  children: [
    (C {(Id.KW_Set set)} {(-o)} {(nounset)})
    (C {(Id.KW_Set set)} {(-o)} {(pipefail)})
    (C {(Id.KW_Set set)} {(-o)} {(errexit)})
    (C {(source)} {(test/common.sh)})
      name: _spec-manifest
          children: [
              children: [
                  iter_name: t
                  iter_words: [{(spec/) (Id.Lit_Star '*') (.test.sh)}]
                  do_arg_iter: F
                  body: (command.DoGroup children:[(C {(echo)} {($ Id.VSub_DollarName '$t')})])
                (C {(gawk)} 
                    (SQ (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\n' span_id:90) 
                        id: Id.Lit_Chars
                        val: '  match($0, "spec/(.*)[.]test.sh", array) {\n'
                        span_id: 91
                      ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'    name = array[1]\n' span_id:92) 
                        id: Id.Lit_Chars
                        val: '    # Nothing passing here\n'
                        span_id: 93
                      ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'    if (name == "extended-glob") next;\n' span_id:94) 
                      (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\n' span_id:95) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'    # This was meant for ANTLR.\n' span_id:96) 
                        id: Id.Lit_Chars
                        val: '    if (name == "shell-grammar") next;\n'
                        span_id: 97
                      ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\n' span_id:98) 
                        id: Id.Lit_Chars
                        val: '    # Just a demo\n'
                        span_id: 99
                      ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'    if (name == "blog-other1") next;\n' span_id:100) 
                      (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\n' span_id:101) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'    print name\n' span_id:102) 
                      (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'  }\n' span_id:103) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'  ' span_id:104)
              negated: F
      name: manifest
          children: [
              words: [{(_spec-manifest)}]
              redirects: [
                  op: (Token id:Id.Redir_Great val:'>' span_id:123)
                  fd: -1
                  arg_word: {(_tmp/spec/MANIFEST.txt)}
      name: run-cases
          children: [
            (C {(local)} {(Id.Lit_VarLike 'spec_name=') ($ Id.VSub_Number '$1')})
              words: [
                {(_tmp/spec/) (${ Id.VSub_Name spec_name) (.task.txt)}
                {($ Id.VSub_DollarName '$spec_name')}
                {(_tmp/spec/) (${ Id.VSub_Name spec_name) (.stats.txt)}
                      id: Id.Lit_Chars
'%(num_cases)d %(osh_num_passed)d %(osh_num_failed)d %(osh_failures_allowed)d %(osh_ALT_delta)d'
                      span_id: 183
              redirects: [
                  op: (Token id:Id.Redir_Great val:'>' span_id:188)
                  fd: -1
                  arg_word: {(_tmp/spec/) (${ Id.VSub_Name spec_name) (.html)}
    (C {(readonly)} {(Id.Lit_VarLike 'NUM_TASKS=') (400)})
      name: _html-summary
          children: [
              words: [{(cat)}]
              redirects: [
                  op: (Token id:Id.Redir_DLess val:'<<' span_id:231)
                  fd: -1
                  here_begin: {(EOF)}
                  here_end_span_id: 273
                  stdin_parts: [
                    ('<!DOCTYPE html>\n')
                    ('  <head>\n')
                    ('    <link href=')
                    (Id.Right_DoubleQuote '"')
                    (Id.Right_DoubleQuote '"')
                    (' rel=')
                    (Id.Right_DoubleQuote '"')
                    (Id.Right_DoubleQuote '"')
                    ('  </head>\n')
                    ('  <body>\n')
                    ('<p id=')
                    (Id.Right_DoubleQuote '"')
                    (Id.Right_DoubleQuote '"')
                    ('  <a href=')
                    (Id.Right_DoubleQuote '"')
                    (Id.Right_DoubleQuote '"')
                    ('<h1>Spec Test Results Summary</h1>\n')
                    ('  <thead>\n')
                    ('    <tr>\n')
                    ('      <td>name</td> <td>Exit Code</td> <td>Elapsed Seconds</td>\n')
                    ('      <td># cases</td> <td>osh # passed</td> <td>osh # failed</td>\n')
                    ('      <td>osh failures allowed</td>\n')
                    ('      <td>osh ALT delta</td>\n')
                    ('    </tr>\n')
                    ('  </thead>\n')
              children: [
                (C {(head)} {(-n)} {($ Id.VSub_DollarName '$NUM_TASKS')} {(_tmp/spec/MANIFEST.txt)})
                (C {(awk)} 
                    (SQ (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\n' span_id:306) 
