#!/bin/bash # adduser--Adds a new user to the system, including building their # home directory, copying in default config data, etc. # For a standard Unix/Linux system, not Mac OS X. pwfile="/etc/passwd" shadowfile="/etc/shadow" gfile="/etc/group" hdir="/home" if [ "$(id -un)" != "root" ] ; then echo "Error: You must be root to run this command." >&2 exit 1 fi echo "Add new user account to $(hostname)" echo -n "login: " ; read login # The next line sets the highest possible user ID value at 5000, # but you should adjust this number to match the top end # of your user ID range. uid="$(awk -F: '{ if (big < $3 && $3 < 5000) big=$3 } END { print big + 1 }' $pwfile)" homedir=$hdir/$login # We are giving each user their own group, so gid=uid gid=$uid echo -n "full name: " ; read fullname echo -n "shell: " ; read shell echo "Setting up account $login for $fullname..." echo ${login}:x:${uid}:${gid}:${fullname}:${homedir}:$shell >> $pwfile echo ${login}:*:11647:0:99999:7::: >> $shadowfile echo "${login}:x:${gid}:$login" >> $gfile mkdir $homedir cp -R /etc/skel/.[a-zA-Z]* $homedir chmod 755 $homedir chown -R ${login}:${login} $homedir # Setting an initial password exec passwd $login