spec test index / oilshell.org
15 passed, 3 OK, 0 not implemented, 0 BUG, 27 failed, 0 timeouts, 0 cases skipped
osh_.cc | 0 Command block [osh_.cc stdout] Expected '/bin/ls\n', got '(cmd_value.Argv argv:[which ls] arg_spids:[2 4])\n' stdout: (cmd_value.Argv argv:[which ls] arg_spids:[2 4])stderr: Unhandled SimpleCommand |
osh_.py | 1 Permission denied [osh_.py status] Expected 126, got 1 stdout: stderr: touch: cannot touch '/text-file': Permission denied Error running ['/text-file']: [Errno 2] No such file or directory |
osh_.cc | 1 Permission denied [osh_.cc status] Expected 126, got 0 stdout: (cmd_value.Argv argv:[touch '/text-file'] arg_spids:[0 2]) (cmd_value.Argv argv:['/text-file'] arg_spids:[5])stderr: Unhandled SimpleCommand Unhandled SimpleCommand |
osh_.py | 2 Not a dir [osh_.py status] Expected 127, got 1 stdout: stderr: Error running ['/not-a-dir/text-file']: [Errno 2] No such file or directory |
osh_.cc | 2 Not a dir [osh_.cc status] Expected 127, got 0 stdout: (cmd_value.Argv argv:['/not-a-dir/text-file'] arg_spids:[0])stderr: Unhandled SimpleCommand |
osh_.py | 3 Name too long [osh_.py status] Expected 127, got 1 stdout: stderr: Error running ['./0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789']: [Errno 36] File name too long |
osh_.cc | 3 Name too long [osh_.cc status] Expected 127, got 0 stdout: (cmd_value.Argv argv: [ './0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789' ] arg_spids: [0] )stderr: Unhandled SimpleCommand |
osh_.py | 4 External programs don't have _OVM in environment [osh_.py stdout] Expected 'status=1\n', got 'status=0\n' stdout: status=0stderr: |
osh_.cc | 4 External programs don't have _OVM in environment [osh_.cc stdout] Expected 'status=1\n', got 'status=0\n' stdout: status=0stderr: |
osh_.py | 5 File with no shebang is executed [osh_.py stdout] Expected 'hi\n', got 'echo hi\n' [osh_.py status] Expected 0, got 1 stdout: echo histderr: chmod: cannot access '/no-shebang': No such file or directory Error running ['-c', '$TMP/no-shebang']: [Errno 2] No such file or directory |
osh_.cc | 5 File with no shebang is executed [osh_.cc stdout] Expected 'hi\n', got "echo hi\n(cmd_value.Argv argv:[chmod '+x' '/no-shebang'] arg_spids:[11 13 16])\n(cmd_value.Argv argv:[-c '$TMP/no-shebang'] arg_spids:[21 23])\n" stdout: echo hi (cmd_value.Argv argv:[chmod '+x' '/no-shebang'] arg_spids:[11 13 16]) (cmd_value.Argv argv:[-c '$TMP/no-shebang'] arg_spids:[21 23])stderr: Unhandled SimpleCommand Unhandled SimpleCommand |
osh_.py | 6 File with relative path and no shebang is executed [osh_.py stdout] Expected 'hi\n', got 'echo hi\n' [osh_.py status] Expected 0, got 1 stdout: echo histderr: [??? no location ???] $HOME isn't defined Error running ['', '-c', './no-shebang']: [Errno 13] Permission denied |
osh_.cc | 6 File with relative path and no shebang is executed [osh_.cc stdout] Expected 'hi\n', got "echo hi\n(cmd_value.Argv argv:[chmod '+x' no-shebang] arg_spids:[14 16 19])\n(cmd_value.Argv argv:['' -c './no-shebang'] arg_spids:[21 25 27])\n" stdout: echo hi (cmd_value.Argv argv:[chmod '+x' no-shebang] arg_spids:[14 16 19]) (cmd_value.Argv argv:['' -c './no-shebang'] arg_spids:[21 25 27])stderr: [??? no location ???] $HOME isn't defined Unhandled SimpleCommand Unhandled SimpleCommand |
osh_.py | 7 File in relative subdirectory and no shebang is executed [osh_.py stdout] Expected 'hi\n', got 'echo hi\n' [osh_.py status] Expected 0, got 1 stdout: echo histderr: [??? no location ???] $HOME isn't defined Error running ['', '-c', 'test-no-shebang/script']: [Errno 13] Permission denied |
