  children: [
      pairs: [
          lhs: (sh_lhs_expr.Name name:test_description)
          op: assign_op.Equal
              (SQ (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'test aborting in-progress merges\n' span_id:6) 
                (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\n' span_id:7) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'Set up repo with conflicting and non-conflicting branches:\n' span_id:8) 
                (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\n' span_id:9) 
                  id: Id.Lit_Chars
'There are three files foo/bar/baz, and the following graph illustrates the\n'
                  span_id: 10
                ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'content of these files in each commit:\n' span_id:11) 
                (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\n' span_id:12) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'# foo/bar/baz --- foo/bar/bazz     <-- master\n' span_id:13) 
                (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'#             \\\n' span_id:14) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'#              --- foo/barf/bazf   <-- conflict_branch\n' span_id:15) 
                (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'#               \\\n' span_id:16) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'#                --- foo/bart/baz  <-- clean_branch\n' span_id:17) 
                (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\n' span_id:18) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'Next, test git merge --abort with the following variables:\n' span_id:19) 
                  id: Id.Lit_Chars
                  val: '- before/after successful merge (should fail when not in merge context)\n'
                  span_id: 20
                ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'- with/without conflicts\n' span_id:21) 
                  id: Id.Lit_Chars
                  val: '- clean/dirty index before merge\n'
                  span_id: 22
                ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'- clean/dirty worktree before merge\n' span_id:23) 
                  id: Id.Lit_Chars
                  val: '- dirty index before merge matches contents on remote branch\n'
                  span_id: 24
                ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'- changed/unchanged worktree after merge\n' span_id:25) 
                  id: Id.Lit_Chars
                  val: '- changed/unchanged index after merge\n'
                  span_id: 26
          spids: [4]
    (C {(.)} {(./test-lib.sh)})
    (C {(test_expect_success)} {(SQ (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:setup span_id:37))} 
        (SQ (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\n' span_id:41) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\t# Create the above repo\n' span_id:42) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\techo foo > foo &&\n' span_id:43) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\techo bar > bar &&\n' span_id:44) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\techo baz > baz &&\n' span_id:45) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit add foo bar baz &&\n' span_id:46) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit commit -m initial &&\n' span_id:47) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\techo bazz > baz &&\n' span_id:48) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit commit -a -m "second" &&\n' span_id:49) 
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: '\tgit checkout -b conflict_branch HEAD^ &&\n'
            span_id: 50
          ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\techo barf > bar &&\n' span_id:51) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\techo bazf > baz &&\n' span_id:52) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit commit -a -m "conflict" &&\n' span_id:53) 
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: '\tgit checkout -b clean_branch HEAD^ &&\n'
            span_id: 54
          ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\techo bart > bar &&\n' span_id:55) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit commit -a -m "clean" &&\n' span_id:56) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit checkout master\n' span_id:57)
      pairs: [
          lhs: (sh_lhs_expr.Name name:pre_merge_head)
          op: assign_op.Equal
                  left_token: (Token id:Id.Left_DollarParen val:'$(' span_id:63)
                  command_list: (command.CommandList children:[(C {(git)} {(rev-parse)} {(HEAD)})])
          spids: [61]
    (C {(test_expect_success)} 
      {(SQ (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'fails without MERGE_HEAD (unstarted merge)' span_id:76))} 
        (SQ (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\n' span_id:80) 
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: '\ttest_must_fail git merge --abort 2>output &&\n'
            span_id: 81
          ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest_i18ngrep MERGE_HEAD output\n' span_id:82)
    (C {(test_expect_success)} 
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: 'fails without MERGE_HEAD (unstarted merge): .git/MERGE_HEAD sanity'
            span_id: 89
        (SQ (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\n' span_id:93) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest ! -f .git/MERGE_HEAD &&\n' span_id:94) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest "$pre_merge_head" = "$(git rev-parse HEAD)"\n' span_id:95)
    (C {(test_expect_success)} 
      {(SQ (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'fails without MERGE_HEAD (completed merge)' span_id:102))} 
        (SQ (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\n' span_id:106) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit merge clean_branch &&\n' span_id:107) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest ! -f .git/MERGE_HEAD &&\n' span_id:108) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\t# Merge successfully completed\n' span_id:109) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tpost_merge_head="$(git rev-parse HEAD)" &&\n' span_id:110) 
