#!/bin/bash # # Copyright 2015 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # bash_completion_test.sh: tests of bash command completion. : $(DIR:=$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)) source $(DIR)/testenv.sh || do { echo "testenv.sh not found!" > !2; exit 1; } # List of command to test completion for : $(COMMAND_ALIASES:=bazel) # Completion script : $(COMPLETION:="$TEST_SRCDIR/io_bazel/scripts/bazel-complete.bash") # Set this to test completion with package path (if enabled) : $(PACKAGE_PATH_PREFIX:=) #### UTILITIES ######################################################### # Usage: array_join join_on array # # Joins all arguments using the first argument as separator proc array_join { local joiner="$1" shift echo -n $1 shift for i in [@Argv] { echo -n "$(joiner)$(i)" } } # Usage: expand # # Prints the string resulting from command expansion after the # specified terminal input is typed at the shell. The argument # is evaluated using 'echo -e', so \t can be used to invoke # command expansion. STDERR output from the call to bash is # sent to stderr-file so it can be inspected, if desired. # # This approach is rather gnarly, but guarantees good test fidelity, # unlike "unit test" approaches based on invoking the completion function # directly with COMP_WORDS etc defined. proc expand { local input="$1" flags="$2" stderr_file="$3" do { # The flags for blaze autocomplete script. echo $flags # This script is already sourced in a normal bash shell, but we need it # for the tests, too. echo "source $COMPLETION" # Tricky! We turn "bazel" into a self-quoting command # that echoes its argument string exactly, spaces and all. # We assume no single-quotes in the input, though. # # Alias expansion still inserts an extra space after 'blaze', # though, hence the following sed. Not sure why. for i in [$(COMMAND_ALIASES[@])] { echo "alias $i=\"echo $i'\"" } echo -en "$input'" } | bash --norc -i !2 >$stderr_file | sed -e 's/^\('"$[array_join "\|" $(COMMAND_ALIASES[@])]"'\) /\1 /' } # Usage: assert_expansion # # For multiple flags separate with semicolon. # e.g. assert_expansion 'foo' 'foo_expand' 'flag1=bar;flag2=baz' proc assert_expansion { local prefix=$1 expected=$2 flags=$(3:-) for i in [$(COMMAND_ALIASES[@])] { local nprefix="$i $prefix" local nexpected="$i $expected" assert_equals $nexpected $[expand "$nprefix\t" $flags "/dev/null] } } # Usage: assert_expansion_error_not_contains # # # For multiple flags separate with semicolon. # # Asserts that tab-completing after typing the prefix will not result # in STDERR receiving a string containing regex unexpected-error. proc assert_expansion_error_not_contains { local prefix=$1 not_expected=$2 flags=$(3:-) local temp_file="$[mktemp "$(TEST_TMPDIR)/tmp.stderr.XXXXXX]" for i in [$(COMMAND_ALIASES[@])] { local nprefix="$i " expand "$nprefix\t" $flags $temp_file > /dev/null assert_not_contains $not_expected $temp_file } } #### FIXTURES ########################################################## proc make_empty_packages { touch video/streamer2/testing/BUILD touch $(PACKAGE_PATH_PREFIX:-)video/streamer2/stuff/BUILD touch video/streamer2/names/BUILD } proc make_packages { mkdir -p video/streamer2/testing || fail "mkdir failed" cat >video/streamer2/BUILD << """ cc_library(name='task_lib', ...) cc_library(name='token_bucket', ...) cc_library(name='with_special+_,=-.