spec test index / oilshell.org
66 passed, 0 OK, 0 not implemented, 0 BUG, 45 failed, 0 timeouts, 0 cases skipped 7 failed under osh
osh_.py | 3 1 char glob [osh_.py stdout] Expected 'bin\n', got '[b]in\n' stdout: [b]instderr: [??? no location ???] $HOME isn't defined |
osh_.cc | 3 1 char glob [osh_.cc stdout] Expected 'bin\n', got '[b]in\n' stdout: [b]instderr: [??? no location ???] $HOME isn't defined |
osh_.py | 7 glob can expand to command and arg [osh_.py stdout] Expected 'spec/testdata/echo.sz\n', got '' [osh_.py status] Expected 0, got 1 stdout: stderr: [??? no location ???] $HOME isn't defined Error running ['spec/testdata/echo.s[hz]']: [Errno 2] No such file or directory |
osh_.cc | 7 glob can expand to command and arg [osh_.cc stdout] Expected 'spec/testdata/echo.sz\n', got "(cmd_value.Argv argv:['spec/testdata/echo.s[hz]'] arg_spids:[4])\n" [osh_.cc status] Expected 0, got -6 stdout: (cmd_value.Argv argv:['spec/testdata/echo.s[hz]'] arg_spids:[4])stderr: [??? no location ???] $HOME isn't defined Unhandled SimpleCommand getline() error: No such file or directory terminate called after throwing an instance of 'AssertionError*' |
osh_.cc | 8 glob after var expansion [osh_.cc stdout] Expected '_tmp/a.A _tmp/aa.A _tmp/b.B\n', got "(cmd_value.Argv argv:[touch '_tmp/a.A' '_tmp/aa.A' '_tmp/b.B'] arg_spids:[0 2 4 6])\n_tmp/a.A _tmp/aa.A _tmp/b.B\n" stdout: (cmd_value.Argv argv:[touch '_tmp/a.A' '_tmp/aa.A' '_tmp/b.B'] arg_spids:[0 2 4 6]) _tmp/a.A _tmp/aa.A _tmp/b.Bstderr: Unhandled SimpleCommand |
osh_.cc | 9 quoted var expansion with glob meta characters [osh_.cc stdout] Expected '[ _tmp/*.A ]\n', got "(cmd_value.Argv argv:[touch '_tmp/a.A' '_tmp/aa.A' '_tmp/b.B'] arg_spids:[0 2 4 6])\n[ _tmp/*.A ]\n" stdout: (cmd_value.Argv argv:[touch '_tmp/a.A' '_tmp/aa.A' '_tmp/b.B'] arg_spids:[0 2 4 6]) [ _tmp/*.A ]stderr: Unhandled SimpleCommand |
osh_.cc | 12 no glob after ~ expansion [osh_.cc stdout] Expected '*/*.py\n', got '~/*.py\n' [osh_.cc status] Expected 0, got -6 stdout: ~/*.pystderr: getline() error: No such file or directory terminate called after throwing an instance of 'AssertionError*' |
osh_.cc | 13 store literal globs in array then expand [osh_.cc stdout] Expected '_tmp/a.A _tmp/aa.A _tmp/b.B\n', got "(cmd_value.Argv argv:[touch '_tmp/a.A' '_tmp/aa.A' '_tmp/b.B'] arg_spids:[0 2 4 6])\n_tmp/a.A _tmp/aa.A _tmp/b.B\n" stdout: (cmd_value.Argv argv:[touch '_tmp/a.A' '_tmp/aa.A' '_tmp/b.B'] arg_spids:[0 2 4 6]) _tmp/a.A _tmp/aa.A _tmp/b.Bstderr: Unhandled SimpleCommand |
osh_.cc | 14 glob inside array [osh_.cc stdout] Expected '_tmp/a.A _tmp/aa.A _tmp/b.B\n', got "(cmd_value.Argv argv:[touch '_tmp/a.A' '_tmp/aa.A' '_tmp/b.B'] arg_spids:[0 2 4 6])\n_tmp/a.A _tmp/aa.A _tmp/b.B\n" stdout: (cmd_value.Argv argv:[touch '_tmp/a.A' '_tmp/aa.A' '_tmp/b.B'] arg_spids:[0 2 4 6]) _tmp/a.A _tmp/aa.A _tmp/b.Bstderr: Unhandled SimpleCommand |
