#!/bin/sh # This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license # Check for trailing white space in source files; # report an error if so # Files to check: set -f # disable glob expansion in this script file_patterns=' *.1 *.c *.cpp *.h *.jl *.lsp *.scm *.inc *.make *.mk *.md *.rst *.sh *.yml *Makefile ' # TODO: Look also for trailing empty lines, and missing '\n' after the last line if git --no-pager grep --color -n --full-name -e ' $' -- $file_patterns; then echo "Error: trailing whitespace found in source file(s)" echo "" echo "This can often be fixed with:" echo " git rebase --whitespace=fix HEAD~1" echo "or" echo " git rebase --whitespace=fix master" echo "and then a forced push of the correct branch" exit 1 fi