Warning: Work in progress! Leave feedback on Zulip or Github if you'd like this doc to be updated.

The Expression Language Is Mostly Python

Table of Contents
Literals for Primitives
String Literals
Bool, Int, Float, null literals
Literals for Collections
Dict Literals Look Like JavaScript
List Literals Are Like Python
Tuple Literals
Two Types of Array Literals
Shell Array Literals with @()
Shell Command Substitution with $()
Splice Arrays with @array
d->key is a shortcut for d['key']
Slices and Ranges
Chained Comparison

Literals for Primitives

String Literals

The last few commits implement string literals in expression mode. They evaluate to Python-like byte strings (which may be utf-8 encoded) but have shell-like syntax: double-quoted strings allow $subs and single-quoted ones don't.

I had originally intended for something different for Oil, but I want command context and word context to be compatible. You can just move words to the right of = and it still works.

echo 'sq' $'c-string\n' "dq $var"

# equivalent:
var x = 'sq'
var y = $'c-string\n'
var z = "dq $var"
echo $x $y $z

There are test cases at the end of this file:


However, I dislike the shell syntax $'\n' for C strings. $ generally means substitution/interpolation, and this usage has nothing to do with it. One of Oil's principles is syntax should match semantics. Another feature is to try not to invent new syntax. So a Python-like syntax is an alias:

var x = r'raw string\n'  # ends with backslash and n
var y = c'c-string\n'  # ends with newline

In addition I have disallowed this case:

$ var x = '\n'
  var x = '\n'
[ interactive ]:1: Strings with backslashes should look like r'\n' or c'\n'

In expression mode, to the right of =, you are forced to specify an explicit r or c when the string has backslashes. This is basically because shell has the opposite default as Python. In shell, unadorned strings are raw. In Python, unadorned strings respect C escapes.

Let me know if this makes sense!

Ideas for things to do:

var x = c"$var\n"  # ends with newline
echo r'sq' c'c-string\n'   # works the same in command mode as in expression mode, deprecating $'\n'

Of course, in shell

echo r'sq'

prints rsq, because of word joining! So this would be a breaking change, hence the parse_rawc option.

I'm not sure how high priority these are. I think I want to get on to ints, floats, dicts, and lists, but let me know!

Bool, Int, Float, null literals

Implemented the following last night:

Those last two caveats about floats are TODOs:


If anyone wants to work with re2c, let me know! It's a very powerful tool.

Literals for Collections

Dict Literals Look Like JavaScript

The last few commits implement dict literals. They're pretty much exactly what JavaScript provides, as far as I can tell.

The key can be either a bare word or bracketed expression.

(1) For example, {age: 30} means what {'age': 30} does in Python. That is, age is not the name of a variable. This fits more with the "dict as ad hoc struct" philosophy.

(2) In {[age]: 30}, age is a variable. You can put an arbitrary expression in there like {['age'.upper()]: 30}. (Note: Lua also has this bracketed key syntax.)

(3) {age, key2} is the same as {age: age, key2: key2}. That is, if the name is a bare word, you can leave off the value, and it will be looked up in the context where the dictionary is defined.

This is what ES2015 calls "shorthand object properties":


Questions/comments are welcome!

List Literals Are Like Python

Lists are heterogeneous. Syntax is unchanged.

I don't expect list lists to be used that much. They're mostly for JSON compatibility.

Arrays and Tuples are preferred.

Or maybe lists are for composite data types? Arrays are for primitives.

Tuple Literals

I implemented tuple literals just like Python, since Oil is borrowing Python's grammar.


However it still has the annoying one-tuple issue:

x = f(3,5),  # tuple of return value because of trailing comma
x = 1,  # easier to see this way

The last option is kinda ugly but explicit. The thing is: 1-tuples almost never occur. So it's OK if it's ugly!

x = tup(42)

I guess there is no problem with () as an empty tuple?

Two Types of Array Literals

Word Syntax for String Arrays

Expression Syntax for Typed Arrays

I implemented the literal syntax for Bool, Int, Float, and Str arrays. The semantics still need to be polished, but the syntax is there.

Recall that Oil has homogeneous string arrays, borrowed from shell, instantiated using shell-like syntax

var myarray = @(bare words 'sq' "dq $var" ${other})

It also has Python-like heterogeneous lists.

var mylist = [1, 2, "hi", ['other', 'list']]  # Python/JavaScript/JSON-like syntax

In addition to sequences of heterogeneous type, they're also probably useful for sequences of compound types, as in JSON. [{dict: one}, {dict: two}]

Now we have homogeneous typed arrays, i.e. for types other than string:

var mybools = @[true false false]
var myints = @[1 2 3]
var myfloats = @[1.2 3.3]
var mystrings = @['sq' "dq" (other.upper()) $x ${x}]

Important notes:

Most of these tests pass:


Note the important difference between these two expressions:

var x = @(1.0 2.0)  # these are STRINGS as in shell, like doing echo 1.0 2.0
var y = @[1.0 2.0]  # these are floating point numbers

As part of these changes, I also implemented generator expressions.

$ bin/oil
oil$ pp  Array[Int](x + 5 for x in 1:10)
IntArray        [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]

Well, at least the syntax. The semantics still need work, especially with regard to scope.

Note that the pp keyword pretty-prints the result of an expression. (thread)

Shell Array Literals with @()

var x = @(a b c)
var x = @(
  'single quoted'
  "double quoted"
  $'c string'

Shell Command Substitution with $()

The $(echo hi) construct works in shell commands, and it also works in Oil expressions:

var x = $(echo hi)           # no quotes necessary
var x = "$(echo hi) there"


Splice Arrays with @array

var a1 = @(a b)
var a2 = @(c d)
echo / @a1 / @a2 /   # gives / a b / c d /


Most of the operator language is now implemented (in the metacircular style).

Oil's operators largely follow Python, except:

I noted that here awhile ago, and largely followed it.


One complication is that there's no equivalent of //= or ^=, like div= and xor=. That just feels silly. I'm inclined to leave those out because you can always write:

set x = x xor y
set x = x div d

I don't expect those to be particularly common. x |= mask is common but I don't think x ^= mask is ?

Comments welcome!


Comment about it here:


d->key is a shortcut for d['key']

the distinction between attributes and dictionary members always seemed weird and unnecessary to me.

I've been thinking about this for the Oil language, which is heavily influenced by Python.

The problem is that dictionary attributes come from user data, i.e. from JSON, while methods like .keys() come from the interpreter, and Python allows you to provide user-defined methods like mydict.mymethod() too.

Mixing all of those things in the same namespace seems like a bad idea.

In Oil I might do introduce an -> operator, so d->mykey is a shortcut for d['mykey'].

d.keys(), d.values(), d.items()  # methods

Maybe you could disallow user-defined attributes on dictionaries, and make them free:

keys(d), values(d), items(d)
d.mykey  # The whole namespace is available for users

However I don't like that this makes dictionaries a special case. Thoughts?

Slices and Ranges

OK I solved this problem in pretty much the way I said I would.

The thing that convinced me is that R only has start:end, it doesn't have start:end:step. And Julia has start:step:end!

I don't think the step is so useful that it has to be first class syntax. In other words, Python's syntax is optimized for a rare case -- e.g. a[::2].


This is all still up for discussion! I'm going to write a blog post about it later, but I appreciate any early feedback.

for (i in 0:n) {
  echo $i

Chained Comparison


if (1 < 2 <= 2 <= 3 < 4) {
  echo '123'

This syntax is directly from Python. That is,

x op y op z

is a shortcut for

x op y and y op z

Comments welcome!

Generated on Mon Mar 23 14:42:04 PDT 2020