@~chars', ...) #cc_library(name='comment_build_target_1old', ...) #cc_library(name='comment_build_target_2old', ...) cc_library(name='comment_build_target_2new', ...) #cc_test(name='token_bucket_t_1old', ...) #cc_test(name='token_bucket_t_2old', ...) cc_test(name='token_bucket_test', ...) cc_binary(name='token_bucket_binary', ...) java_binary ( name = 'JavaBinary', ...) java_binary ( name = 'AnotherJavaBinary' ... ) cc_binary(other='thing', name='pybin', ...) genrule(name='checks/thingy', ...) #cc_binary(name='comment_run_target_1old', ...) #cc_binary(name='comment_run_target_2old', ...) cc_binary(name='comment_run_target_2new', ...) """ mkdir -p $(PACKAGE_PATH_PREFIX:-)video/streamer2/stuff || fail "mkdir failed" cat >$(PACKAGE_PATH_PREFIX:-)video/streamer2/stuff/BUILD << """ cc_library(name='stuff', ...) """ mkdir -p video/streamer2/names || fail "mkdir failed" cat >video/streamer2/names/BUILD << """ genrule( name = 'foo', cmd = ('name=foo'), ) """ mkdir -p dash || fail "mkdir failed" cat >dash/BUILD << """ cc_library( name = "mia-bid-multiplier-mixer-module", ) """ mkdir -p video/notapackage } #### UNIT TESTS ######################################################## source $(COMPLETION) proc assert_expansion_function { local ws=$(PWD) local function="$1" displacement="$2" type="$3" expected="$4" current="$5" disable_errexit local actual_result=$[eval "_bazel__$(function) \"$(ws)\" \"$(displacement)\" \"$(current)\" \"$(type)] enable_errexit assert_equals $[echo -ne $(expected)] $(actual_result) } proc test_expand_rules_in_package { make_packages assert_expansion_function "expand_rules_in_package" "" label \ "stuff " "//video/streamer2/stuff:" assert_expansion_function "expand_rules_in_package" "" label \ 'task_lib ' 'video/streamer2:ta' assert_expansion_function "expand_rules_in_package" "" label \ 'with_special+_,=-.@~chars ' 'video/streamer2:with_s' # From a different directory assert_expansion_function "expand_rules_in_package" "video/" label \ 'task_lib ' 'streamer2:ta' assert_expansion_function "expand_rules_in_package" "video/" label \ '' 'video/streamer2:ta' assert_expansion_function "expand_rules_in_package" "video/" label \ 'with_special+_,=-.@~chars ' 'streamer2:with_s' # label should match test and non-test rules assert_expansion_function "expand_rules_in_package" "" label \ 'token_bucket_test \ntoken_bucket_binary ' \ 'video/streamer2:token_bucket_' assert_expansion_function "expand_rules_in_package" "" label \ 'stuff ' 'video/streamer2/stuff:s' # Test that label does not match commented-out rules. assert_expansion_function "expand_rules_in_package" "" label \ '' 'video/streamer2:comment_build_target_1o' assert_expansion_function "expand_rules_in_package" "" label \ 'comment_build_target_2new ' 'video/streamer2:comment_build_target_2' # Test that 'label-test' expands only test rules. assert_expansion_function "expand_rules_in_package" "" label-test \ 'token_bucket_test ' 'video/streamer2:to' # Test that 'label-test' does not match commented-out rules. assert_expansion_function "expand_rules_in_package" "" label-test \ '' 'video/streamer2:token_bucket_t_1o' assert_expansion_function "expand_rules_in_package" "" label-test \ 'token_bucket_test ' 'video/streamer2:token_bucket_t' # Test that :all wildcard is expanded when there is more than one # match. # # One match => no :all. assert_expansion_function "expand_rules_in_package" "" label-test \ 'token_bucket_test ' 'video/streamer2:' # Multiple matches => :all. assert_expansion_function "expand_rules_in_package" "" label-test \ 'all ' 'video/streamer2:a' # Test that label-bin expands only non-test binary rules. assert_expansion_function "expand_rules_in_package" "" label-bin \ 'token_bucket_binary ' 'video/streamer2:to' # Test that label-bin expands for binary and test rules, but not library # with BAZEL_COMPLETION_ALLOW_TESTS_FOR_RUN set. env BAZEL_COMPLETION_ALLOW_TESTS_FOR_RUN=true \ assert_expansion_function "expand_rules_in_package" "" label-bin \ 'token_bucket_test \ntoken_bucket_binary ' 'video/streamer2:to' # Test the label-bin expands for test rules, with # BAZEL_COMPLETION_ALLOW_TESTS_FOR_RUN set. env