA certificate # $3: CA key # # If CA cert/key is empty, the function will also generate certs for CA. # # Vars set: # ETCD_CA_KEY_BASE64 # ETCD_CA_CERT_BASE64 # ETCD_PEER_KEY_BASE64 # ETCD_PEER_CERT_BASE64 # proc create-etcd-certs { local host=$(1) local ca_cert=$(2:-) local ca_key=$(3:-) env GEN_ETCD_CA_CERT=$(ca_cert) GEN_ETCD_CA_KEY=$(ca_key) \ generate-etcd-cert "$(KUBE_TEMP)/cfssl" $(host) "peer" "peer" pushd "$(KUBE_TEMP)/cfssl" setglobal ETCD_CA_KEY_BASE64 = $[cat "ca-key.pem" | base64 | tr -d '\r\n] setglobal ETCD_CA_CERT_BASE64 = $[cat "ca.pem" | gzip | base64 | tr -d '\r\n] setglobal ETCD_PEER_KEY_BASE64 = $[cat "peer-key.pem" | base64 | tr -d '\r\n] setglobal ETCD_PEER_CERT_BASE64 = $[cat "peer.pem" | gzip | base64 | tr -d '\r\n] popd } proc create-master { echo "Starting master and configuring firewalls" gcloud compute firewall-rules create "$(MASTER_NAME)-https" \ --project $(NETWORK_PROJECT) \ --network $(NETWORK) \ --target-tags $(MASTER_TAG) \ --allow tcp:443 & # We have to make sure the disk is created before creating the master VM, so # run this in the foreground. gcloud compute disks create "$(MASTER_NAME)-pd" \ --project $(PROJECT) \ --zone $(ZONE) \ --type $(MASTER_DISK_TYPE) \ --size $(MASTER_DISK_SIZE) # Create disk for cluster registry if enabled if [[ "${ENABLE_CLUSTER_REGISTRY}" == true && -n "${CLUSTER_REGISTRY_DISK}" ]] { gcloud compute disks create $(CLUSTER_REGISTRY_DISK) \ --project $(PROJECT) \ --zone $(ZONE) \ --type $(CLUSTER_REGISTRY_DISK_TYPE_GCE) \ --size $(CLUSTER_REGISTRY_DISK_SIZE) & } # Create rule for accessing and securing etcd servers. if ! gcloud compute firewall-rules --project $(NETWORK_PROJECT) describe "$(MASTER_NAME)-etcd" &>/dev/null { gcloud compute firewall-rules create "$(MASTER_NAME)-etcd" \ --project $(NETWORK_PROJECT) \ --network $(NETWORK) \ --source-tags $(MASTER_TAG) \ --allow "tcp:2380,tcp:2381" \ --target-tags $(MASTER_TAG) & } # Generate a bearer token for this cluster. We push this separately # from the other cluster variables so that the client (this # computer) can forget it later. This should disappear with # http://issue.k8s.io/3168 setglobal KUBELET_TOKEN = $[dd if=/dev/urandom bs=128 count=1 !2 >/dev/null | base64 | tr -d "=+/" | dd bs=32 count=1 !2 >/dev/null] setglobal KUBE_PROXY_TOKEN = $[dd if=/dev/urandom bs=128 count=1 !2 >/dev/null | base64 | tr -d "=+/" | dd bs=32 count=1 !2 >/dev/null] if [[ "${ENABLE_NODE_PROBLEM_DETECTOR:-}" == "standalone" ]] { setglobal NODE_PROBLEM_DETECTOR_TOKEN = $[dd if=/dev/urandom bs=128 count=1 !2 >/dev/null | base64 | tr -d "=+/" | dd bs=32 count=1 !2 >/dev/null] } # Reserve the master's IP so that it can later be transferred to another VM # without disrupting the kubelets. create-static-ip "$(MASTER_NAME)-ip" $(REGION) setglobal MASTER_RESERVED_IP = $[gcloud compute addresses describe "$(MASTER_NAME)-ip" \ --project $(PROJECT) --region $(REGION) -q --format='value(address)] if [[ "${REGISTER_MASTER_KUBELET:-}" == "true" ]] { setglobal KUBELET_APISERVER = $(MASTER_RESERVED_IP) } setglobal KUBERNETES_MASTER_NAME = $(MASTER_RESERVED_IP) setglobal MASTER_ADVERTISE_ADDRESS = $(MASTER_RESERVED_IP) create-certs $(MASTER_RESERVED_IP) create-etcd-certs $(MASTER_NAME) if [[ "${NUM_NODES}" -ge "50" ]] { # We block on master creation for large clusters to avoid doing too much # unnecessary work in case master start-up fails (like creation of nodes). create-master-instance $(MASTER_RESERVED_IP) } else { create-master-instance $(MASTER_RESERVED_IP) & } } # Adds master replica to etcd cluster. # # Assumed vars: # REPLICA_NAME # PROJECT # EXISTING_MASTER_NAME # EXISTING_MASTER_ZONE # # $1: etcd client port # $2: etcd internal port # returns the result of ssh command which adds replica proc add-replica-to-etcd { local -r client_port="$(1)" local -r internal_port="$(2)" gcloud compute ssh $(EXISTING_MASTER_NAME) \ --project $(PROJECT) \ --zone $(EXISTING_MASTER_ZONE) \ --command \ "curl localhost:$(client_port)/v2/members -XPOST -H \"Content-Type: application/json\" -d '{\"peerURLs\":[\"https://$(REPLICA_NAME):$(internal_port)\"]}' -s" return $? } # Sets EXISTING_MASTER_NAME and EXISTING_MASTER_ZONE variables. # # Assumed vars: # PROJECT # # NOTE: Must be in sync with get-replica-name-regexp proc set-existing-master { local existing_master=$[gcloud compute instances list \ --project $(PROJECT) \ --filter "name ~ '$[get-replica-name-regexp]'" \ --format "value(name,zone)" | head -n1] setglobal EXISTING_MASTER_NAME = $[echo $(existing_master) | cut -f1] setglobal EXISTING_MASTER_ZONE = $[echo $(existing_master) | cut -f2] } proc replicate-master { set-replica-name set-existing-master echo "Experimental: replicating existing master $(EXISTING_MASTER_ZONE)/$(EXISTING_MASTER_NAME) as $(ZONE)/$(REPLICA_NAME)" # Before we do anything else, we should configure etcd to expect more replicas. if ! add-replica-to-etcd 2379 2380 { echo "Failed to add master replica to etcd cluster." return 1 } if ! add-replica-to-etcd 4002 2381 { echo "Failed to add master replica to etcd events cluster." return 1 } # We have to make sure the disk is created before creating the master VM, so # run this in the foreground. gcloud compute disks create "$(REPLICA_NAME)-pd" \ --project $(PROJECT) \ --zone $(ZONE) \ --type $(MASTER_DISK_TYPE) \ --size $(MASTER_DISK_SIZE) local existing_master_replicas="$[get-all-replica-names]" replicate-master-instance $(EXISTING_MASTER_ZONE) $(EXISTING_MASTER_NAME) $(existing_master_replicas) # Add new replica to the load balancer. gcloud compute target-pools add-instances $(MASTER_NAME) \ --project $(PROJECT) \ --zone $(ZONE) \ --instances $(REPLICA_NAME) } # Detaches old and ataches new external IP to a VM. # # Arguments: # $1 - VM name # $2 - VM zone # $3 - external static IP; if empty will use an ephemeral IP address. proc attach-external-ip { local NAME=$(1) local ZONE=$(2) local IP_ADDR=$(3:-) local ACCESS_CONFIG_NAME=$[gcloud compute instances describe $(NAME) \ --project $(PROJECT) --zone $(ZONE) \ --format="value(networkInterfaces[0].accessConfigs[0].name)] gcloud compute instances delete-access-config $(NAME) \ --project $(PROJECT) --zone $(ZONE) \ --access-config-name $(ACCESS_CONFIG_NAME) if [[ -z ${IP_ADDR} ]] { gcloud compute instances add-access-config $(NAME) \ --project $(PROJECT) --zone $(ZONE) \ --access-config-name $(ACCESS_CONFIG_NAME) } else { gcloud compute instances add-access-config $(NAME) \ --project $(PROJECT) --zone $(ZONE) \ --access-config-name $(ACCESS_CONFIG_NAME) \ --address $(IP_ADDR) } } # Creates load balancer in front of apiserver if it doesn't exists already. Assumes there's only one # existing master replica. # # Assumes: # PROJECT # MASTER_NAME # ZONE # REGION proc create-loadbalancer { detect-master # Step 0: Return early if LB is already configured. if gcloud compute forwarding-rules describe $(MASTER_NAME) \ --project $(PROJECT) --region $(REGION) > /dev/null !2 > !1 { echo "Load balancer already exists" return } local EXISTING_MASTER_NAME="$[get-all-replica-names]" local EXISTING_MASTER_ZONE=$[gcloud compute instances list $(EXISTING_MASTER_NAME) \ --project $(PROJECT) --format="value(zone)] echo "Creating load balancer in front of an already existing master in $(EXISTING_MASTER_ZONE)" # Step 1: Detach master IP address and attach ephemeral address to the existing master attach-external-ip $(EXISTING_MASTER_NAME) $(EXISTING_MASTER_ZONE) # Step 2: Create target pool. gcloud compute target-pools create $(MASTER_NAME) --project $(PROJECT) --region $(REGION) # TODO: We should also add master instances with suffixes gcloud compute target-pools add-instances $(MASTER_NAME) --instances $(EXISTING_MASTER_NAME) --project $(PROJECT) --zone $(EXISTING_MASTER_ZONE) # Step 3: Create forwarding rule. # TODO: This step can take up to 20 min. We need to speed this up... gcloud compute forwarding-rules create $(MASTER_NAME) \ --project $(PROJECT) --region $(REGION) \ --target-pool $(MASTER_NAME) --address=$(KUBE_MASTER_IP) --ports=443 echo -n "Waiting for the load balancer configuration to propagate..." local counter=0 while not $[curl -k -m1 https://$(KUBE_MASTER_IP) &> /dev/null] { setglobal counter = $shExpr('counter+1') echo -n . if [[ ${counter} -ge 1800 ]] { echo -e "$(color_red)TIMEOUT$(color_norm)" > !2 echo -e "$(color_red)Load balancer failed to initialize within $(counter) seconds.$(color_norm)" > !2 exit 2 } } echo "DONE" } proc create-nodes-firewall { # Create a single firewall rule for all minions. create-firewall-rule "$(NODE_TAG)-all" $(CLUSTER_IP_RANGE) $(NODE_TAG) & # Report logging choice (if any). if [[ "${ENABLE_NODE_LOGGING-}" == "true" ]] { echo "+++ Logging using Fluentd to $(LOGGING_DESTINATION:-unknown)" } # Wait for last batch of jobs kube::util::wait-for-jobs || do { echo -e "$(color_red)Some commands failed.$(color_norm)" > !2 } } proc get-scope-flags { local scope_flags= if [[ -n "${NODE_SCOPES}" ]] { setglobal scope_flags = ""--scopes $(NODE_SCOPES)"" } else { setglobal scope_flags = '"--no-scopes'" } echo $(scope_flags) } proc create-nodes-template { echo "Creating nodes." local scope_flags=$[get-scope-flags] write-node-env local template_name="$(NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX)-template" create-node-instance-template $template_name } # Assumes: # - MAX_INSTANCES_PER_MIG # - NUM_NODES # exports: # - NUM_MIGS proc set_num_migs { local defaulted_max_instances_per_mig=$(MAX_INSTANCES_PER_MIG:-1000) if [[ ${defaulted_max_instances_per_mig} -le "0" ]] { echo "MAX_INSTANCES_PER_MIG cannot be negative. Assuming default 1000" setglobal defaulted_max_instances_per_mig = '1000' } export NUM_MIGS=$shExpr('(${NUM_NODES} + ${defaulted_max_instances_per_mig} - 1) / ${defaulted_max_instances_per_mig}') } # Assumes: # - NUM_MIGS # - NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX # - NUM_NODES # - PROJECT # - ZONE proc create-nodes { local template_name="$(NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX)-template" if [[ -z "${HEAPSTER_MACHINE_TYPE:-}" ]] { local -r nodes="$(NUM_NODES)" } else { local -r nodes=$shExpr(' NUM_NODES - 1 ') } local instances_left=$(nodes) #TODO: parallelize this loop to speed up the process for ((i=1; i<=${NUM_MIGS}; i++)); do local group_name="${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-group-$i" if [[ $i == ${NUM_MIGS} ]]; then # TODO: We don't add a suffix for the last group to keep backward compatibility when there's only one MIG. # We should change it at some point, but note #18545 when changing this. group_name="${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-group" fi # Spread the remaining number of nodes evenly this_mig_size=$((${instances_left} / (${NUM_MIGS}-${i}+1))) instances_left=$((instances_left-${this_mig_size})) gcloud compute instance-groups managed \ create "${group_name}" \ --project "${PROJECT}" \ --zone "${ZONE}" \ --base-instance-name "${group_name}" \ --size "${this_mig_size}" \ --template "$template_name" || true; gcloud compute instance-groups managed wait-until-stable \ "${group_name}" \ --zone "${ZONE}" \ --project "${PROJECT}" || true; done if [[ -n "${HEAPSTER_MACHINE_TYPE:-}" ]] { echo "Creating a special node for heapster with machine-type $(HEAPSTER_MACHINE_TYPE)" create-heapster-node } } # Assumes: # - NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX # - PROJECT # - NETWORK_PROJECT # - REGION # - ZONE # - HEAPSTER_MACHINE_TYPE # - NODE_DISK_TYPE # - NODE_DISK_SIZE # - NODE_IMAGE_PROJECT # - NODE_IMAGE # - NODE_TAG # - NETWORK # - ENABLE_IP_ALIASES # - SUBNETWORK # - IP_ALIAS_SIZE proc create-heapster-node { local gcloud="gcloud" if [[ "${ENABLE_IP_ALIASES:-}" == 'true' ]] { setglobal gcloud = '"gcloud beta'" } local network=$[make-gcloud-network-argument \ $(NETWORK_PROJECT) \ $(REGION) \ $(NETWORK) \ $(SUBNETWORK:-) \ "" \ $(ENABLE_IP_ALIASES:-) \ $(IP_ALIAS_SIZE:-)] $(gcloud) compute instances \ create "$(NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX)-heapster" \ --project $(PROJECT) \ --zone $(ZONE) \ --machine-type="$(HEAPSTER_MACHINE_TYPE)" \ --boot-disk-type $(NODE_DISK_TYPE) \ --boot-disk-size $(NODE_DISK_SIZE) \ --image-project="$(NODE_IMAGE_PROJECT)" \ --image $(NODE_IMAGE) \ --tags $(NODE_TAG) \ $(network) \ $[get-scope-flags] \ --metadata-from-file $[get-node-instance-metadata] } # Assumes: # - NUM_MIGS # - NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX # - PROJECT # - ZONE # - AUTOSCALER_MAX_NODES # - AUTOSCALER_MIN_NODES # Exports # - AUTOSCALER_MIG_CONFIG proc create-cluster-autoscaler-mig-config { # Each MIG must have at least one node, so the min number of nodes # must be greater or equal to the number of migs. if [[ ${AUTOSCALER_MIN_NODES} -lt 0 ]] { echo "AUTOSCALER_MIN_NODES must be greater or equal 0" exit 2 } # Each MIG must have at least one node, so the min number of nodes # must be greater or equal to the number of migs. if [[ ${AUTOSCALER_MAX_NODES} -lt ${NUM_MIGS} ]] { echo "AUTOSCALER_MAX_NODES must be greater or equal $(NUM_MIGS)" exit 2 } # The code assumes that the migs were created with create-nodes # function which tries to evenly spread nodes across the migs. setglobal AUTOSCALER_MIG_CONFIG = ''"" local left_min=$(AUTOSCALER_MIN_NODES) local left_max=$(AUTOSCALER_MAX_NODES) for ((i=1; i<=${NUM_MIGS}; i++)); do local group_name="${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-group-$i" if [[ $i == ${NUM_MIGS} ]]; then # TODO: We don't add a suffix for the last group to keep backward compatibility when there's only one MIG. # We should change it at some point, but note #18545 when changing this. group_name="${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-group" fi this_mig_min=$((${left_min}/(${NUM_MIGS}-${i}+1))) this_mig_max=$((${left_max}/(${NUM_MIGS}-${i}+1))) left_min=$((left_min-$this_mig_min)) left_max=$((left_max-$this_mig_max)) local mig_url="https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/${PROJECT}/zones/${ZONE}/instanceGroups/${group_name}" AUTOSCALER_MIG_CONFIG="${AUTOSCALER_MIG_CONFIG} --nodes=${this_mig_min}:${this_mig_max}:${mig_url}" done setglobal AUTOSCALER_MIG_CONFIG = ""$(AUTOSCALER_MIG_CONFIG) --scale-down-enabled=$(AUTOSCALER_ENABLE_SCALE_DOWN)"" } # Assumes: # - NUM_MIGS # - NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX # - PROJECT # - ZONE # - ENABLE_CLUSTER_AUTOSCALER # - AUTOSCALER_MAX_NODES # - AUTOSCALER_MIN_NODES proc create-autoscaler-config { # Create autoscaler for nodes configuration if requested if [[ "${ENABLE_CLUSTER_AUTOSCALER}" == "true" ]] { create-cluster-autoscaler-mig-config echo "Using autoscaler config: $(AUTOSCALER_MIG_CONFIG) $(AUTOSCALER_EXPANDER_CONFIG)" } } proc check-cluster { detect-node-names detect-master echo "Waiting up to $(KUBE_CLUSTER_INITIALIZATION_TIMEOUT) seconds for cluster initialization." echo echo " This will continually check to see if the API for kubernetes is reachable." echo " This may time out if there was some uncaught error during start up." echo # curl in mavericks is borked. setglobal secure = ''"" if which sw_vers > !