  children: [
      pairs: [
          lhs: (sh_lhs_expr.Name name:test_description)
          op: assign_op.Equal
          rhs: {(SQ <'Various filesystem issues'>)}
          spids: [4]
    (C {<.>} {<'./test-lib.sh'>})
      pairs: [
          lhs: (sh_lhs_expr.Name name:auml)
          op: assign_op.Equal
                left_token: <Id.Left_DollarParen '$('>
                child: (C {<printf>} {(SQ <'\\303\\244'>)})
          spids: [15]
      pairs: [
          lhs: (sh_lhs_expr.Name name:aumlcdiar)
          op: assign_op.Equal
                left_token: <Id.Left_DollarParen '$('>
                child: (C {<printf>} {(SQ <'\\141\\314\\210'>)})
          spids: [24]
      arms: [
          cond: [(C {<test_have_prereq>} {<CASE_INSENSITIVE_FS>})]
          action: [
            (C {<say>} {(DQ <'will test on a case insensitive filesystem'>)})
              pairs: [
                  lhs: (sh_lhs_expr.Name name:test_case)
                  op: assign_op.Equal
                  rhs: {<test_expect_failure>}
                  spids: [50]
          spids: [34 40]
      else_action: [
          pairs: [
              lhs: (sh_lhs_expr.Name name:test_case)
              op: assign_op.Equal
              rhs: {<test_expect_success>}
              spids: [56]
      arms: [
          cond: [(C {<test_have_prereq>} {<UTF8_NFD_TO_NFC>})]
          action: [
            (C {<say>} {(DQ <'will test on a unicode corrupting filesystem'>)})
              pairs: [
                  lhs: (sh_lhs_expr.Name name:test_unicode)
                  op: assign_op.Equal
                  rhs: {<test_expect_failure>}
                  spids: [78]
          spids: [62 68]
      else_action: [
          pairs: [
              lhs: (sh_lhs_expr.Name name:test_unicode)
              op: assign_op.Equal
              rhs: {<test_expect_success>}
              spids: [84]
      ops: [Id.Op_DPipe]
      children: [
        (C {<test_have_prereq>} {<SYMLINKS>})
        (C {<say>} {(DQ <'will test on a filesystem lacking symbolic links'>)})
      arms: [
          cond: [(C {<test_have_prereq>} {<CASE_INSENSITIVE_FS>})]
          action: [
            (C {<test_expect_success>} 
              {(DQ <'detection of case insensitive filesystem during repo init'>)} {(SQ <'\n'> <'\ttest $(git config --bool core.ignorecase) = true\n'>)}
          spids: [104 110]
      else_action: [
        (C {<test_expect_success>} {(DQ <'detection of case insensitive filesystem during repo init'>)} 
            (SQ <'\n'> <'\t{\n'> 
              <'\t\ttest_must_fail git config --bool core.ignorecase >/dev/null ||\n'> <'\t\t\ttest $(git config --bool core.ignorecase) = false\n'> <'\t}\n'>
      arms: [
          cond: [(C {<test_have_prereq>} {<SYMLINKS>})]
          action: [
            (C {<test_expect_success>} 
              {(DQ <'detection of filesystem w/o symlink support during repo init'>)} 
                (SQ <'\n'> <'\t{\n'> <'\t\ttest_must_fail git config --bool core.symlinks ||\n'> 
                  <'\t\ttest "$(git config --bool core.symlinks)" = true\n'> <'\t}\n'>
          spids: [142 148]
      else_action: [
        (C {<test_expect_success>} 
          {(DQ <'detection of filesystem w/o symlink support during repo init'>)} {(SQ <'\n'> <'\tv=$(git config --bool core.symlinks) &&\n'> <'\ttest "$v" = false\n'>)}
    (C {<test_expect_success>} {(DQ <'setup case tests'>)} 
        (SQ <'\n'> <'\tgit config core.ignorecase true &&\n'> <'\ttouch camelcase &&\n'> 
          <'\tgit add camelcase &&\n'> <'\tgit commit -m "initial" &&\n'> <'\tgit tag initial &&\n'> <'\tgit checkout -b topic &&\n'> 
          <'\tgit mv camelcase tmp &&\n'> <'\tgit mv tmp CamelCase &&\n'> <'\tgit commit -m "rename" &&\n'> <'\tgit checkout -f master\n'>
    (C {<test_expect_success>} {(SQ <'rename (case change)'>)} 
      {(SQ <'\n'> <'\tgit mv camelcase CamelCase &&\n'> <'\tgit commit -m "rename"\n'>)}
    (C {<test_expect_success>} {(SQ <'merge (case change)'>)} 
        (SQ <'\n'> <'\trm -f CamelCase &&\n'> <'\trm -f camelcase &&\n'> 
          <'\tgit reset --hard initial &&\n'> <'\tgit merge topic\n'>
    (C {<test_expect_failure>} {<CASE_INSENSITIVE_FS>} {(SQ <'add (with different case)'>)} 
        (SQ <'\n'> <'\tgit reset --hard initial &&\n'> <'\trm camelcase &&\n'> 
          <'\techo 1 >CamelCase &&\n'> <'\tgit add CamelCase &&\n'> <'\tcamel=$(git ls-files | grep -i camelcase) &&\n'> 
          <'\ttest $(echo "$camel" | wc -l) = 1 &&\n'> <'\ttest "z$(git cat-file blob :$camel)" = z1\n'>
    (C {<test_expect_success>} {(DQ <'setup unicode normalization tests'>)} 
        (SQ <'\n'> <'\ttest_create_repo unicode &&\n'> <'\tcd unicode &&\n'> 
          <'\tgit config core.precomposeunicode false &&\n'> <'\ttouch "$aumlcdiar" &&\n'> <'\tgit add "$aumlcdiar" &&\n'> <'\tgit commit -m initial &&\n'> 
          <'\tgit tag initial &&\n'> <'\tgit checkout -b topic &&\n'> <'\tgit mv $aumlcdiar tmp &&\n'> <'\tgit mv tmp "$auml" &&\n'> 
          <'\tgit commit -m rename &&\n'> <'\tgit checkout -f master\n'>
    (C {($ Id.VSub_DollarName '$test_unicode')} {(SQ <'rename (silent unicode normalization)'>)} 
      {(SQ <'\n'> <'\tgit mv "$aumlcdiar" "$auml" &&\n'> <'\tgit commit -m rename\n'>)}
    (C {($ Id.VSub_DollarName '$test_unicode')} {(SQ <'merge (silent unicode normalization)'>)} 
      {(SQ <'\n'> <'\tgit reset --hard initial &&\n'> <'\tgit merge topic\n'>)}
    (C {<test_done>})