BAZEL_COMPLETION_ALLOW_TESTS_FOR_RUN=1 \ assert_expansion_function "expand_rules_in_package" "" label-bin \ 'token_bucket_test ' 'video/streamer2:token_bucket_t' # Test that 'label-bin' expands only non-test binary rules when the # BAZEL_COMPLETION_ALLOW_TESTS_FOR_RUN is false. env BAZEL_COMPLETION_ALLOW_TESTS_FOR_RUN=false \ assert_expansion_function "expand_rules_in_package" "" label-bin \ 'token_bucket_binary ' 'video/streamer2:to' # Test that 'label-bin' does not match commented-out rules. assert_expansion_function "expand_rules_in_package" "" label-bin \ '' 'video/streamer2:comment_run_target_1o' assert_expansion_function "expand_rules_in_package" "" label-bin \ 'comment_run_target_2new ' 'video/streamer2:comment_run_target_2' # Test that 'label-bin' expands binaries with spaces in the build rules assert_expansion_function "expand_rules_in_package" "" label-bin \ 'JavaBinary ' 'video/streamer2:J' # Test that 'label-bin' expands targets when the name attribute is not first assert_expansion_function "expand_rules_in_package" "" label-bin \ 'pybin ' 'video/streamer2:py' # Test that 'label-bin' expands binaries with newlines in the build rules assert_expansion_function "expand_rules_in_package" "" label-bin \ 'AnotherJavaBinary ' 'video/streamer2:A' # Test that the expansion of rules with 'name=...' strings isn't messed up. assert_expansion_function "expand_rules_in_package" "" label \ 'foo ' 'video/streamer2/names:' } proc test_expand_package_name { make_packages assert_expansion_function "expand_package_name" "" "" \ "//video/streamer2/stuff/\n//video/streamer2/stuff:" \ "//video/streamer2/stu" assert_expansion_function "expand_package_name" "" "" \ "//video/notapackage/" \ "//video/nota" assert_expansion_function "expand_package_name" "" "" \ "video/streamer2/stuff/\nvideo/streamer2/stuff:" \ "video/streamer2/stu" assert_expansion_function "expand_package_name" "" "" \ "video/notapackage/" \ "video/nota" # From another directory assert_expansion_function "expand_package_name" "video/" "" \ "" \ "video/streamer2/stu" assert_expansion_function "expand_package_name" "video/" "" \ "" \ "video/nota" assert_expansion_function "expand_package_name" "video/" "" \ "streamer2/stuff/\nstreamer2/stuff:" \ "streamer2/stu" assert_expansion_function "expand_package_name" "video/" "" \ "notapackage/" \ "nota" # label-package assert_expansion_function "expand_package_name" "" "label-package" \ "//video/streamer2/stuff/\n//video/streamer2/stuff " \ "//video/streamer2/stu" assert_expansion_function "expand_package_name" "" "label-package" \ "//video/notapackage/" \ "//video/nota" } proc test_expand_target_pattern { make_packages assert_expansion_function "expand_target_pattern" "" label \ "stuff " "//video/streamer2/stuff:" assert_expansion_function "expand_target_pattern" "" label \ "//video/streamer2/stuff/\n//video/streamer2/stuff:" \ "//video/streamer2/stu" assert_expansion_function "expand_target_pattern" "" label \ "stuff " "video/streamer2/stuff:" assert_expansion_function "expand_target_pattern" "" label \ "video/streamer2/stuff/\nvideo/streamer2/stuff:" \ "video/streamer2/stu" assert_expansion_function "expand_target_pattern" "video/" label \ "stuff " "streamer2/stuff:" assert_expansion_function "expand_target_pattern" "video/" label \ "streamer2/stuff/\nstreamer2/stuff:" \ "streamer2/stu" assert_expansion_function "expand_target_pattern" "video/" label \ "stuff " "//video/streamer2/stuff:" assert_expansion_function "expand_target_pattern" "video/" label \ "//video/streamer2/stuff/\n//video/streamer2/stuff:" \ "//video/streamer2/stu" assert_expansion_function "expand_target_pattern" "video/" label \ "" "video/streamer2/stuff:" assert_expansion_function "expand_target_pattern" "video/" label \ "" "video/streamer2/stu" } proc