/dev/null { if [[ $(sw_vers | grep ProductVersion | awk '{print $2}') = "10.9."* ]] { setglobal secure = '"--insecure'" } } local start_time=$[date +%s] while not curl --cacert "$(CERT_DIR)/pki/ca.crt" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(KUBE_BEARER_TOKEN)" \ $(secure) \ --max-time 5 --fail --output /dev/null --silent \ "https://$(KUBE_MASTER_IP)/api/v1/pods { local elapsed=$shExpr('$(date +%s) - ${start_time}') if [[ ${elapsed} -gt ${KUBE_CLUSTER_INITIALIZATION_TIMEOUT} ]] { echo -e "$(color_red)Cluster failed to initialize within $(KUBE_CLUSTER_INITIALIZATION_TIMEOUT) seconds.$(color_norm)" > !2 exit 2 } printf "." sleep 2 } echo "Kubernetes cluster created." export KUBE_CERT="$(CERT_DIR)/pki/issued/kubecfg.crt" export KUBE_KEY="$(CERT_DIR)/pki/private/kubecfg.key" export CA_CERT="$(CERT_DIR)/pki/ca.crt" export CONTEXT="$(PROJECT)_$(INSTANCE_PREFIX)" shell { umask 077 # Update the user's kubeconfig to include credentials for this apiserver. create-kubeconfig create-kubeconfig-for-federation } # ensures KUBECONFIG is set get-kubeconfig-basicauth echo echo -e "$(color_green)Kubernetes cluster is running. The master is running at:" echo echo -e "$(color_yellow) https://$(KUBE_MASTER_IP)" echo echo -e "$(color_green)The user name and password to use is located in $(KUBECONFIG).$(color_norm)" echo } # Removes master replica from etcd cluster. # # Assumed vars: # REPLICA_NAME # PROJECT # EXISTING_MASTER_NAME # EXISTING_MASTER_ZONE # # $1: etcd client port # returns the result of ssh command which removes replica proc remove-replica-from-etcd { local -r port="$(1)" [[ -n "${EXISTING_MASTER_NAME}" ]] || return gcloud compute ssh $(EXISTING_MASTER_NAME) \ --project $(PROJECT) \ --zone $(EXISTING_MASTER_ZONE) \ --command \ "curl -s localhost:$(port)/v2/members/\$(curl -s localhost:$(port)/v2/members -XGET | sed 's/{\\\"id/\n/g' | grep $(REPLICA_NAME)\\\" | cut -f 3 -d \\\") -XDELETE -L 2>/dev/null" local -r res=$Status echo "Removing etcd replica, name: $(REPLICA_NAME), port: $(port), result: $(res)" return "${res}" } # Delete a kubernetes cluster. This is called from test-teardown. # # Assumed vars: # MASTER_NAME # NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX # ZONE # This function tears down cluster resources 10 at a time to avoid issuing too many # API calls and exceeding API quota. It is important to bring down the instances before bringing # down the firewall rules and routes. proc kube-down { local -r batch=200 detect-project detect-node-names # For INSTANCE_GROUPS echo "Bringing down cluster" set +e # Do not stop on error if [[ "${KUBE_DELETE_NODES:-}" != "false" ]] { # Get the name of the managed instance group template before we delete the # managed instance group. (The name of the managed instance group template may # change during a cluster upgrade.) local templates=$[get-template $(PROJECT)] for group in [$(INSTANCE_GROUPS[@]:-)] { if gcloud compute instance-groups managed describe $(group) --project $(PROJECT) --zone $(ZONE) &>/dev/null { gcloud compute instance-groups managed delete \ --project $(PROJECT) \ --quiet \ --zone $(ZONE) \ $(group) & } } # Wait for last batch of jobs kube::util::wait-for-jobs || do { echo -e "Failed to delete instance group(s)." > !2 } for template in [$(templates[@]:-)] { if gcloud compute instance-templates describe --project $(PROJECT) $(template) &>/dev/null { gcloud compute instance-templates delete \ --project $(PROJECT) \ --quiet \ $(template) } } # Delete the special heapster node (if it exists). if [[ -n "${HEAPSTER_MACHINE_TYPE:-}" ]] { local -r heapster_machine_name="$(NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX)-heapster" if gcloud compute instances describe $(heapster_machine_name) --zone $(ZONE) --project $(PROJECT) &>/dev/null { # Now we can safely delete the VM. gcloud compute instances delete \ --project $(PROJECT) \ --quiet \ --delete-disks all \ --zone $(ZONE) \ $(heapster_machine_name) } } } local -r REPLICA_NAME="$(KUBE_REPLICA_NAME:-$(get-replica-name))" set-existing-master # Un-register the master replica from etcd and events etcd. remove-replica-from-etcd 2379 remove-replica-from-etcd 4002 # Delete the master replica (if it exists). if gcloud compute instances describe $(REPLICA_NAME) --zone $(ZONE) --project $(PROJECT) &>/dev/null { # If there is a load balancer in front of apiservers we need to first update its configuration. if gcloud compute target-pools describe $(MASTER_NAME) --region $(REGION) --project $(PROJECT) &>/dev/null { gcloud compute target-pools remove-instances $(MASTER_NAME) \ --project $(PROJECT) \ --zone $(ZONE) \ --instances $(REPLICA_NAME) } # Now we can safely delete the VM. gcloud compute instances delete \ --project $(PROJECT) \ --quiet \ --delete-disks all \ --zone $(ZONE) \ $(REPLICA_NAME) } # Delete the master replica pd (possibly leaked by kube-up if master create failed). # TODO(jszczepkowski): remove also possibly leaked replicas' pds local -r replica_pd="$(REPLICA_NAME:-${MASTER_NAME})-pd" if gcloud compute disks describe $(replica_pd) --zone $(ZONE) --project $(PROJECT) &>/dev/null { gcloud compute disks delete \ --project $(PROJECT) \ --quiet \ --zone $(ZONE) \ $(replica_pd) } # Delete disk for cluster registry if enabled if [[ "${ENABLE_CLUSTER_REGISTRY}" == true && -n "${CLUSTER_REGISTRY_DISK}" ]] { if gcloud compute disks describe $(CLUSTER_REGISTRY_DISK) --zone $(ZONE) --project $(PROJECT) &>/dev/null { gcloud compute disks delete \ --project $(PROJECT) \ --quiet \ --zone $(ZONE) \ $(CLUSTER_REGISTRY_DISK) } } # Check if this are any remaining master replicas. local REMAINING_MASTER_COUNT=$[gcloud compute instances list \ --project $(PROJECT) \ --filter="name ~ '$[get-replica-name-regexp]'" \ --format "value(zone)" | wc -l] # In the replicated scenario, if there's only a single master left, we should also delete load balancer in front of it. if [[ "${REMAINING_MASTER_COUNT}" -eq 1 ]] { if gcloud compute forwarding-rules describe $(MASTER_NAME) --region $(REGION) --project $(PROJECT) &>/dev/null { detect-master local REMAINING_REPLICA_NAME="$[get-all-replica-names]" local REMAINING_REPLICA_ZONE=$[gcloud compute instances list $(REMAINING_REPLICA_NAME) \ --project $(PROJECT) --format="value(zone)] gcloud compute forwarding-rules delete \ --project $(PROJECT) \ --region $(REGION) \ --quiet \ $(MASTER_NAME) attach-external-ip $(REMAINING_REPLICA_NAME) $(REMAINING_REPLICA_ZONE) $(KUBE_MASTER_IP) gcloud compute target-pools delete \ --project $(PROJECT) \ --region $(REGION) \ --quiet \ $(MASTER_NAME) } } # If there are no more remaining master replicas, we should delete all remaining network resources. if [[ "${REMAINING_MASTER_COUNT}" -eq 0 ]] { # Delete firewall rule for the master, etcd servers, and nodes. delete-firewall-rules "$(MASTER_NAME)-https" "$(MASTER_NAME)-etcd" "$(NODE_TAG)-all" # Delete the master's reserved IP if gcloud compute addresses describe "$(MASTER_NAME)-ip" --region $(REGION) --project $(PROJECT) &>/dev/null { gcloud compute addresses delete \ --project $(PROJECT) \ --region $(REGION) \ --quiet \ "$(MASTER_NAME)-ip" } } if [[ "${KUBE_DELETE_NODES:-}" != "false" ]] { # Find out what minions are running. local -a minions setglobal minions = ''( $(gcloud compute instances list \ --project "${PROJECT}" \ --filter="name ~ '${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-.+' AND zone:(${ZONE})" \ --format='value(name)') ) # If any minions are running, delete them in batches. while sh-expr ' "${#minions[@]}" > 0 ' { echo Deleting nodes $(minions[*]::${batch}) gcloud compute instances delete \ --project $(PROJECT) \ --quiet \ --delete-disks boot \ --zone $(ZONE) \ $(minions[@]::${batch}) setglobal minions = ''( "${minions[@]:${batch}}" ) } } # If there are no more remaining master replicas: delete routes, pd for influxdb and update kubeconfig if [[ "${REMAINING_MASTER_COUNT}" -eq 0 ]] { # Delete routes. local -a routes # Clean up all routes w/ names like "-" # e.g. "kubernetes-12345678-90ab-cdef-1234-567890abcdef". The name is # determined by the node controller on the master. # Note that this is currently a noop, as synchronously deleting the node MIG # first allows the master to cleanup routes itself. local TRUNCATED_PREFIX="$(INSTANCE_PREFIX:0:26)" setglobal routes = ''( $(gcloud compute routes list --project "${NETWORK_PROJECT}" \ --filter="name ~ '${TRUNCATED_PREFIX}-.{8}-.{4}-.{4}-.{4}-.{12}'" \ --format='value(name)') ) while sh-expr ' "${#routes[@]}" > 0 ' { echo Deleting routes $(routes[*]::${batch}) gcloud compute routes delete \ --project $(NETWORK_PROJECT) \ --quiet \ $(routes[@]::${batch}) setglobal routes = ''( "${routes[@]:${batch}}" ) } # Delete persistent disk for influx-db. if gcloud compute disks describe "$(INSTANCE_PREFIX)"-influxdb-pd --zone $(ZONE) --project $(PROJECT) &>/dev/null { gcloud compute disks delete \ --project $(PROJECT) \ --quiet \ --zone $(ZONE) \ "$(INSTANCE_PREFIX)"-influxdb-pd } # Delete all remaining firewall rules and network. delete-firewall-rules \ "$(CLUSTER_NAME)-default-internal-master" \ "$(CLUSTER_NAME)-default-internal-node" \ "$(NETWORK)-default-ssh" \ "$(NETWORK)-default-internal" # Pre-1.5 clusters if [[ "${KUBE_DELETE_NETWORK}" == "true" ]] { # Delete all remaining firewall rules in the network. delete-all-firewall-rules || true delete-subnetworks || true delete-network || true # might fail if there are leaked resources that reference the network } # If there are no more remaining master replicas, we should update