                        id: Id.Lit_Chars
                        val: '  # Awk problem: getline errors are ignored by default!\n'
                        span_id: 307
                      ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'  function error(path) {\n' span_id:308) 
                        id: Id.Lit_Chars
                        val: '    print "Error reading line from file: " path > "/dev/stderr"\n'
                        span_id: 309
                      ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'    exit(1)\n' span_id:310) 
                      (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'  }\n' span_id:311) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\n' span_id:312) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'  {\n' span_id:313) 
                        id: Id.Lit_Chars
                        val: '    spec_name = $0\n'
                        span_id: 314
                      ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\n' span_id:315) 
                        id: Id.Lit_Chars
                        val: '    # Read from the task files\n'
                        span_id: 316
                      ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'    path = ( "_tmp/spec/" spec_name ".task.txt" )\n' span_id:317) 
                        id: Id.Lit_Chars
                        val: '    n = getline < path\n'
                        span_id: 318
                      ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'    if (n != 1) {\n' span_id:319) 
                        id: Id.Lit_Chars
                        val: '      error(path)\n'
                        span_id: 320
                      ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'    }\n' span_id:321) 
                        id: Id.Lit_Chars
                        val: '    status = $1\n'
                        span_id: 322
                      ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'    wall_secs = $2\n' span_id:323) 
                      (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\n' span_id:324) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'    path = ( "_tmp/spec/" spec_name ".stats.txt" )\n' span_id:325) 
                        id: Id.Lit_Chars
                        val: '    n = getline < path\n'
                        span_id: 326
                      ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'    if (n != 1) {\n' span_id:327) 
                        id: Id.Lit_Chars
                        val: '      error(path)\n'
                        span_id: 328
                      ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'    }\n' span_id:329) 
                        id: Id.Lit_Chars
                        val: '    num_cases = $1\n'
                        span_id: 330
                      ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'    osh_num_passed = $2\n' span_id:331) 
                        id: Id.Lit_Chars
                        val: '    osh_num_failed = $3\n'
                        span_id: 332
                      ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'    osh_failures_allowed = $4\n' span_id:333) 
                        id: Id.Lit_Chars
                        val: '    osh_ALT_delta = $5\n'
                        span_id: 334
                      ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\n' span_id:335) 
                        id: Id.Lit_Chars
                        val: '    sum_status += status\n'
                        span_id: 336
                      ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'    sum_wall_secs += wall_secs\n' span_id:337) 
                        id: Id.Lit_Chars
                        val: '    sum_num_cases += num_cases\n'
                        span_id: 338
                      ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'    sum_osh_num_passed += osh_num_passed\n' span_id:339) 
                        id: Id.Lit_Chars
                        val: '    sum_osh_num_failed += osh_num_failed\n'
                        span_id: 340
                      ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'    sum_osh_failures_allowed += osh_failures_allowed\n' span_id:341) 
                        id: Id.Lit_Chars
                        val: '    sum_osh_ALT_delta += osh_ALT_delta\n'
                        span_id: 342
                      ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'    num_rows += 1\n' span_id:343) 
                      (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\n' span_id:344) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'    # For the console\n' span_id:345) 
                        id: Id.Lit_Chars
                        val: '    if (status == 0) {\n'
                        span_id: 346
                      ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'      num_passed += 1\n' span_id:347) 