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: '\ttest_must_fail git merge --abort 2>output &&\n'
            span_id: 111
          ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest_i18ngrep MERGE_HEAD output\n' span_id:112)
    (C {(test_expect_success)} 
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: 'fails without MERGE_HEAD (completed merge): .git/MERGE_HEAD sanity'
            span_id: 119
        (SQ (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\n' span_id:123) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest ! -f .git/MERGE_HEAD &&\n' span_id:124) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest "$post_merge_head" = "$(git rev-parse HEAD)"\n' span_id:125)
    (C {(test_expect_success)} {(SQ (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'Forget previous merge' span_id:132))} 
        (SQ (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\n' span_id:136) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit reset --hard "$pre_merge_head"\n' span_id:137)
    (C {(test_expect_success)} {(SQ (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'Abort after --no-commit' span_id:144))} 
        (SQ (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\n' span_id:148) 
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: '\t# Redo merge, but stop before creating merge commit\n'
            span_id: 149
          ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit merge --no-commit clean_branch &&\n' span_id:150) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest -f .git/MERGE_HEAD &&\n' span_id:151) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\t# Abort non-conflicting merge\n' span_id:152) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit merge --abort &&\n' span_id:153) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest ! -f .git/MERGE_HEAD &&\n' span_id:154) 
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: '\ttest "$pre_merge_head" = "$(git rev-parse HEAD)" &&\n'
            span_id: 155
          ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest -z "$(git diff)" &&\n' span_id:156) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest -z "$(git diff --staged)"\n' span_id:157)
    (C {(test_expect_success)} {(SQ (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'Abort after conflicts' span_id:164))} 
        (SQ (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\n' span_id:168) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\t# Create conflicting merge\n' span_id:169) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest_must_fail git merge conflict_branch &&\n' span_id:170) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest -f .git/MERGE_HEAD &&\n' span_id:171) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\t# Abort conflicting merge\n' span_id:172) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit merge --abort &&\n' span_id:173) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest ! -f .git/MERGE_HEAD &&\n' span_id:174) 
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: '\ttest "$pre_merge_head" = "$(git rev-parse HEAD)" &&\n'
            span_id: 175
          ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest -z "$(git diff)" &&\n' span_id:176) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest -z "$(git diff --staged)"\n' span_id:177)
    (C {(test_expect_success)} 
      {(SQ (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'Clean merge with dirty index fails' span_id:184))} 
        (SQ (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\n' span_id:188) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\techo xyzzy >> foo &&\n' span_id:189) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit add foo &&\n' span_id:190) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit diff --staged > expect &&\n' span_id:191) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest_must_fail git merge clean_branch &&\n' span_id:192) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest ! -f .git/MERGE_HEAD &&\n' span_id:193) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest "$pre_merge_head" = "$(git rev-parse HEAD)" &&\n' span_id:194) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest -z "$(git diff)" &&\n' span_id:195) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit diff --staged > actual &&\n' span_id:196) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest_cmp expect actual\n' span_id:197)
    (C {(test_expect_success)} 
      {(SQ (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'Conflicting merge with dirty index fails' span_id:204))} 
        (SQ (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\n' span_id:208) 
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: '\ttest_must_fail git merge conflict_branch &&\n'
            span_id: 209
          ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest ! -f .git/MERGE_HEAD &&\n' span_id:210) 
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: '\ttest "$pre_merge_head" = "$(git rev-parse HEAD)" &&\n'
            span_id: 211
          ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest -z "$(git diff)" &&\n' span_id:212) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit diff --staged > actual &&\n' span_id:213) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest_cmp expect actual\n' span_id:214)
    (C {(test_expect_success)} 
      {(SQ (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'Reset index (but preserve worktree changes)' span_id:221))} 
        (SQ (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\n' span_id:225) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit reset "$pre_merge_head" &&\n' span_id:226) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit diff > actual &&\n' span_id:227) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest_cmp expect actual\n' span_id:228)
    (C {(test_expect_success)} 
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: 'Abort clean merge with non-conflicting dirty worktree'
            span_id: 235
        (SQ (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\n' span_id:239) 
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: '\tgit merge --no-commit clean_branch &&\n'
            span_id: 240
          ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest -f .git/MERGE_HEAD &&\n' span_id:241) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\t# Abort merge\n' span_id:242) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit merge --abort &&\n' span_id:243) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest ! -f .git/MERGE_HEAD &&\n' span_id:244) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest "$pre_merge_head" = "$(git rev-parse HEAD)" &&\n' span_id:245) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest -z "$(git diff --staged)" &&\n' span_id:246) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit diff > actual &&\n' span_id:247) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest_cmp expect actual\n' span_id:248)
    (C {(test_expect_success)} 
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: 'Abort conflicting merge with non-conflicting dirty worktree'
            span_id: 255
        (SQ (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\n' span_id:259) 
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: '\ttest_must_fail git merge conflict_branch &&\n'
            span_id: 260
          ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest -f .git/MERGE_HEAD &&\n' span_id:261) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\t# Abort merge\n' span_id:262) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit merge --abort &&\n' span_id:263) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest ! -f .git/MERGE_HEAD &&\n' span_id:264) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest "$pre_merge_head" = "$(git rev-parse HEAD)" &&\n' span_id:265) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest -z "$(git diff --staged)" &&\n' span_id:266) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit diff > actual &&\n' span_id:267) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest_cmp expect actual\n' span_id:268)
    (C {(test_expect_success)} {(SQ (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'Reset worktree changes' span_id:275))} 
        (SQ (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\n' span_id:279) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit reset --hard "$pre_merge_head"\n' span_id:280)
    (C {(test_expect_success)} 
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: 'Fail clean merge with conflicting dirty worktree'
            span_id: 287
        (SQ (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\n' span_id:291) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\techo xyzzy >> bar &&\n' span_id:292) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit diff > expect &&\n' span_id:293) 
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: '\ttest_must_fail git merge --no-commit clean_branch &&\n'
            span_id: 294
          ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest ! -f .git/MERGE_HEAD &&\n' span_id:295) 
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: '\ttest "$pre_merge_head" = "$(git rev-parse HEAD)" &&\n'
            span_id: 296
          ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest -z "$(git diff --staged)" &&\n' span_id:297) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit diff > actual &&\n' span_id:298) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest_cmp expect actual\n' span_id:299)
    (C {(test_expect_success)} 
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: 'Fail conflicting merge with conflicting dirty worktree'
            span_id: 306
        (SQ (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\n' span_id:310) 
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: '\ttest_must_fail git merge conflict_branch &&\n'
            span_id: 311
          ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest ! -f .git/MERGE_HEAD &&\n' span_id:312) 
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: '\ttest "$pre_merge_head" = "$(git rev-parse HEAD)" &&\n'
            span_id: 313
          ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest -z "$(git diff --staged)" &&\n' span_id:314) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit diff > actual &&\n' span_id:315) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest_cmp expect actual\n' span_id:316)
    (C {(test_expect_success)} {(SQ (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'Reset worktree changes' span_id:323))} 
        (SQ (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\n' span_id:327) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit reset --hard "$pre_merge_head"\n' span_id:328)
    (C {(test_expect_success)} 
      {(SQ (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'Fail clean merge with matching dirty worktree' span_id:335))} 
        (SQ (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\n' span_id:339) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\techo bart > bar &&\n' span_id:340) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit diff > expect &&\n' span_id:341) 
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: '\ttest_must_fail git merge --no-commit clean_branch &&\n'
            span_id: 342
          ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest ! -f .git/MERGE_HEAD &&\n' span_id:343) 
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: '\ttest "$pre_merge_head" = "$(git rev-parse HEAD)" &&\n'
            span_id: 344
          ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest -z "$(git diff --staged)" &&\n' span_id:345) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit diff > actual &&\n' span_id:346) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest_cmp expect actual\n' span_id:347)
    (C {(test_expect_success)} 
      {(SQ (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'Abort clean merge with matching dirty index' span_id:354))} 
        (SQ (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\n' span_id:358) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit add bar &&\n' span_id:359) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit diff --staged > expect &&\n' span_id:360) 
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: '\tgit merge --no-commit clean_branch &&\n'
            span_id: 361
          ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest -f .git/MERGE_HEAD &&\n' span_id:362) 