kubeconfig. export CONTEXT="$(PROJECT)_$(INSTANCE_PREFIX)" clear-kubeconfig } else { # If some master replicas remain: cluster has been changed, we need to re-validate it. echo "... calling validate-cluster" > !2 # Override errexit shell {validate-cluster} && setglobal validate_result = "$Status" || setglobal validate_result = "$Status" # We have two different failure modes from validate cluster: # - 1: fatal error - cluster won't be working correctly # - 2: weak error - something went wrong, but cluster probably will be working correctly # We just print an error message in case 2). if [[ "${validate_result}" -eq 1 ]] { exit 1 } elif [[ "${validate_result}" -eq 2 ]] { echo "...ignoring non-fatal errors in validate-cluster" > !2 } } set -e } # Prints name of one of the master replicas in the current zone. It will be either # just MASTER_NAME or MASTER_NAME with a suffix for a replica (see get-replica-name-regexp). # # Assumed vars: # PROJECT # ZONE # MASTER_NAME # # NOTE: Must be in sync with get-replica-name-regexp and set-replica-name. proc get-replica-name { echo $[gcloud compute instances list \ --project $(PROJECT) \ --filter="name ~ '$[get-replica-name-regexp]' AND zone:($(ZONE))" \ --format "value(name)" | head -n1] } # Prints comma-separated names of all of the master replicas in all zones. # # Assumed vars: # PROJECT # MASTER_NAME # # NOTE: Must be in sync with get-replica-name-regexp and set-replica-name. proc get-all-replica-names { echo $[gcloud compute instances list \ --project $(PROJECT) \ --filter="name ~ '$[get-replica-name-regexp]'" \ --format "value(name)" | tr "\n" "," | sed 's/,$//] } # Prints the number of all of the master replicas in all zones. # # Assumed vars: # MASTER_NAME proc get-master-replicas-count { detect-project local num_masters=$[gcloud compute instances list \ --project $(PROJECT) \ --filter="name ~ '$[get-replica-name-regexp]'" \ --format "value(zone)" | wc -l] echo -n $(num_masters) } # Prints regexp for full master machine name. In a cluster with replicated master, # VM names may either be MASTER_NAME or MASTER_NAME with a suffix for a replica. proc get-replica-name-regexp { echo "$(MASTER_NAME)(-...)?" } # Sets REPLICA_NAME to a unique name for a master replica that will match # expected regexp (see get-replica-name-regexp). # # Assumed vars: # PROJECT # ZONE # MASTER_NAME # # Sets: # REPLICA_NAME proc set-replica-name { local instances=$[gcloud compute instances list \ --project $(PROJECT) \ --filter="name ~ '$[get-replica-name-regexp]'" \ --format "value(name)] setglobal suffix = ''"" while echo $(instances) | grep $(suffix) &>/dev/null { setglobal suffix = $[date | md5sum | head -c3] } setglobal REPLICA_NAME = ""$(MASTER_NAME)-$(suffix)"" } # Gets the instance template for given NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX. It echos the template name so that the function # output can be used. # Assumed vars: # NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX # # $1: project proc get-template { gcloud compute instance-templates list \ --filter="name ~ '$(NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX)-template(-($(KUBE_RELEASE_VERSION_DASHED_REGEX)|$(KUBE_CI_VERSION_DASHED_REGEX)))?'" \ --project="$(1)" --format='value(name)' } # Checks if there are any present resources related kubernetes cluster. # # Assumed vars: # MASTER_NAME # NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX # ZONE # REGION # Vars set: # KUBE_RESOURCE_FOUND proc check-resources { detect-project detect-node-names echo "Looking for already existing resources" setglobal KUBE_RESOURCE_FOUND = ''"" if [[ -n "${INSTANCE_GROUPS[@]:-}" ]] { setglobal KUBE_RESOURCE_FOUND = ""Managed instance groups $(INSTANCE_GROUPS[@])"" return 1 } if gcloud compute instance-templates describe --project $(PROJECT) "$(NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX)-template" &>/dev/null { setglobal KUBE_RESOURCE_FOUND = ""Instance template $(NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX)-template"" return 1 } if gcloud compute instances describe --project $(PROJECT) $(MASTER_NAME) --zone $(ZONE) &>/dev/null { setglobal KUBE_RESOURCE_FOUND = ""Kubernetes master $(MASTER_NAME)"" return 1 } if gcloud compute disks describe --project $(PROJECT) "$(MASTER_NAME)"-pd --zone $(ZONE) &>/dev/null { setglobal KUBE_RESOURCE_FOUND = ""Persistent disk $(MASTER_NAME)-pd"" return 1 } if gcloud compute disks describe --project $(PROJECT) $(CLUSTER_REGISTRY_DISK) --zone $(ZONE) &>/dev/null { setglobal KUBE_RESOURCE_FOUND = ""Persistent disk $(CLUSTER_REGISTRY_DISK)"" return 1 } # Find out what minions are running. local -a minions setglobal minions = ''( $(gcloud compute instances list \ --project "${PROJECT}" \ --filter="name ~ '${NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX}-.+' AND zone:(${ZONE})" \ --format='value(name)') ) if sh-expr ' "${#minions[@]}" > 0 ' { setglobal KUBE_RESOURCE_FOUND = ""$(#minions[@]) matching matching $(NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX)-.