                      (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'    } else {\n' span_id:348) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'      num_failed += 1\n' span_id:349) 
                        id: Id.Lit_Chars
                        val: '      print spec_name " failed with status " status > "/dev/stderr"\n'
                        span_id: 350
                      ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'    }\n' span_id:351) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\n' span_id:352) 
                        id: Id.Lit_Chars
                        val: '    if (status != 0) {\n'
                        span_id: 353
                      ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'      css_class = "failed"\n' span_id:354) 
                        id: Id.Lit_Chars
                        val: '    } else if (osh_num_failed != 0) {\n'
                        span_id: 355
                      ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'      css_class = "osh-allow-fail"\n' span_id:356) 
                        id: Id.Lit_Chars
                        val: '    } else if (osh_num_passed != 0) {\n'
                        span_id: 357
                      ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'      css_class = "osh-pass"\n' span_id:358) 
                      (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'    } else {\n' span_id:359) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'      css_class = ""\n' span_id:360) 
                      (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'    }\n' span_id:361) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'    print "<tr class=" css_class ">"\n' span_id:362) 
                        id: Id.Lit_Chars
                        val: '    print "<td><a href=" spec_name ".html>" spec_name "</a></td>"\n'
                        span_id: 363
                      ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'    print "<td>" status "</td>"\n' span_id:364) 
                        id: Id.Lit_Chars
                        val: '    print "<td>" wall_secs "</td>"\n'
                        span_id: 365
                      ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'    print "<td>" num_cases "</td>"\n' span_id:366) 
                        id: Id.Lit_Chars
                        val: '    print "<td>" osh_num_passed "</td>"\n'
                        span_id: 367
                      ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'    print "<td>" osh_num_failed "</td>"\n' span_id:368) 
                        id: Id.Lit_Chars
                        val: '    print "<td>" osh_failures_allowed "</td>"\n'
                        span_id: 369
                      ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'    print "<td>" osh_ALT_delta "</td>"\n' span_id:370) 
                        id: Id.Lit_Chars
                        val: '    print "</tr>"\n'
                        span_id: 371
                      ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'  }\n' span_id:372) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\n' span_id:373) 
                      (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'  END {\n' span_id:374) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'    print "<tfoot>"\n' span_id:375) 
                        id: Id.Lit_Chars
                        val: '    print "<tr>"\n'
                        span_id: 376
                      ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'    print "<td>TOTAL (" num_rows " rows) </td>"\n' span_id:377) 
                        id: Id.Lit_Chars
                        val: '    print "<td>" sum_status "</td>"\n'
                        span_id: 378
                      ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'    print "<td>" sum_wall_secs "</td>"\n' span_id:379) 
                        id: Id.Lit_Chars
                        val: '    print "<td>" sum_num_cases "</td>"\n'
                        span_id: 380
                      ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'    print "<td>" sum_osh_num_passed "</td>"\n' span_id:381) 
                        id: Id.Lit_Chars
                        val: '    print "<td>" sum_osh_num_failed "</td>"\n'
                        span_id: 382
                      ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'    print "<td>" sum_osh_failures_allowed "</td>"\n' span_id:383) 
                        id: Id.Lit_Chars
                        val: '    print "<td>" sum_osh_ALT_delta "</td>"\n'
                        span_id: 384
                      ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'    print "</tr>"\n' span_id:385) 
                        id: Id.Lit_Chars
                        val: '    print "</tfoot>"\n'
                        span_id: 386