osh_.cc | 7 File in relative subdirectory and no shebang is executed [osh_.cc stdout] Expected 'hi\n', got "(cmd_value.Argv argv:[mkdir -p test-no-shebang] arg_spids:[4 6 8])\necho hi\n(cmd_value.Argv argv:[chmod '+x' 'test-no-shebang/script'] arg_spids:[20 22 25])\n(cmd_value.Argv argv:['' -c 'test-no-shebang/script'] arg_spids:[27 31 33])\n" stdout: (cmd_value.Argv argv:[mkdir -p test-no-shebang] arg_spids:[4 6 8]) echo hi (cmd_value.Argv argv:[chmod '+x' 'test-no-shebang/script'] arg_spids:[20 22 25]) (cmd_value.Argv argv:['' -c 'test-no-shebang/script'] arg_spids:[27 31 33])stderr: [??? no location ???] $HOME isn't defined Unhandled SimpleCommand Unhandled SimpleCommand Unhandled SimpleCommand |
osh_.py | 8 $PATH lookup [osh_.py stdout] Expected 'one\n', got 'echo one\necho two\n' [osh_.py status] Expected 0, got 1 stdout: echo one echo twostderr: [??? no location ???] $HOME isn't defined Error running ['mycmd']: [Errno 2] No such file or directory |
osh_.cc | 8 $PATH lookup [osh_.cc stdout] Expected 'one\n', got "(cmd_value.Argv argv:[mkdir -p one two] arg_spids:[4 6 8 10])\necho one\necho two\n(cmd_value.Argv argv:[chmod '+x' 'one/mycmd' 'two/mycmd'] arg_spids:[32 34 37 39])\n(cmd_value.Argv argv:[mycmd] arg_spids:[46])\n" stdout: (cmd_value.Argv argv:[mkdir -p one two] arg_spids:[4 6 8 10]) echo one echo two (cmd_value.Argv argv:[chmod '+x' 'one/mycmd' 'two/mycmd'] arg_spids:[32 34 37 39]) (cmd_value.Argv argv:[mycmd] arg_spids:[46])stderr: [??? no location ???] $HOME isn't defined Unhandled SimpleCommand Unhandled SimpleCommand Unhandled SimpleCommand |
osh_.py | 9 filling $PATH cache, then insert the same command earlier in cache [osh_.py stdout] Expected 'two\ntwo\none\n', got 'echo two\necho one\n' [osh_.py status] Expected 0, got 1 stdout: echo two echo onestderr: [??? no location ???] $HOME isn't defined chmod: cannot access 'two/mycmd': No such file or directory Error running ['mycmd']: [Errno 2] No such file or directory chmod: cannot access 'one/mycmd': No such file or directory Error running ['mycmd']: [Errno 2] No such file or directory Error running ['mycmd']: [Errno 2] No such file or directory |
osh_.cc | 9 filling $PATH cache, then insert the same command earlier in cache [osh_.cc stdout] Expected 'two\ntwo\none\n', got "(cmd_value.Argv argv:[mkdir -p one two] arg_spids:[10 12 14 16])\n(cmd_value.Argv argv:[rm -f 'one/*' 'two/*'] arg_spids:[18 20 22 25])\necho two\n(cmd_value.Argv argv:[chmod '+x' 'two/mycmd'] arg_spids:[38 40 43])\n(cmd_value.Argv argv:[mycmd] arg_spids:[45])\necho one\n(cmd_value.Argv argv:[chmod '+x' 'one/mycmd'] arg_spids:[57 59 62])\n(cmd_value.Argv argv:[mycmd] arg_spids:[64])\n" [osh_.cc status] Expected 0, got -6 stdout: (cmd_value.Argv argv:[mkdir -p one two] arg_spids:[10 12 14 16]) (cmd_value.Argv argv:[rm -f 'one/*' 'two/*'] arg_spids:[18 20 22 25]) echo two (cmd_value.Argv argv:[chmod '+x' 'two/mycmd'] arg_spids:[38 40 43]) (cmd_value.Argv argv:[mycmd] arg_spids:[45]) echo one (cmd_value.Argv argv:[chmod '+x' 'one/mycmd'] arg_spids:[57 59 62]) (cmd_value.Argv argv:[mycmd] arg_spids:[64])stderr: [??? no location ???] $HOME isn't defined Unhandled SimpleCommand Unhandled SimpleCommand Unhandled SimpleCommand Unhandled SimpleCommand Unhandled SimpleCommand Unhandled SimpleCommand osh_eval.dbg: mycpp/mylib.h:648: void Dict<Str *, Str *>::clear() [K = Str *, V = Str *]: Assertion `0' failed. |
osh_.py | 10 filling $PATH cache, then deleting command [osh_.py stdout] Expected 'two\nstatus=0\nstatus=127\n', got 'echo two\nstatus=1\necho one\nstatus=1\n' stdout: echo two status=1 echo one status=1stderr: [??? no location ???] $HOME isn't defined chmod: cannot access 'two/mycmd': No such file or directory Error running ['mycmd']: [Errno 2] No such file or directory chmod: cannot access 'one/mycmd': No such file or directory rm: cannot remove 'two/mycmd': No such file or directory Error running ['mycmd']: [Errno 2] No such file or directory |