osh_.cc | 15 glob with escaped - in char class [osh_.cc stdout] Expected '_tmp/c.C _tmp/c.C _tmp/foo.-\n', got "(cmd_value.Argv argv:[touch '_tmp/foo.-'] arg_spids:[0 2])\n(cmd_value.Argv argv:[touch '_tmp/c.C'] arg_spids:[4 6])\n_tmp/c.C _tmp/c.C _tmp/foo.-\n" stdout: (cmd_value.Argv argv:[touch '_tmp/foo.-'] arg_spids:[0 2]) (cmd_value.Argv argv:[touch '_tmp/c.C'] arg_spids:[4 6]) _tmp/c.C _tmp/c.C _tmp/foo.-stderr: Unhandled SimpleCommand Unhandled SimpleCommand |
osh_.cc | 16 glob with char class expression [osh_.cc stdout] Expected '_tmp/e.E _tmp/foo.-\n', got "(cmd_value.Argv argv:[touch '_tmp/e.E' '_tmp/foo.-'] arg_spids:[0 2 4])\n_tmp/e.E _tmp/foo.-\n" stdout: (cmd_value.Argv argv:[touch '_tmp/e.E' '_tmp/foo.-'] arg_spids:[0 2 4]) _tmp/e.E _tmp/foo.-stderr: Unhandled SimpleCommand |
osh_.cc | 17 glob double quotes [osh_.cc stdout] Expected '_tmp/"quoted.py"\n', got '(cmd_value.Argv argv:[touch \'_tmp/"quoted.py"\'] arg_spids:[0 2])\n_tmp/"quoted.py"\n' stdout: (cmd_value.Argv argv:[touch '_tmp/"quoted.py"'] arg_spids:[0 2]) _tmp/"quoted.py"stderr: Unhandled SimpleCommand |
osh_.cc | 18 glob escaped [osh_.cc stdout] Expected '_tmp/[abc] _tmp/?\n', got "(cmd_value.Argv argv:[touch '_tmp/[abc]' '_tmp/?'] arg_spids:[0 2 7])\n_tmp/[abc] _tmp/?\n" stdout: (cmd_value.Argv argv:[touch '_tmp/[abc]' '_tmp/?'] arg_spids:[0 2 7]) _tmp/[abc] _tmp/?stderr: Unhandled SimpleCommand |
osh_.cc | 19 : escaped [osh_.cc stdout] Expected '_tmp/foo.- _tmp/*.[[:punct:]]\n', got "(cmd_value.Argv argv:[touch '_tmp/foo.-'] arg_spids:[0 2])\n_tmp/foo.- _tmp/*.[[:punct:]]\n" stdout: (cmd_value.Argv argv:[touch '_tmp/foo.-'] arg_spids:[0 2]) _tmp/foo.- _tmp/*.[[:punct:]]stderr: Unhandled SimpleCommand |
osh_.py | 20 Redirect to glob, not evaluated [osh_.py status] Expected 0, got 1 stdout: foostderr: cat: '_tmp/*.F': No such file or directory |
osh_.cc | 20 Redirect to glob, not evaluated [osh_.cc stdout] Expected 'foo\n', got "(cmd_value.Argv argv:[rm '_tmp/f.F'] arg_spids:[0 2])\n(cmd_value.Argv argv:[touch '_tmp/f.F'] arg_spids:[6 8])\nfoo\n(cmd_value.Argv argv:[cat '_tmp/*.F'] arg_spids:[20 22])\n" stdout: (cmd_value.Argv argv:[rm '_tmp/f.F'] arg_spids:[0 2]) (cmd_value.Argv argv:[touch '_tmp/f.F'] arg_spids:[6 8]) foo (cmd_value.Argv argv:[cat '_tmp/*.F'] arg_spids:[20 22])stderr: Unhandled SimpleCommand Unhandled SimpleCommand Unhandled SimpleCommand |
osh_.cc | 21 Glob after var manipulation [osh_.cc stdout] Expected '_tmp/*.zzzZ _tmp/bar.zzz _tmp/foo.zzz\n', got "(cmd_value.Argv argv:[touch '_tmp/foo.zzz' '_tmp/bar.zzz'] arg_spids:[0 2 4])\n_tmp/*.zzzZ _tmp/bar.zzz _tmp/foo.zzz\n" stdout: (cmd_value.Argv argv:[touch '_tmp/foo.zzz' '_tmp/bar.zzz'] arg_spids:[0 2 4]) _tmp/*.zzzZ _tmp/bar.zzz _tmp/foo.zzzstderr: Unhandled SimpleCommand |