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: '\t### When aborting the merge, git will discard all staged changes,\n'
            span_id: 363
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: '\t### including those that were staged pre-merge. In other words,\n'
            span_id: 364
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: '\t### --abort will LOSE any staged changes (the staged changes that\n'
            span_id: 365
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: '\t### are lost must match the merge result, or the merge would not\n'
            span_id: 366
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: '\t### have been allowed to start). Change expectations accordingly:\n'
            span_id: 367
          ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\trm expect &&\n' span_id:368) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttouch expect &&\n' span_id:369) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\t# Abort merge\n' span_id:370) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit merge --abort &&\n' span_id:371) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest ! -f .git/MERGE_HEAD &&\n' span_id:372) 
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: '\ttest "$pre_merge_head" = "$(git rev-parse HEAD)" &&\n'
            span_id: 373
          ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit diff --staged > actual &&\n' span_id:374) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest_cmp expect actual &&\n' span_id:375) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest -z "$(git diff)"\n' span_id:376)
    (C {(test_expect_success)} {(SQ (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'Reset worktree changes' span_id:383))} 
        (SQ (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\n' span_id:387) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit reset --hard "$pre_merge_head"\n' span_id:388)
    (C {(test_expect_success)} 
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: 'Fail conflicting merge with matching dirty worktree'
            span_id: 395
        (SQ (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\n' span_id:399) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\techo barf > bar &&\n' span_id:400) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit diff > expect &&\n' span_id:401) 
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: '\ttest_must_fail git merge conflict_branch &&\n'
            span_id: 402
          ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest ! -f .git/MERGE_HEAD &&\n' span_id:403) 
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: '\ttest "$pre_merge_head" = "$(git rev-parse HEAD)" &&\n'
            span_id: 404
          ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest -z "$(git diff --staged)" &&\n' span_id:405) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit diff > actual &&\n' span_id:406) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest_cmp expect actual\n' span_id:407)
    (C {(test_expect_success)} 
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: 'Abort conflicting merge with matching dirty index'
            span_id: 414
        (SQ (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\n' span_id:418) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit add bar &&\n' span_id:419) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit diff --staged > expect &&\n' span_id:420) 
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: '\ttest_must_fail git merge conflict_branch &&\n'
            span_id: 421
          ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest -f .git/MERGE_HEAD &&\n' span_id:422) 
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: '\t### When aborting the merge, git will discard all staged changes,\n'
            span_id: 423
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: '\t### including those that were staged pre-merge. In other words,\n'
            span_id: 424
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: '\t### --abort will LOSE any staged changes (the staged changes that\n'
            span_id: 425
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: '\t### are lost must match the merge result, or the merge would not\n'
            span_id: 426
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: '\t### have been allowed to start). Change expectations accordingly:\n'
            span_id: 427
          ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\trm expect &&\n' span_id:428) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttouch expect &&\n' span_id:429) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\t# Abort merge\n' span_id:430) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit merge --abort &&\n' span_id:431) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest ! -f .git/MERGE_HEAD &&\n' span_id:432) 
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: '\ttest "$pre_merge_head" = "$(git rev-parse HEAD)" &&\n'
            span_id: 433
          ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit diff --staged > actual &&\n' span_id:434) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest_cmp expect actual &&\n' span_id:435) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest -z "$(git diff)"\n' span_id:436)
    (C {(test_expect_success)} {(SQ (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'Reset worktree changes' span_id:443))} 
        (SQ (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\n' span_id:447) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit reset --hard "$pre_merge_head"\n' span_id:448)
    (C {(test_expect_success)} 
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: 'Abort merge with pre- and post-merge worktree changes'
            span_id: 455
