Warning: Work in progress! Leave feedback on Zulip or Github if you'd like this doc to be updated.

I/O Builtins in Oil

In POSIX shell, the echo, printf, read builtins, and the $(command sub) construct, are overlapping and quirky.

Oil fixes this with write, long flags to read, $(string sub), @(array sub), and QSN.

TODO: Also see JSON.

Table of Contents
Summary of Constructs
Buffered vs. Unbuffered
Array -> QSN Lines -> Array
File -> Array -> File
File -> String -> File
read doesn't lose information, while $() and @() do

Summary of Constructs

Buffered vs. Unbuffered


# This will get messed up with newlines, and empty strings.
@(write -- @myarray)

# This will give you back an array
@(write -q -- @myarray)

Array -> QSN Lines -> Array

This is one way to make a copy of an array

write -q -- @myarray | read --lines -q :otherarray

In contrast, this doesn't work when the elements have newlines:

var myarray = %( 'bad\n' )
write -- @myarray | read --lines :otherarray

File -> Array -> File

cat input.txt | read --all-lines :myarray

# suppress the newline
write --sep '' --end '' -- @myarray > output.txt

diff input.txt output.txt  # should be equal

File -> String -> File

cat input.txt | read --all :x

# suppress the newline
write --end '' $x > output.txt

diff input.txt output.txt  # should be equal

read doesn't lose information, while $() and @() do


var s = $(hostname)       # strips trailing newline
hostname | read --all :s  # preserves it


var lines = @(cat file.txt)
cat file.txt | read --lines :lines


Oil uses write and getline along with the QSN format. echo looks more familiar and is OK in many cases, but isn't strictly necessary.




Generated on Mon Sep 28 00:26:23 PDT 2020