                      ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\n' span_id:387) 
                        id: Id.Lit_Chars
                        val: '    # For the console\n'
                        span_id: 388
                      ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'    print "" > "/dev/stderr"\n' span_id:389) 
                        id: Id.Lit_Chars
                        val: '    if (num_failed == 0) {\n'
                        span_id: 390
                        id: Id.Lit_Chars
                        val: '      print "*** All " num_passed " tests PASSED" > "/dev/stderr"\n'
                        span_id: 391
                      ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'    } else {\n' span_id:392) 
                        id: Id.Lit_Chars
                        val: '      print "*** " num_failed " tests FAILED" > "/dev/stderr"\n'
                        span_id: 393
                      ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'  }\n' span_id:394) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'  }\n' span_id:395) 
                      (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'  ' span_id:396)
              negated: F
              words: [{(cat)}]
              redirects: [
                  op: (Token id:Id.Redir_DLess val:'<<' span_id:403)
                  fd: -1
                  here_begin: {(EOF)}
                  here_end_span_id: 411
                  stdin_parts: [
                    ('    </table>\n')
                    ('    <h3>Version Information</h3>\n')
                    ('    <pre>\n')
            (C {(test/spec.sh)} {(version-text)})
              words: [{(cat)}]
              redirects: [
                  op: (Token id:Id.Redir_DLess val:'<<' span_id:422)
                  fd: -1
                  here_begin: {(EOF)}
                  here_end_span_id: 429
                  stdin_parts: [('    </pre>\n') ('  </body>\n') ('</html>\n')]
      name: html-summary
          children: [
              words: [{(_html-summary)}]
              redirects: [
                  op: (Token id:Id.Redir_Great val:'>' span_id:442)
                  fd: -1
                  arg_word: {(_tmp/spec/index.html)}
            (C {(echo)})
            (C {(echo)} 
              {(DQ ('Results: file://') ($ Id.VSub_DollarName '$PWD') (/_tmp/spec/index.html))}
      name: link-web
          children: [
            (C {(ln)} {(-s)} {(-f)} {(--verbose)} {($ Id.VSub_DollarName '$PWD') (/web)} {(_tmp)})
      name: _all-parallel
          children: [
            (C {(mkdir)} {(-p)} {(_tmp/spec)})
            (C {(manifest)})
              ops: [Id.Op_DPipe]
              children: [
                  children: [
                    (C {(head)} {(-n)} {($ Id.VSub_DollarName '$NUM_TASKS')} {(_tmp/spec/MANIFEST.txt)})
                    (C {(xargs)} {(-n)} {(1)} {(-P)} {($ Id.VSub_DollarName '$JOBS')} {(--verbose)} {(--)} 
                      {($ Id.VSub_Number '$0')} {(run-cases)}
                  negated: F
                (C {(true)})
            (C {(all-tests-to-html)})
            (C {(link-web)})
            (C {(html-summary)})
      name: all-parallel
          children: [(command.TimeBlock pipeline:(C {($ Id.VSub_Number '$0')} {(_all-parallel)}))]
      name: all-serial
          children: [
            (C {(mkdir)} {(-p)} {(_tmp/spec)})
              children: [
                (C {(cat)} {(_tmp/spec/MANIFEST.txt)})
                  keyword: (Token id:Id.KW_While val:while span_id:601)
                  cond: [
                      child: (C {(read)} {(t)})
                      terminator: (Token id:Id.Op_Semi val:';' span_id:606)
                      children: [
                        (C {(echo)} {($ Id.VSub_DollarName '$t')})
                          ops: [Id.Op_DPipe]
                          children: [
                              words: [
                                {($ Id.VSub_DollarName '$t')}
                              redirects: [
                                  op: (Token id:Id.Redir_Great val:'>' span_id:628)
                                  fd: -1
                                  arg_word: {(_tmp/spec/) (${ Id.VSub_Name t) (.html)}
                              children: [
                                (C {(echo)} {(DQ (FAILED))})
                                  token: (Token id:Id.ControlFlow_Exit val:exit span_id:648)
                                  arg_word: {(1)}
              negated: F
      name: _test-to-html
          children: [
            (C {(local)} {(Id.Lit_VarLike 'spec_name=') ($ Id.VSub_Number '$1')})
              words: [{(cat)}]
              redirects: [
                  op: (Token id:Id.Redir_DLess val:'<<' span_id:712)
                  fd: -1
                  here_begin: {(EOF)}
                  here_end_span_id: 731
                  stdin_parts: [
                    ('<!DOCTYPE html>\n')