+"" return 1 } if gcloud compute firewall-rules describe --project $(NETWORK_PROJECT) "$(MASTER_NAME)-https" &>/dev/null { setglobal KUBE_RESOURCE_FOUND = ""Firewall rules for $(MASTER_NAME)-https"" return 1 } if gcloud compute firewall-rules describe --project $(NETWORK_PROJECT) "$(NODE_TAG)-all" &>/dev/null { setglobal KUBE_RESOURCE_FOUND = ""Firewall rules for $(MASTER_NAME)-all"" return 1 } local -a routes setglobal routes = ''( $(gcloud compute routes list --project "${NETWORK_PROJECT}" \ --filter="name ~ '${INSTANCE_PREFIX}-minion-.{4}'" --format='value(name)') ) if sh-expr ' "${#routes[@]}" > 0 ' { setglobal KUBE_RESOURCE_FOUND = ""$(#routes[@]) routes matching $(INSTANCE_PREFIX)-minion-.{4}"" return 1 } if gcloud compute addresses describe --project $(PROJECT) "$(MASTER_NAME)-ip" --region $(REGION) &>/dev/null { setglobal KUBE_RESOURCE_FOUND = '"Master's reserved IP'" return 1 } # No resources found. return 0 } # Prepare to push new binaries to kubernetes cluster # $1 - whether prepare push to node proc prepare-push { local node="$(1-)" #TODO(dawnchen): figure out how to upgrade a Container Linux node if [[ "${node}" == "true" && "${NODE_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" != "debian" ]] { echo "Updating nodes in a kubernetes cluster with $(NODE_OS_DISTRIBUTION) is not supported yet." > !2 exit 1 } if [[ "${node}" != "true" && "${MASTER_OS_DISTRIBUTION}" != "debian" ]] { echo "Updating the master in a kubernetes cluster with $(MASTER_OS_DISTRIBUTION) is not supported yet." > !2 exit 1 } setglobal OUTPUT = "$(KUBE_ROOT)/_output/logs" mkdir -p $(OUTPUT) kube::util::ensure-temp-dir detect-project detect-master detect-node-names get-kubeconfig-basicauth get-kubeconfig-bearertoken # Make sure we have the tar files staged on Google Storage tars_from_version # Prepare node env vars and update MIG template if [[ "${node}" == "true" ]] { write-node-env local scope_flags=$[get-scope-flags] # Ugly hack: Since it is not possible to delete instance-template that is currently # being used, create a temp one, then delete the old one and recreate it once again. local tmp_template_name="$(NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX)-template-tmp" create-node-instance-template $tmp_template_name local template_name="$(NODE_INSTANCE_PREFIX)-template" for group in [$(INSTANCE_GROUPS[@]:-)] { gcloud compute instance-groups managed \ set-instance-template $(group) \ --template $tmp_template_name \ --zone $(ZONE) \ --project $(PROJECT) || true; } gcloud compute instance-templates delete \ --project $(PROJECT) \ --quiet \ $template_name || true create-node-instance-template $template_name for group in [$(INSTANCE_GROUPS[@]:-)] { gcloud compute instance-groups managed \ set-instance-template $(group) \ --template $template_name \ --zone $(ZONE) \ --project $(PROJECT) || true; } gcloud compute instance-templates delete \ --project $(PROJECT) \ --quiet \ $tmp_template_name || true } } # Push binaries to kubernetes master proc push-master { echo "Updating master metadata ..." write-master-env prepare-startup-script add-instance-metadata-from-file $(KUBE_MASTER) "kube-env=$(KUBE_TEMP)/master-kube-env.yaml" "startup-script=$(KUBE_TEMP)/configure-vm.sh" echo "Pushing to master (log at $(OUTPUT)/push-$(KUBE_MASTER).log) ..." cat $(KUBE_TEMP)/configure-vm.sh | gcloud compute ssh --ssh-flag="-o LogLevel=quiet" --project $(PROJECT) --zone $(ZONE) $(KUBE_MASTER) --command "sudo bash -s -- --push" &> $(OUTPUT)/push-"$(KUBE_MASTER)".log } # Push binaries to kubernetes node proc push-node { setglobal node = $(1) echo "Updating node $(node) metadata... " prepare-startup-script add-instance-metadata-from-file $(node) "kube-env=$(KUBE_TEMP)/node-kube-env.yaml" "startup-script=$(KUBE_TEMP)/configure-vm.sh" echo "Start upgrading node $(node) (log at $(OUTPUT)/push-$(node).log) ..." cat $(KUBE_TEMP)/configure-vm.sh | gcloud compute ssh --ssh-flag="-o LogLevel=quiet" --project $(PROJECT) --zone $(ZONE) $(node) --command "sudo bash -s -- --push" &> $(OUTPUT)/push-"$(node)".log } # Push binaries to kubernetes cluster proc kube-push { # Disable this until it's fixed. # See https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/17397 echo "./cluster/kube-push.sh is currently not supported in GCE." echo "Please use ./cluster/gce/upgrade.sh." exit 1 prepare-push true push-master for (( i=0; i<${#NODE_NAMES[@]}; i++)); do push-node "${NODE_NAMES[$i]}" & done kube::util::wait-for-jobs || do { echo -e "$(color_red)Some commands failed.