osh_.cc | 22 Glob after part joining [osh_.cc stdout] Expected '_tmp/*.yy _tmp/bar.yyy _tmp/foo.yyy\n', got "(cmd_value.Argv argv:[touch '_tmp/foo.yyy' '_tmp/bar.yyy'] arg_spids:[0 2 4])\n_tmp/*.yy _tmp/bar.yyy _tmp/foo.yyy\n" stdout: (cmd_value.Argv argv:[touch '_tmp/foo.yyy' '_tmp/bar.yyy'] arg_spids:[0 2 4]) _tmp/*.yy _tmp/bar.yyy _tmp/foo.yyystderr: Unhandled SimpleCommand |
osh_.cc | 23 Glob flags on file system [osh_.cc stdout] Expected u'hello zzzzz', got "(cmd_value.Argv argv:[touch '_tmp/-n' '_tmp/zzzzz'] arg_spids:[0 2 4])\n" [osh_.cc status] Expected 0, got -6 stdout: (cmd_value.Argv argv:[touch '_tmp/-n' '_tmp/zzzzz'] arg_spids:[0 2 4])stderr: Unhandled SimpleCommand osh_eval.dbg: cpp/pylib_os_path.h:10: Str *os_path::join(Str *, Str *): Assertion `0' failed. |
osh_.py | 24 set -o noglob [osh_.py stdout] Expected u'_tmp/spec-tmp/a.zz _tmp/spec-tmp/b.zz\n_tmp/spec-tmp/*.zz\n', got '_tmp/spec-tmp/*.zz\n_tmp/spec-tmp/*.zz\n' stdout: _tmp/spec-tmp/*.zz _tmp/spec-tmp/*.zzstderr: [??? no location ???] $HOME isn't defined touch: cannot touch '_tmp/spec-tmp/a.zz': No such file or directory touch: cannot touch '_tmp/spec-tmp/b.zz': No such file or directory |
osh_.cc | 24 set -o noglob [osh_.cc stdout] Expected u'_tmp/spec-tmp/a.zz _tmp/spec-tmp/b.zz\n_tmp/spec-tmp/*.zz\n', got "(cmd_value.Argv argv:[touch '_tmp/spec-tmp/a.zz' '_tmp/spec-tmp/b.zz'] arg_spids:[4 6 8])\n_tmp/spec-tmp/*.zz\n_tmp/spec-tmp/*.zz\n" [osh_.cc status] Expected 0, got -6 stdout: (cmd_value.Argv argv:[touch '_tmp/spec-tmp/a.zz' '_tmp/spec-tmp/b.zz'] arg_spids:[4 6 8]) _tmp/spec-tmp/*.zz _tmp/spec-tmp/*.zzstderr: [??? no location ???] $HOME isn't defined Unhandled SimpleCommand getline() error: No such file or directory terminate called after throwing an instance of 'AssertionError*' |
osh_.cc | 26 shopt -s nullglob [osh_.cc stdout] Expected u"['_tmp/spec-tmp/*.nonexistent']\n[]\n", got "(cmd_value.Argv argv:[argv.py '_tmp/spec-tmp/*.nonexistent'] arg_spids:[0 2])\n(cmd_value.Argv argv:[argv.py] arg_spids:[12])\n" [osh_.cc status] Expected 0, got -6 stdout: (cmd_value.Argv argv:[argv.py '_tmp/spec-tmp/*.nonexistent'] arg_spids:[0 2]) (cmd_value.Argv argv:[argv.py] arg_spids:[12])stderr: Unhandled SimpleCommand Unhandled SimpleCommand getline() error: No such file or directory terminate called after throwing an instance of 'AssertionError*' |
osh | 27 shopt -s failglob in command context [osh stdout] Expected "['*.ZZ']\nstatus=1\n", got "['*.ZZ']\n['*.ZZ']\nstatus=0\n" stdout: ['*.ZZ'] ['*.ZZ'] status=0stderr: |
osh_.py | 27 shopt -s failglob in command context [osh_.py stdout] Expected "['*.ZZ']\nstatus=1\n", got "['*.ZZ']\n['*.ZZ']\nstatus=0\n" stdout: ['*.ZZ'] ['*.ZZ'] status=0stderr: |