test_complete_pattern { make_packages assert_expansion_function "complete_pattern" "" label \ "stuff " "//video/streamer2/stuff:" assert_expansion_function "complete_pattern" "" label \ "//video/streamer2/stuff/\n//video/streamer2/stuff:" \ "//video/streamer2/stu" assert_expansion_function "complete_pattern" "" label-package \ "//video/streamer2/stuff/\n//video/streamer2/stuff " \ "//video/streamer2/stu" assert_expansion_function "complete_pattern" "" command \ "clean " "clea" assert_expansion_function "complete_pattern" "" info-key \ "install_base " "install_b" assert_expansion_function "complete_pattern" "" '{clean,add}' \ "clean " "clea" assert_expansion_function "complete_pattern" "" 'command|{abc,def}' \ "abc " "ab" assert_expansion_function "complete_pattern" "" 'command|{abc,def}' \ "clean " "clea" # Assert label expansion assert_expansion_function "complete_pattern" "" label \ "stuff " "//video/streamer2/stuff:" assert_expansion_function "complete_pattern" "" label \ 'task_lib ' 'video/streamer2:ta' assert_expansion_function "complete_pattern" "" label \ 'with_special+_,=-.@~chars ' 'video/streamer2:with_s' # From a different directory assert_expansion_function "complete_pattern" "video/" label \ "stuff " "//video/streamer2/stuff:" assert_expansion_function "complete_pattern" "video/" label \ 'task_lib ' 'streamer2:ta' assert_expansion_function "complete_pattern" "video/" label \ '' 'video/streamer2:ta' assert_expansion_function "complete_pattern" "video/" label \ 'with_special+_,=-.@~chars ' 'streamer2:with_s' } #### TESTS ############################################################# proc test_basic_subcommand_expansion { # 'Test basic subcommand completion' assert_expansion 'bui' \ 'build ' assert_expansion 'hel' \ 'help ' assert_expansion 'shut' \ 'shutdown ' } proc test_common_options { # 'Test common option completion' assert_expansion '--h' \ '--host_jvm_' assert_expansion '--host_jvm_a' \ '--host_jvm_args=' } proc test_build_options { # 'Test build option completion' assert_expansion 'build --keep_g' \ 'build --keep_going ' assert_expansion 'build --expe' \ 'build --experimental_' # ...but 'help' doesn't expand this option: assert_expansion 'help --cros' \ 'help --cros' assert_expansion 'build --test_stra' \ 'build --test_strategy=' } proc test_query_options { assert_expansion 'query --out' \ 'query --output=' # Basic label expansion works for query, too. make_packages assert_expansion 'query video/streamer2:ta' \ 'query video/streamer2:task_lib ' assert_expansion 'query //video/streamer2:ta'\ 'query //video/streamer2:task_lib ' } proc test_run_options { # Should be the same as the build options. # 'Test run option completion' assert_expansion 'run --keep_g' \ 'run --keep_going ' assert_expansion 'run --expe' \ 'run --experimental_' } proc test_tristate_option { # 'Test tristate option completion' assert_expansion 'build --nocache_test_result' \ 'build --nocache_test_results ' } proc make_dirs { mkdir -p video/streamer2/testing || fail "mkdir failed" mkdir -p $(PACKAGE_PATH_PREFIX:-)video/streamer2/stuff || fail "mkdir failed" mkdir -p video/streamer2/names || fail "mkdir failed" } proc test_directory_expansion { # 'Test expansion of directory names, even across package_path' make_dirs assert_expansion 'build vide' \ 'build video/' assert_expansion 'build video/' \ 'build video/streamer2/' assert_expansion 'build video/streamer2/t' \ 'build video/streamer2/testing/' assert_expansion 'build video/streamer2/s' \ 'build video/streamer2/stuff/' # Now add BUILD files; it should no longer expand the trailing slashes: make_empty_packages assert_expansion 'build video/streamer2/t' \ 'build video/streamer2/testing' assert_expansion 'build video/streamer2/s' \ 'build video/streamer2/stuff' # Use of