spec test index / oilshell.org
22 passed, 0 OK, 3 not implemented, 0 BUG, 38 failed, 0 timeouts, 0 cases skipped
osh_.py | 0 Brace group in pipeline [osh_.py stdout] Expected u'two\none\n', got '' stdout: stderr: |
osh_.cc | 0 Brace group in pipeline [osh_.cc stdout] Expected u'two\none\n', got '' stdout: stderr: |
osh_.py | 1 For loop starts pipeline [osh_.py stdout] Expected u'two\none\n', got '' stdout: stderr: |
osh_.cc | 1 For loop starts pipeline [osh_.cc stdout] Expected u'two\none\n', got '' stdout: stderr: |
osh_.py | 2 While Loop ends pipeline [osh_.py stdout] Expected u'.1\n.2\n.3\n', got '' stdout: stderr: |
osh_.cc | 2 While Loop ends pipeline [osh_.cc stdout] Expected u'.1\n.2\n.3\n', got '' stdout: stderr: |
osh_.py | 3 Redirect in Pipeline [osh_.py stdout] Expected '0\n', got '' stdout: stderr: |
osh_.cc | 3 Redirect in Pipeline [osh_.cc stdout] Expected '0\n', got '' stdout: stderr: |
osh_.py | 4 Pipeline comments [osh_.py stdout] Expected 'ABCD\n', got '' stdout: stderr: |
osh_.cc | 4 Pipeline comments [osh_.cc stdout] Expected 'ABCD\n', got '' stdout: stderr: |
osh_.py | 5 Exit code is last status [osh_.py status] Expected 1, got 0 stdout: stderr: |
osh_.cc | 5 Exit code is last status [osh_.cc status] Expected 1, got 0 stdout: stderr: |
osh_.py | 6 PIPESTATUS [osh_.py stdout] Expected '1 2 3\n', got '\n' stdout: stderr: |
osh_.cc | 6 PIPESTATUS [osh_.cc stdout] Expected '1 2 3\n', got '' [osh_.cc status] Expected 0, got -11 stdout: stderr: |
osh_.py | 7 PIPESTATUS with shopt -s lastpipe [osh_.py stdout] Expected '1 2 3\n', got '\n' stdout: stderr: |
osh_.cc | 7 PIPESTATUS with shopt -s lastpipe [osh_.cc stdout] Expected '1 2 3\n', got '' [osh_.cc status] Expected 0, got -11 stdout: stderr: |
osh | 8 |& stdout: stderr: stdout_stderr.py |& cat ^~ [ stdin ]:1: fatal: |& isn't supported |
osh_.py | 8 |& stdout: stderr: stdout_stderr.py |& cat ^~ [ stdin ]:1: fatal: |& isn't supported |
osh_.cc | 8 |& stdout: stderr: [??? no location ???] fatal: |& isn't supported |
osh_.py | 9 ! turns non-zero into zero [osh_.py stdout] Expected '0\n', got '1\n' stdout: 1stderr: |
osh_.cc | 9 ! turns non-zero into zero [osh_.cc stdout] Expected '0\n', got '1\n' stdout: 1stderr: |
osh_.py | 11 ! in if [osh_.py stdout] Expected u'hi\nFALSE\n', got 'FALSE\n' stdout: FALSEstderr: |
osh_.cc | 11 ! in if [osh_.cc stdout] Expected u'hi\nFALSE\n', got 'FALSE\n' stdout: FALSEstderr: |
osh_.py | 12 ! with || [osh_.py stdout] Expected u'hi\nFAILED\n', got 'FAILED\n' stdout: FAILEDstderr: |
osh_.cc | 12 ! with || [osh_.cc stdout] Expected u'hi\nFAILED\n', got 'FAILED\n' stdout: FAILEDstderr: |
osh_.py | 13 ! with { } [osh_.py stdout] Expected u'1\n2\nFAILED\n', got 'FAILED\n' stdout: FAILEDstderr: |
osh_.cc | 13 ! with { } [osh_.cc stdout] Expected u'1\n2\nFAILED\n', got 'FAILED\n' stdout: FAILEDstderr: |
osh_.py | 14 ! with ( ) [osh_.py stdout] Expected u'1\n2\nFAILED\n', got 'FAILED\n' stdout: FAILEDstderr: |
osh_.cc | 14 ! with ( ) [osh_.cc stdout] Expected u'1\n2\nFAILED\n', got 'FAILED\n' stdout: FAILEDstderr: |
osh_.py | 15 ! is not a command [osh_.py status] Expected 127, got 1 stdout: stderr: Error running ['!', 'echo', 'hi']: [Errno 2] No such file or directory |
osh_.cc | 15 ! is not a command [osh_.cc status] Expected 127, got 0 stdout: (cmd_value.Argv argv:['!' echo hi] arg_spids:[5 7 9])stderr: Unhandled SimpleCommand |
osh_.py | 16 Evaluation of argv[0] in pipeline occurs in child [osh_.py stdout] Expected '1\ncmd=\n', got 'cmd=\n' stdout: cmd=stderr: |
osh_.cc | 16 Evaluation of argv[0] in pipeline occurs in child [osh_.cc stdout] Expected '1\ncmd=\n', got 'cmd=\n' stdout: cmd=stderr: |
osh_.py | 17 bash/dash/mksh run the last command is run in its own process [osh_.py stdout] Expected 'line=hi\n', got 'line=\n' stdout: line=stderr: |
osh_.cc | 17 bash/dash/mksh run the last command is run in its own process [osh_.cc stdout] Expected 'line=hi\n', got 'line=\n' stdout: line=stderr: |
osh_.py | 18 shopt -s lastpipe (always on in OSH) [osh_.py stdout] Expected 'line=hi\n', got 'line=\n' stdout: line=stderr: |
osh_.cc | 18 shopt -s lastpipe (always on in OSH) [osh_.cc stdout] Expected 'line=hi\n', got 'line=\n' stdout: line=stderr: |
osh_.py | 19 shopt -s lastpipe (always on in OSH) [osh_.py stdout] Expected 'i=3\n', got 'i=0\n' stdout: i=0stderr: |
osh_.cc | 19 shopt -s lastpipe (always on in OSH) [osh_.cc stdout] Expected 'i=3\n', got 'i=0\n' stdout: i=0stderr: |
osh_.py | 20 SIGPIPE causes pipeline to die (regression for issue #295) [osh_.py stdout] Expected '141 0\n', got '\n' stdout: stderr: |
osh_.cc | 20 SIGPIPE causes pipeline to die (regression for issue #295) [osh_.cc stdout] Expected '141 0\n', got '' [osh_.cc status] Expected 0, got -11 stdout: stderr: |