osh_.cc | 27 shopt -s failglob in command context [osh_.cc stdout] Expected "['*.ZZ']\nstatus=1\n", got "(cmd_value.Argv argv:[argv.py '*.ZZ'] arg_spids:[0 2])\n(cmd_value.Argv argv:[argv.py '*.ZZ'] arg_spids:[11 13])\nstatus=0\n" stdout: (cmd_value.Argv argv:[argv.py '*.ZZ'] arg_spids:[0 2]) (cmd_value.Argv argv:[argv.py '*.ZZ'] arg_spids:[11 13]) status=0stderr: Unhandled SimpleCommand Unhandled SimpleCommand |
osh | 28 shopt -s failglob in loop context [osh stdout] Expected '*.ZZ\nstatus=0\nstatus=1\n', got '*.ZZ\nstatus=0\n*.ZZ\nstatus=0\n' stdout: *.ZZ status=0 *.ZZ status=0stderr: |
osh_.py | 28 shopt -s failglob in loop context [osh_.py stdout] Expected '*.ZZ\nstatus=0\nstatus=1\n', got '*.ZZ\nstatus=0\n*.ZZ\nstatus=0\n' stdout: *.ZZ status=0 *.ZZ status=0stderr: |
osh_.cc | 28 shopt -s failglob in loop context [osh_.cc stdout] Expected '*.ZZ\nstatus=0\nstatus=1\n', got '*.ZZ\nstatus=0\n*.ZZ\nstatus=0\n' stdout: *.ZZ status=0 *.ZZ status=0stderr: |
osh | 29 Don't glob flags on file system with GLOBIGNORE [osh stdout] Expected u'-* hello zzzz?\n', got 'hello zzzzz' stdout: hello zzzzzstderr: |
osh_.py | 29 Don't glob flags on file system with GLOBIGNORE [osh_.py stdout] Expected u'-* hello zzzz?\n', got '0\nhello zzzzz' stdout: 0 hello zzzzzstderr: |
osh_.cc | 29 Don't glob flags on file system with GLOBIGNORE [osh_.cc stdout] Expected u'-* hello zzzz?\n', got "(cmd_value.Argv\n argv: [expr '/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/_bin/osh_eval.dbg' ':' '.*/osh$']\n arg_spids: [0 2 4 6]\n)\n" [osh_.cc status] Expected 0, got 1 stdout: (cmd_value.Argv argv: [expr '/home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/_bin/osh_eval.dbg' ':' '.*/osh$'] arg_spids: [0 2 4 6] )stderr: Unhandled SimpleCommand |
osh_.cc | 31 Glob of unescaped [[] and []] [osh_.cc stdout] Expected '[ ]\n[ ]\n', got "(cmd_value.Argv argv:[touch '/[' '/]'] arg_spids:[0 2 6])\n[ ]\n[ ]\n" stdout: (cmd_value.Argv argv:[touch '/[' '/]'] arg_spids:[0 2 6]) [ ] [ ]stderr: Unhandled SimpleCommand [??? no location ???] $HOME isn't defined |
osh_.cc | 32 Glob of negated unescaped [[] and []] [osh_.cc stdout] Expected '_G _G\n_G _G\n', got "(cmd_value.Argv argv:[touch '/_G'] arg_spids:[0 2])\n_G _G\n_G _G\n" stdout: (cmd_value.Argv argv:[touch '/_G'] arg_spids:[0 2]) _G _G _G _Gstderr: Unhandled SimpleCommand [??? no location ???] $HOME isn't defined |
osh | 33 PatSub of unescaped [[] and []] [osh stdout] Expected '<foo]\n[foo>\n<foo]\n[foo>\n', got '<foo]\n[foo>\n[foo]\n[foo>\n' stdout: <foo] [foo> [foo] [foo>stderr: |
osh_.py | 33 PatSub of unescaped [[] and []] [osh_.py stdout] Expected '<foo]\n[foo>\n<foo]\n[foo>\n', got '<foo]\n[foo>\n[foo]\n[foo>\n' stdout: <foo] [foo> [foo] [foo>stderr: |