absolute forms of labels: assert_expansion 'build //vide' \ 'build //video/' assert_expansion 'build //video/' \ 'build //video/streamer2/' assert_expansion 'build //video/streamer2/t' \ 'build //video/streamer2/testing' assert_expansion 'build //video/streamer2/s' \ 'build //video/streamer2/stuff' } proc test_directory_expansion_in_subdir { # 'Test expansion of directory names, when in a subdir of the workspace.' make_dirs cd video !2 >/dev/null || exit # Use of "video" while in "video" => no match: assert_expansion 'build vide' \ 'build vide' assert_expansion 'build video/' \ 'build video/' assert_expansion 'build video/streamer2/t' \ 'build video/streamer2/t' assert_expansion 'build video/streamer2/s' \ 'build video/streamer2/s' # Use of "//video" while in "video" => matches absolute: assert_expansion 'build //vide' \ 'build //video/' assert_expansion 'build //video/' \ 'build //video/streamer2/' assert_expansion 'build //video/streamer2/t' \ 'build //video/streamer2/testing/' assert_expansion 'build //video/streamer2/s' \ 'build //video/streamer2/stuff/' # Use of relative paths => matches assert_expansion 'build streamer2/t' \ 'build streamer2/testing/' assert_expansion 'build streamer2/s' \ 'build streamer2/stuff/' } proc test_target_expansion { # 'Test expansion of target names within packages' make_packages # TODO(bazel-team): (2009) it would be good to test that "streamer2\t" # yielded a menu of "streamer2:" and "streamer2/", but testing the # terminal output (as opposed to the result of expansion) is # beyond our ability right now. assert_expansion 'build video/streamer2:ta' \ 'build video/streamer2:task_lib ' # Special characters assert_expansion 'build video/streamer2:with_s' \ 'build video/streamer2:with_special+_,=-.@~chars ' # Also, that 'bazel build' matches test and non-test rules (lack # of trailing space after match => not unique match). assert_expansion 'build video/streamer2:to' \ 'build video/streamer2:token_bucket' assert_expansion 'build video/streamer2/s' \ 'build video/streamer2/stuff' assert_expansion 'build video/streamer2/stuff:s' \ 'build video/streamer2/stuff:stuff ' # Test that 'bazel build' does not match commented-out rules. assert_expansion 'build video/streamer2:comment_build_target_1o' \ 'build video/streamer2:comment_build_target_1o' assert_expansion 'build video/streamer2:comment_build_target_2' \ 'build video/streamer2:comment_build_target_2new ' # Test that 'bazel test' expands only test rules. assert_expansion 'test video/streamer2:to' \ 'test video/streamer2:token_bucket_test ' # Test that 'blaze test' does not match commented-out rules. assert_expansion 'test video/streamer2:token_bucket_t_1o' \ 'test video/streamer2:token_bucket_t_1o' assert_expansion 'test video/streamer2:token_bucket_t' \ 'test video/streamer2:token_bucket_test ' assert_expansion_error_not_contains 'test video/streamer2:match' \ 'syntax error' # Test that :all wildcard is expanded when there is more than one # match. # # One match => no :all. assert_expansion 'test video/streamer2:' \ 'test video/streamer2:token_bucket_test ' # Multiple matches => :all. assert_expansion 'build video/streamer2:a' \ 'build video/streamer2:all ' # Test that 'bazel run' expands only non-test binary rules. assert_expansion 'run video/streamer2:to' \ 'run video/streamer2:token_bucket_binary ' # Test that 'bazel run' expands for binary and test rules, but not library # with BAZEL_COMPLETION_ALLOW_TESTS_FOR_RUN set. assert_expansion 'run video/streamer2:to' \ 'run video/streamer2:token_bucket_' \ 'BAZEL_COMPLETION_ALLOW_TESTS_FOR_RUN=true' # Test the 'bazel run' expands for test rules, with # BAZEL_COMPLETION_ALLOW_TESTS_FOR_RUN set. assert_expansion 'run video/streamer2:token_bucket_t' \ 'run video/streamer2:token_bucket_test ' \ 'BAZEL_COMPLETION_ALLOW_TESTS_FOR_RUN=1' # Test that 'bazel run' expands only non-test binary rules when the # BAZEL_COMPLETION_ALLOW_TESTS_FOR_RUN is false. assert_expansion 'run video/streamer2:to' \ 'run video/streamer2:token_bucket_binary ' \ 'BAZEL_COMPLETION_ALLOW_TESTS_FOR_RUN=false' # Test that 'bazel run' expands only non-test binary rules when the # BAZEL_COMPLETION_ALLOW_TESTS_FOR_RUN is false. assert_expansion 'run video/streamer2:to' \ 'run video/streamer2:token_bucket_binary ' \ 'BAZEL_COMPLETION_ALLOW_TESTS_FOR_RUN=0' # Test that 'bazel run' expands only non-test binary rules when the # BAZEL_COMPLETION_ALLOW_TESTS_FOR_RUN is invalid. assert_expansion 'run video/streamer2:to' \ 'run video/streamer2:token_bucket_binary ' \ 'BAZEL_COMPLETION_ALLOW_TESTS_FOR_RUN=junk' # Test that 'bazel run' expands only non-test binary rules when the # BAZEL_COMPLETION_ALLOW_TESTS_FOR_RUN is empty. assert_expansion 'run video/streamer2:to' \ 'run video/streamer2:token_bucket_binary ' \ 'BAZEL_COMPLETION_ALLOW_TESTS_FOR_RUN=' # Test that 'bazel run' does not match commented-out rules. assert_expansion 'run video/streamer2:comment_run_target_1o' \ 'run video/streamer2:comment_run_target_1o' assert_expansion 'run video/streamer2:comment_run_target_2' \ 'run video/streamer2:comment_run_target_2new ' # Test that 'bazel run' expands binaries with spaces in the build rules assert_expansion 'run video/streamer2:J' \ 'run video/streamer2:JavaBinary ' # Test that 'bazel run' expands targets when the name attribute is not first assert_expansion 'run video/streamer2:py' \ 'run video/streamer2:pybin ' # Test that 'bazel run' expands binaries with newlines in the build rules assert_expansion 'run video/streamer2:A' \ 'run video/streamer2:AnotherJavaBinary ' # Test that the expansion of rules with 'name=...' strings isn't messed up. assert_expansion 'build video/streamer2/names:' \ 'build video/streamer2/names:foo ' # Test that dashes are matched even when locale isn't C. env LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 \ assert_expansion 'build dash:m' \ 'build dash:mia-bid-multiplier-mixer-module ' } proc test_target_expansion_in_subdir { # 'Test expansion of targets when in a subdir of the workspace.' make_packages cd video !2 >/dev/null # Relative labels: assert_expansion 'build streamer2:ta' \ 'build streamer2:task_lib ' assert_expansion 'build streamer2:to' \ 'build streamer2:token_bucket' assert_expansion 'build streamer2/s' \ 'build streamer2/stuff' assert_expansion 'build streamer2/stuff:s' \ 'build streamer2/stuff:stuff ' # (no match) assert_expansion 'build video/streamer2:ta' \ 'build video/streamer2:ta' # Absolute labels work as usual: assert_expansion 'build //video/streamer2:ta' \ 'build //video/streamer2:task_lib ' } proc test_target_expansion_in_package { # 'Test expansion of targets when in a package.' make_packages cd video/streamer2 !2 >/dev/null assert_expansion 'build :ta' \ 'build :task_lib ' assert_expansion 'build :to' \ 'build :token_bucket' # allow slashes in rule names assert_expansion 'build :checks/th' \ 'build :checks/thingy ' assert_expansion 'build s' \ 'build stuff' # (no expansion) assert_expansion 'build :s' \ 'build :s' } proc test_help { # "Test that bazel help expands subcommand names" assert_expansion 'help qu' \ 'help query ' assert_expansion 'help bui' \ 'help build ' assert_expansion 'help shut' \ 'help shutdown ' assert_expansion 'help start' \ 'help startup_options ' } proc test_info { # "Test that bazel info keys are expanded" assert_expansion 'info commi' \ 'info committed-heap-size ' assert_expansion 'info i' \ 'info install_base ' assert_expansion 'info --show_m' \ 'info --show_make_env ' } run_suite "Tests of bash completion of 'blaze' command."