        (SQ (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\n' span_id:459) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\t# Pre-merge worktree changes\n' span_id:460) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\techo xyzzy > foo &&\n' span_id:461) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\techo barf > bar &&\n' span_id:462) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit add bar &&\n' span_id:463) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit diff > expect &&\n' span_id:464) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit diff --staged > expect-staged &&\n' span_id:465) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\t# Perform merge\n' span_id:466) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest_must_fail git merge conflict_branch &&\n' span_id:467) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest -f .git/MERGE_HEAD &&\n' span_id:468) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\t# Post-merge worktree changes\n' span_id:469) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\techo yzxxz > foo &&\n' span_id:470) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\techo blech > baz &&\n' span_id:471) 
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: '\t### When aborting the merge, git will discard staged changes (bar)\n'
            span_id: 472
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: '\t### and unmerged changes (baz). Other changes that are neither\n'
            span_id: 473
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: '\t### staged nor marked as unmerged (foo), will be preserved. For\n'
            span_id: 474
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: '\t### these changed, git cannot tell pre-merge changes apart from\n'
            span_id: 475
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: '\t### post-merge changes, so the post-merge changes will be\n'
            span_id: 476
          ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\t### preserved. Change expectations accordingly:\n' span_id:477) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit diff -- foo > expect &&\n' span_id:478) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\trm expect-staged &&\n' span_id:479) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttouch expect-staged &&\n' span_id:480) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\t# Abort merge\n' span_id:481) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit merge --abort &&\n' span_id:482) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest ! -f .git/MERGE_HEAD &&\n' span_id:483) 
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: '\ttest "$pre_merge_head" = "$(git rev-parse HEAD)" &&\n'
            span_id: 484
          ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit diff > actual &&\n' span_id:485) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest_cmp expect actual &&\n' span_id:486) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit diff --staged > actual-staged &&\n' span_id:487) 
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: '\ttest_cmp expect-staged actual-staged\n'
            span_id: 488
    (C {(test_expect_success)} {(SQ (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'Reset worktree changes' span_id:495))} 
        (SQ (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\n' span_id:499) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit reset --hard "$pre_merge_head"\n' span_id:500)
    (C {(test_expect_success)} 
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: 'Abort merge with pre- and post-merge index changes'
            span_id: 507
        (SQ (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\n' span_id:511) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\t# Pre-merge worktree changes\n' span_id:512) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\techo xyzzy > foo &&\n' span_id:513) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\techo barf > bar &&\n' span_id:514) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit add bar &&\n' span_id:515) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit diff > expect &&\n' span_id:516) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit diff --staged > expect-staged &&\n' span_id:517) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\t# Perform merge\n' span_id:518) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest_must_fail git merge conflict_branch &&\n' span_id:519) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest -f .git/MERGE_HEAD &&\n' span_id:520) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\t# Post-merge worktree changes\n' span_id:521) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\techo yzxxz > foo &&\n' span_id:522) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\techo blech > baz &&\n' span_id:523) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit add foo bar &&\n' span_id:524) 
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: '\t### When aborting the merge, git will discard all staged changes\n'
            span_id: 525
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: '\t### (foo, bar and baz), and no changes will be preserved. Whether\n'
            span_id: 526
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: '\t### the changes were staged pre- or post-merge does not matter\n'
            span_id: 527
          ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\t### (except for not preventing starting the merge).\n' span_id:528) 
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: '\t### Change expectations accordingly:\n'
            span_id: 529
          ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\trm expect expect-staged &&\n' span_id:530) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttouch expect &&\n' span_id:531) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttouch expect-staged &&\n' span_id:532) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\t# Abort merge\n' span_id:533) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit merge --abort &&\n' span_id:534) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest ! -f .git/MERGE_HEAD &&\n' span_id:535) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest "$pre_merge_head" = "$(git rev-parse HEAD)" &&\n' span_id:536) 
          (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\tgit diff > actual &&\n' span_id:537) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest_cmp expect actual &&\n' span_id:538) 
            id: Id.Lit_Chars
            val: '\tgit diff --staged > actual-staged &&\n'
            span_id: 539
          ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\ttest_cmp expect-staged actual-staged\n' span_id:540)
    (C {(test_done)})