osh_.cc | 33 PatSub of unescaped [[] and []] [osh_.cc stdout] Expected '<foo]\n[foo>\n<foo]\n[foo>\n', got '<foo]\n[foo>\n[foo]\n[foo>\n' stdout: <foo] [foo> [foo] [foo>stderr: |
osh | 34 PatSub of negated unescaped [[] and []] [osh stdout] Expected '[<<<<\n>>>>]\n[<<<<\n', got '[<<<<\n>>>>]\n[foo]\n' stdout: [<<<< >>>>] [foo]stderr: |
osh_.py | 34 PatSub of negated unescaped [[] and []] [osh_.py stdout] Expected '[<<<<\n>>>>]\n[<<<<\n', got '[<<<<\n>>>>]\n[foo]\n' stdout: [<<<< >>>>] [foo]stderr: |
osh_.cc | 34 PatSub of negated unescaped [[] and []] [osh_.cc stdout] Expected '[<<<<\n>>>>]\n[<<<<\n', got '[<<<<\n>>>>]\n[foo]\n' [osh_.cc status] Expected 0, got -6 stdout: [<<<< >>>>] [foo]stderr: getline() error: Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character terminate called after throwing an instance of 'AssertionError*' |
osh | 35 Glob unicode char [osh stdout] Expected '__a__ __\xce\xbc__\n', got '__a__\n' stdout: __a__stderr: |
osh_.py | 35 Glob unicode char [osh_.py stdout] Expected '__a__ __\xce\xbc__\n', got '__a__\n' stdout: __a__stderr: touch: cannot touch '/__a__': Permission denied touch: cannot touch '/__μ__': Permission denied [??? no location ???] $HOME isn't defined |
osh_.cc | 35 Glob unicode char [osh_.cc stdout] Expected '__a__ __\xce\xbc__\n', got "(cmd_value.Argv argv:[touch '/__a__'] arg_spids:[0 2])\n(cmd_value.Argv argv:[touch '/__\xce\xbc__'] arg_spids:[5 7])\n__a__\n" stdout: (cmd_value.Argv argv:[touch '/__a__'] arg_spids:[0 2]) (cmd_value.Argv argv:[touch '/__μ__'] arg_spids:[5 7]) __a__stderr: Unhandled SimpleCommand Unhandled SimpleCommand [??? no location ???] $HOME isn't defined |
osh | 36 dotglob (bash option that dashglob is roughly consistent with) [osh stdout] Expected 'other\n.foorc other\n', got 'other\nother\n' stdout: other otherstderr: |
osh_.py | 36 dotglob (bash option that dashglob is roughly consistent with) [osh_.py stdout] Expected 'other\n.foorc other\n', got '[ ] _G __a__ __\xce\xbc__ _tmp dotglob other\n[ ] _G __a__ __\xce\xbc__ _tmp dotglob other\n' stdout: [ ] _G __a__ __μ__ _tmp dotglob other [ ] _G __a__ __μ__ _tmp dotglob otherstderr: mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/dotglob’: Permission denied cd $TMP/dotglob ^~~~ [ stdin ]:2: cd '/dotglob': No such file or directory |
osh_.cc | 36 dotglob (bash option that dashglob is roughly consistent with) [osh_.cc stdout] Expected 'other\n.foorc other\n', got "(cmd_value.Argv argv:[mkdir -p '/dotglob'] arg_spids:[0 2 4])\n" [osh_.cc status] Expected 0, got -6 stdout: (cmd_value.Argv argv:[mkdir -p '/dotglob'] arg_spids:[0 2 4])stderr: Unhandled SimpleCommand osh_eval.dbg: cpp/pylib_os_path.h:10: Str *os_path::join(Str *, Str *): Assertion `0' failed. |