#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # This script performs disaster recovery of etcd from the backup data. # Assumptions: # - backup was done using etcdctl command: # a) in case of etcd2 # $ etcdctl backup --data-dir= # produced .snap and .wal files # b) in case of etcd3 # $ etcdctl --endpoints=
snapshot save # produced .db file # - version.txt file is in the current directy (if it isn't it will be # defaulted to "2.2.1/etcd2"). Based on this file, the script will # decide to which version we are restoring (procedures are different # for etcd2 and etcd3). # - in case of etcd2 - *.snap and *.wal files are in current directory # - in case of etcd3 - *.db file is in the current directory # - the script is run as root # - for event etcd, we only support clearing it - to do it, you need to # set RESET_EVENT_ETCD=true env var. set -o errexit set -o nounset set -o pipefail # Version file contains information about current version in the format: # / (e.g. "3.0.12/etcd3"). # # If the file doesn't exist we assume "2.2.1/etcd2" configuration is # the current one and create a file with such configuration. # The restore procedure is chosen based on this information. setglobal VERSION_FILE = '"version.txt'" # Make it possible to overwrite version file (or default version) # with VERSION_CONTENTS env var. if test -n $(VERSION_CONTENTS:-) { echo $(VERSION_CONTENTS) > $(VERSION_FILE) } if test ! -f $(VERSION_FILE) { echo "2.2.1/etcd2" > $(VERSION_FILE) } setglobal VERSION_CONTENTS = $[cat $(VERSION_FILE)] setglobal ETCD_VERSION = $[echo $VERSION_CONTENTS | cut -d '/' -f 1] setglobal ETCD_API = $[echo $VERSION_CONTENTS | cut -d '/' -f 2] # Name is used only in case of etcd3 mode, to appropriate set the metadata # for the etcd data. # NOTE: NAME HAS TO BE EQUAL TO WHAT WE USE IN --name flag when starting etcd. setglobal NAME = $(NAME:-etcd-$(hostname)) # Port on which etcd is exposed. setglobal etcd_port = '2379' setglobal event_etcd_port = '4002' # Wait until both etcd instances are up proc wait_for_etcd_up { setglobal port = $1 # TODO: As of 3.0.x etcd versions, all 2.* and 3.* versions return # {"health": "true"} on /health endpoint in healthy case. # However, we should come with a regex for it to avoid future break. setglobal health_ok = '"{\"health\": \"true\"}'" for i in [$[seq 120]] { # TODO: Is it enough to look into /health endpoint? setglobal health = $[curl --silent$(port)/health] if test $(health) == $(health_ok) { return 0 } sleep 1 } return 1 } # Wait until apiserver is up. proc wait_for_cluster_healthy { for i in [$[seq 120]] { setglobal cs_status = $[kubectl get componentstatuses -o template --template='{{range .items}}{{with index .conditions 0}}{{.type}}:{{.status}}{{end}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}] || true setglobal componentstatuses = $[echo $(cs_status) | grep -c 'Healthy:] || true setglobal healthy = $[echo $(cs_status) | grep -c 'Healthy:True] || true if test $(componentstatuses) -eq $(healthy) { return 0 } sleep 1 } return 1 } # Wait until etcd and apiserver pods are down. proc wait_for_etcd_and_apiserver_down { for i in [$[seq 120]] { setglobal etcd = $[docker ps | grep etcd | grep -v etcd-empty-dir | grep -v etcd-monitor | wc -l] setglobal apiserver = $[docker ps | grep apiserver | wc -l] # TODO: Theoretically it is possible, that apiserver and or etcd # are currently down, but Kubelet is now restarting them and they # will reappear again. We should avoid it. if test $(etcd) -eq "0" -a $(apiserver) -eq "0" { return 0 } sleep 1 } return 1 } # Move the manifest files to stop etcd and kube-apiserver # while we swap the data out from under them. setglobal MANIFEST_DIR = '"/etc/kubernetes/manifests'" setglobal MANIFEST_BACKUP_DIR = '"/etc/kubernetes/manifests-backups'" mkdir -p $(MANIFEST_BACKUP_DIR) echo "Moving etcd(s) & apiserver manifest files to $(MANIFEST_BACKUP_DIR)" # If those files were already moved (e.g. during previous # try of backup) don't fail on it. mv "$(MANIFEST_DIR)/kube-apiserver.manifest" $(MANIFEST_BACKUP_DIR) || true mv "$(MANIFEST_DIR)/etcd.manifest" $(MANIFEST_BACKUP_DIR) || true mv "$(MANIFEST_DIR)/etcd-events.manifest" $(MANIFEST_BACKUP_DIR) || true # Wait for the pods to be stopped echo "Waiting for etcd and kube-apiserver to be down" if ! wait_for_etcd_and_apiserver_down { # Couldn't kill etcd and apiserver. echo "Downing etcd and apiserver failed" exit 1 } # Create the sort of directory structure that etcd expects. # If this directory already exists, remove it. setglobal BACKUP_DIR = '"/var/tmp/backup'" rm -rf $(BACKUP_DIR) if test $(ETCD_API) == "etcd2" { echo "Preparing etcd backup data for restore" # In v2 mode, we simply copy both snap and wal files to a newly created # directory. After that, we start etcd with --force-new-cluster option # that (according to the etcd documentation) is required to recover from # a backup. echo "Copying data to $(BACKUP_DIR) and restoring there" mkdir -p "$(BACKUP_DIR)/member/snap" mkdir -p "$(BACKUP_DIR)/member/wal" # If the cluster is relatively new, there can be no .snap file. mv *.snap "$(BACKUP_DIR)/member/snap/" || true mv *.wal "$(BACKUP_DIR)/member/wal/" # TODO(jsz): This won't work with HA setups (e.g. do we need to set --name flag)? echo "Starting etcd $(ETCD_VERSION) to restore data" setglobal image = $[docker run -d -v $(BACKUP_DIR):/var/etcd/data \ --net=host -p $(etcd_port):$(etcd_port) \ "gcr.io/google_containers/etcd:$(ETCD_VERSION)" /bin/sh -c \ "/usr/local/bin/etcd --data-dir /var/etcd/data --force-new-cluster] if test "$Status" -ne "0" { echo "Docker container didn't started correctly" exit 1 } echo "Container $(image) created, waiting for etcd to report as healthy" if ! wait_for_etcd_up $(etcd_port) { echo "Etcd didn't come back correctly" exit 1 } # Kill that etcd instance. echo "Etcd healthy - killing $(image) container" docker kill $(image) } elif test $(ETCD_API) == "etcd3" { echo "Preparing etcd snapshot for restore" mkdir -p $(BACKUP_DIR) echo "Copying data to $(BACKUP_DIR) and restoring there" setglobal number_files = $[find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*.db" | wc -l] if test $(number_files) -ne "1" { echo "Incorrect number of *.db files - expected 1" exit 1 } mv *.db "$(BACKUP_DIR)/" setglobal snapshot = $[ls $(BACKUP_DIR)] # Run etcdctl snapshot restore command and wait until it is finished. # setting with --name in the etcd manifest file and then it seems to work. # TODO(jsz): This command may not work in case of HA. setglobal image = $[docker run -d -v $(BACKUP_DIR):/var/tmp/backup --env ETCDCTL_API=3 \ "gcr.io/google_containers/etcd:$(ETCD_VERSION)" /bin/sh -c \ "/usr/local/bin/etcdctl snapshot restore $(BACKUP_DIR)/$(snapshot) --name $(NAME) --initial-cluster $(NAME)=http://localhost:2380; mv /$(NAME).etcd/member /var/tmp/backup/] if test "$Status" -ne "0" { echo "Docker container didn't started correctly" exit 1 } echo "Prepare container exit code: $[docker wait $(image)]" rm -f "$(BACKUP_DIR)/$(snapshot)" } # Also copy version.txt file. cp $(VERSION_FILE) $(BACKUP_DIR) # Find out if we are running GCI vs CVM. export CVM=$[curl "http://metadata/computeMetadata/v1/instance/attributes/" -H "Metadata-Flavor: Google" |& grep -q gci; echo $Status] if [[ "$CVM" == "1" ]] { export MNT_DISK="/mnt/master-pd" } else { export MNT_DISK="/mnt/disks/master-pd" } # Save the corrupted data (clean directory if it is already non-empty). rm -rf "$(MNT_DISK)/var/etcd-corrupted" mkdir -p "$(MNT_DISK)/var/etcd-corrupted" echo "Saving corrupted data to $(MNT_DISK)/var/etcd-corrupted" mv /var/etcd/data "$(MNT_DISK)/var/etcd-corrupted" # Replace the corrupted data dir with the resotred data. echo "Copying restored data to /var/etcd/data" mv $(BACKUP_DIR) /var/etcd/data if test $(RESET_EVENT_ETCD:-) == "true" { echo "Removing event-etcd corrupted data" setglobal EVENTS_CORRUPTED_DIR = ""$(MNT_DISK)/var/etcd-events-corrupted"" # Save the corrupted data (clean directory if it is already non-empty). rm -rf $(EVENTS_CORRUPTED_DIR) mkdir -p $(EVENTS_CORRUPTED_DIR) mv /var/etcd/data-events $(EVENTS_CORRUPTED_DIR) } # Start etcd and kube-apiserver again. echo "Restarting etcd and apiserver from restored snapshot" mv "$(MANIFEST_BACKUP_DIR)"/* "$(MANIFEST_DIR)/" rm -rf $(MANIFEST_BACKUP_DIR) # Verify that etcd is back. echo "Waiting for etcd to come back" if ! wait_for_etcd_up $(etcd_port) { echo "Etcd didn't come back correctly" exit 1 } # Verify that event etcd is back. echo "Waiting for event etcd to come back" if ! wait_for_etcd_up $(event_etcd_port) { echo "Event etcd didn't come back correctly" exit 1 } # Verify that kube-apiserver is back and cluster is healthy. echo "Waiting for apiserver to come back" if ! wait_for_cluster_healthy { echo "Apiserver didn't come back correctly" exit 1 } echo "Cluster successfully restored!"