osh_.cc | 10 filling $PATH cache, then deleting command [osh_.cc stdout] Expected 'two\nstatus=0\nstatus=127\n', got "(cmd_value.Argv argv:[mkdir -p one two] arg_spids:[10 12 14 16])\n(cmd_value.Argv argv:[rm -f 'one/mycmd' 'two/mycmd'] arg_spids:[18 20 22 24])\necho two\n(cmd_value.Argv argv:[chmod '+x' 'two/mycmd'] arg_spids:[36 38 41])\n(cmd_value.Argv argv:[mycmd] arg_spids:[43])\nstatus=0\necho one\n(cmd_value.Argv argv:[chmod '+x' 'one/mycmd'] arg_spids:[60 62 65])\n(cmd_value.Argv argv:[rm 'two/mycmd'] arg_spids:[67 69])\n(cmd_value.Argv argv:[mycmd] arg_spids:[71])\nstatus=0\n" stdout: (cmd_value.Argv argv:[mkdir -p one two] arg_spids:[10 12 14 16]) (cmd_value.Argv argv:[rm -f 'one/mycmd' 'two/mycmd'] arg_spids:[18 20 22 24]) echo two (cmd_value.Argv argv:[chmod '+x' 'two/mycmd'] arg_spids:[36 38 41]) (cmd_value.Argv argv:[mycmd] arg_spids:[43]) status=0 echo one (cmd_value.Argv argv:[chmod '+x' 'one/mycmd'] arg_spids:[60 62 65]) (cmd_value.Argv argv:[rm 'two/mycmd'] arg_spids:[67 69]) (cmd_value.Argv argv:[mycmd] arg_spids:[71]) status=0stderr: [??? no location ???] $HOME isn't defined Unhandled SimpleCommand Unhandled SimpleCommand Unhandled SimpleCommand Unhandled SimpleCommand Unhandled SimpleCommand Unhandled SimpleCommand Unhandled SimpleCommand |
osh_.py | 11 Non-executable on $PATH [osh_.py stdout] Expected 'two\nstatus=0\n', got 'echo one\necho two\nstatus=1\n' stdout: echo one echo two status=1stderr: [??? no location ???] $HOME isn't defined chmod: cannot access 'two/mycmd': No such file or directory Error running ['mycmd']: [Errno 2] No such file or directory |
osh_.cc | 11 Non-executable on $PATH [osh_.cc stdout] Expected 'two\nstatus=0\n', got "(cmd_value.Argv argv:[mkdir -p one two] arg_spids:[10 12 14 16])\n(cmd_value.Argv argv:[rm -f 'one/mycmd' 'two/mycmd'] arg_spids:[18 20 22 24])\necho one\necho two\n(cmd_value.Argv argv:[chmod '+x' 'two/mycmd'] arg_spids:[46 48 51])\n(cmd_value.Argv argv:[mycmd] arg_spids:[53])\nstatus=0\n" stdout: (cmd_value.Argv argv:[mkdir -p one two] arg_spids:[10 12 14 16]) (cmd_value.Argv argv:[rm -f 'one/mycmd' 'two/mycmd'] arg_spids:[18 20 22 24]) echo one echo two (cmd_value.Argv argv:[chmod '+x' 'two/mycmd'] arg_spids:[46 48 51]) (cmd_value.Argv argv:[mycmd] arg_spids:[53]) status=0stderr: [??? no location ???] $HOME isn't defined Unhandled SimpleCommand Unhandled SimpleCommand Unhandled SimpleCommand Unhandled SimpleCommand |
osh_.py | 12 hash without args prints the cache [osh_.py stdout] Expected '/usr/bin/whoami\nstatus=0\n', got 'andy\nstatus=0\n' stdout: andy status=0stderr: |
osh_.cc | 12 hash without args prints the cache [osh_.cc stdout] Expected '/usr/bin/whoami\nstatus=0\n', got '(cmd_value.Argv argv:[whoami] arg_spids:[0])\n' [osh_.cc status] Expected 0, got -6 stdout: (cmd_value.Argv argv:[whoami] arg_spids:[0])stderr: Unhandled SimpleCommand osh_eval.dbg: mycpp/mylib.h:644: List<V> *Dict<Str *, Str *>::values() [K = Str *, V = Str *]: Assertion `0' failed. |
osh_.py | 13 hash with args [osh_.py stdout] Expected 'status=0\n/whoami\nstatus=1\n', got 'status=1\nstatus=1\n' stdout: status=1 status=1stderr: hash: 'whoami' not found hash: '_nonexistent_' not found |
osh_.cc | 13 hash with args [osh_.cc stdout] Expected 'status=0\n/whoami\nstatus=1\n', got 'status=1\nstatus=1\n' stdout: status=1 status=1stderr: hash: 'whoami' not found hash: '_nonexistent_' not found |
osh | 14 hash -r doesn't allow additional args stdout: status=2stderr: hash -r whoami >/dev/null # avoid weird output with mksh ^~~~ [ stdin ]:1: 'hash' got extra arguments after -r |
osh_.py | 14 hash -r doesn't allow additional args stdout: status=2stderr: |
osh_.cc | 14 hash -r doesn't allow additional args stdout: status=2stderr: |