                    ('  <head>\n')
                    ('    <link href=')
                    (Id.Right_DoubleQuote '"')
                    (Id.Right_DoubleQuote '"')
                    (' rel=')
                    (Id.Right_DoubleQuote '"')
                    (Id.Right_DoubleQuote '"')
                    ('  </head>\n')
                    ('  <body>\n')
                    ('    <table>\n')
              words: [
                  (SQ (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\n' span_id:744) 
                    (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'  { \n' span_id:745) 
                      id: Id.Lit_Chars
'    # & is the substitution character.  Why is \\\\& a literal backslash instead\n'
                      span_id: 746
                      id: Id.Lit_Chars
'    # of \\&?  This changed on the gawk between Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04.\n'
                      span_id: 747
                    ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\n' span_id:748) 
                      id: Id.Lit_Chars
                      val: '    gsub("&", "\\\\&amp;");\n'
                      span_id: 749
                    ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'    gsub("<", "\\\\&lt;");\n' span_id:750) 
                      id: Id.Lit_Chars
                      val: '    gsub(">", "\\\\&gt;");\n'
                      span_id: 751
                    ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'    line_num = NR\n' span_id:752) 
                    (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'\n' span_id:753) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'    print "<tr>"\n' span_id:754) 
                      id: Id.Lit_Chars
                      val: '    print "<td class=num>" line_num "</td>"\n'
                      span_id: 755
                    ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'    if ($0 ~ /^###/) {\n' span_id:756) 
                      id: Id.Lit_Chars
                      val: '      line = "<span class=comm3>" $0 "</span>"\n'
                      span_id: 757
                    ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'    } else if ($0 ~ /^#/) {\n' span_id:758) 
                      id: Id.Lit_Chars
                      val: '      line = "<span class=comm1>" $0 "</span>"\n'
                      span_id: 759
                    ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'    } else {\n' span_id:760) 
                    (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'      line = $0\n' span_id:761) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'    }\n' span_id:762) 
                      id: Id.Lit_Chars
                      val: '    print "<td class=line id=L" line_num ">" line "</td>"\n'
                      span_id: 763
                    ) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'    print "</tr>"\n' span_id:764) 
                    (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'  }\n' span_id:765) (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:'  ' span_id:766)
              redirects: [
                  op: (Token id:Id.Redir_Less val:'<' span_id:735)
                  fd: -1
                  arg_word: {(spec/) (${ Id.VSub_Name spec_name) (.test.sh)}
              words: [{(cat)}]
              redirects: [
                  op: (Token id:Id.Redir_DLess val:'<<' span_id:772)
                  fd: -1
                  here_begin: {(EOF)}
                  here_end_span_id: 779
                  stdin_parts: [('    </table>\n') ('  </body>\n') ('</html>\n')]
      name: test-to-html
          children: [
            (C {(local)} {(Id.Lit_VarLike 'spec_name=') ($ Id.VSub_Number '$1')})
              words: [{(_test-to-html)} {($ Id.VSub_DollarName '$spec_name')}]
              redirects: [
                  op: (Token id:Id.Redir_Great val:'>' span_id:800)
                  fd: -1
                  arg_word: {(_tmp/spec/) (${ Id.VSub_Name spec_name) (.test.html)}
      name: all-tests-to-html
          children: [
              ops: [Id.Op_DPipe]
              children: [
                  children: [
                    (C {(head)} {(-n)} {($ Id.VSub_DollarName '$NUM_TASKS')} {(_tmp/spec/MANIFEST.txt)})
                    (C {(xargs)} {(-n)} {(1)} {(-P)} {(8)} {(--verbose)} {(--)} {($ Id.VSub_Number '$0')} 
                  negated: F
                (C {(true)})
      arms: [
          cond: [
                (C {(test)} 
                        left_token: (Token id:Id.Left_DollarParen val:'$(' span_id:860)
                            children: [(C {(basename)} {($ Id.VSub_Number '$0')})]
                  } {(Id.Lit_Equals '=')} {(SQ (Token id:Id.Lit_Chars val:spec-runner.sh span_id:870))}
              terminator: (Token id:Id.Op_Semi val:';' span_id:872)
          action: [(C {(DQ ($ Id.VSub_At '$@'))})]
          spids: [855 874]