$(color_norm)" > !2 } # TODO(zmerlynn): Re-create instance-template with the new # node-kube-env. This isn't important until the node-ip-range issue # is solved (because that's blocking automatic dynamic nodes from # working). The node-kube-env has to be composed with the KUBELET_TOKEN # and KUBE_PROXY_TOKEN. Ideally we would have # http://issue.k8s.io/3168 # implemented before then, though, so avoiding this mess until then. echo echo "Kubernetes cluster is running. The master is running at:" echo echo " https://$(KUBE_MASTER_IP)" echo echo "The user name and password to use is located in ~/.kube/config" echo } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Cluster specific test helpers used from hack/e2e.go # Execute prior to running tests to build a release if required for env. # # Assumed Vars: # KUBE_ROOT proc test-build-release { # Make a release "$(KUBE_ROOT)/build/release.sh" } # Execute prior to running tests to initialize required structure. This is # called from hack/e2e.go only when running -up. # # Assumed vars: # Variables from config.sh proc test-setup { # Detect the project into $PROJECT if it isn't set detect-project if [[ ${MULTIZONE:-} == "true" && -n ${E2E_ZONES:-} ]] { for KUBE_GCE_ZONE in [$(E2E_ZONES)] { env KUBE_GCE_ZONE=$(KUBE_GCE_ZONE) KUBE_USE_EXISTING_MASTER=$(KUBE_USE_EXISTING_MASTER:-) "$(KUBE_ROOT)/cluster/kube-up.sh" setglobal KUBE_USE_EXISTING_MASTER = '"true'" # For subsequent zones we use the existing master } } else { "$(KUBE_ROOT)/cluster/kube-up.sh" } # Open up port 80 & 8080 so common containers on minions can be reached # TODO(roberthbailey): Remove this once we are no longer relying on hostPorts. local start=$[date +%s] gcloud compute firewall-rules create \ --project $(NETWORK_PROJECT) \ --target-tags $(NODE_TAG) \ --allow tcp:80,tcp:8080 \ --network $(NETWORK) \ "$(NODE_TAG)-$(INSTANCE_PREFIX)-http-alt" !2 > /dev/null || true # As there is no simple way to wait longer for this operation we need to manually # wait some additional time (20 minutes altogether). while ! gcloud compute firewall-rules describe --project $(NETWORK_PROJECT) "$(NODE_TAG)-$(INSTANCE_PREFIX)-http-alt" !2 > /dev/null { if [[ $(($start + 1200)) -lt `date +%s` ]] { echo -e "$(color_red)Failed to create firewall $(NODE_TAG)-$(INSTANCE_PREFIX)-http-alt in $(NETWORK_PROJECT)" > !2 exit 1 } sleep 5 } # Open up the NodePort range # TODO(justinsb): Move to main setup, if we decide whether we want to do this by default. setglobal start = $[date +%s] gcloud compute firewall-rules create \ --project $(NETWORK_PROJECT) \ --target-tags $(NODE_TAG) \ --allow tcp:30000-32767,udp:30000-32767 \ --network $(NETWORK) \ "$(NODE_TAG)-$(INSTANCE_PREFIX)-nodeports" !2 > /dev/null || true # As there is no simple way to wait longer for this operation we need to manually # wait some additional time (20 minutes altogether). while ! gcloud compute firewall-rules describe --project $(NETWORK_PROJECT) "$(NODE_TAG)-$(INSTANCE_PREFIX)-nodeports" !2 > /dev/null { if [[ $(($start + 1200)) -lt `date +%s` ]] { echo -e "$(color_red)Failed to create firewall $(NODE_TAG)-$(INSTANCE_PREFIX)-nodeports in $(PROJECT)" > !2 exit 1 } sleep 5 } } # Execute after running tests to perform any required clean-up. This is called # from hack/e2e.go proc test-teardown { detect-project echo "Shutting down test cluster in background." delete-firewall-rules \ "$(NODE_TAG)-$(INSTANCE_PREFIX)-http-alt" \ "$(NODE_TAG)-$(INSTANCE_PREFIX)-nodeports" if [[ ${MULTIZONE:-} == "true" && -n ${E2E_ZONES:-} ]] { local zones=( ${E2E_ZONES} ) # tear them down in reverse order, finally tearing down the master too. for ((zone_num=${#zones[@]}-1; zone_num>0; zone_num--)); do KUBE_GCE_ZONE="${zones[zone_num]}" KUBE_USE_EXISTING_MASTER="true" "${KUBE_ROOT}/cluster/kube-down.sh" done env KUBE_GCE_ZONE=$(zones[0]) KUBE_USE_EXISTING_MASTER="false" "$(KUBE_ROOT)/cluster/kube-down.sh" } else { "$(KUBE_ROOT)/cluster/kube-down.sh" } } # SSH to a node by name ($1) and run a command ($2). proc ssh-to-node { local node="$1" local cmd="$2" # Loop until we can successfully ssh into the box for try in []{1..5} { if gcloud compute ssh --ssh-flag="-o LogLevel=quiet" --ssh-flag="-o ConnectTimeout=30" --project $(PROJECT) --zone="$(ZONE)" $(node) --command "echo test > /dev/null" { break } sleep 5 } # Then actually try the command. gcloud compute ssh --ssh-flag="-o LogLevel=quiet" --ssh-flag="-o ConnectTimeout=30" --project $(PROJECT) --zone="$(ZONE)" $(node) --command $(cmd) } # Perform preparations required to run e2e tests proc prepare-e2e { detect-project } # Writes configure-vm.sh to a temporary location with comments stripped. GCE # limits the size of metadata fields to 32K, and stripping comments is the # easiest way to buy us a little more room. proc prepare-startup-script { # Find a standard sed instance (and ensure that the command works as expected on a Mac). setglobal SED = 'sed' if which gsed &>/dev/null { setglobal SED = 'gsed' } if ! shell {$SED --version !2 > !1 | grep -q GNU} { echo "!!! GNU sed is required. If on OS X, use 'brew install gnu-sed'." exit 1 } $SED '/^\s*#\([^!].*\)*$/ d' $(KUBE_ROOT)/cluster/gce/configure-vm.sh > $(KUBE_TEMP)/configure-vm.sh }