#!/bin/bash # CREDIT TO THESE TUTORIALS: # Ladyada's readonly fs script # petr.io/en/blog/2015/11/09/read-only-raspberry-pi-with-jessie # hallard.me/raspberry-pi-read-only # k3a.me/how-to-make-raspberrypi-truly-read-only-reliable-and-trouble-free if [ $(id -u) -ne 0 ]; then echo "###########################################################################" echo "Installer must be run as root." echo "Try 'sudo bash $0'" echo "###########################################################################" exit 1 fi if [ -f /etc/fs_read_only_config ]; then echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "Preparing os for read only mode was done before. Nothing to do." echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------" exit 0 fi # FEATURE PROMPTS ---------------------------------------------------------- # Installation doesn't begin until after all user input is taken. INSTALL_HALT=0 SYS_TYPES=(Pi\ 3\ /\ Pi\ Zero\ W All\ other\ models) WATCHDOG_MODULES=(bcm2835_wdt bcm2835_wdog bcm2708_wdt bcm2708_wdog) OPTION_NAMES=(NO YES) INSTALL_WATCHDOG=1 WD_TARGET=1 # START INSTALL ------------------------------------------------------------ # All selections have been validated at this point... # Given a filename, a regex pattern to match and a replacement string: # Replace string if found, else no change. # (# $1 = filename, $2 = pattern to match, $3 = replacement) replace() { grep $2 $1 >/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # Pattern found; replace in file sed -i "s/$2/$3/g" $1 >/dev/null fi } # Given a filename, a regex pattern to match and a replacement string: # If found, perform replacement, else append file w/replacement on new line. replaceAppend() { grep $2 $1 >/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # Pattern found; replace in file sed -i "s/$2/$3/g" $1 >/dev/null else # Not found; append on new line (silently) echo $3 | sudo tee -a $1 >/dev/null fi } # Given a filename, a regex pattern to match and a string: # If found, no change, else append file with string on new line. append1() { grep $2 $1 >/dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then # Not found; append on new line (silently) echo $3 | sudo tee -a $1 >/dev/null fi } # Given a filename, a regex pattern to match and a string: # If found, no change, else append space + string to last line -- # this is used for the single-line /boot/cmdline.txt file. append2() { grep $2 $1 >/dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then # Not found; insert in file before EOF sed -i "s/\'/ $3/g" $1 >/dev/null fi } mark_script_run() { touch /etc/fs_read_only_config } echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "Starting installation..." echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------" # disable failed units due to readonly fs systemctl disable systemd-rfkill.service echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "Removing unwanted packages..." echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------" #apt-get remove -y --force-yes --purge triggerhappy cron logrotate dbus \ # dphys-swapfile xserver-common lightdm fake-hwclock # Let's keep dbus...that includes avahi-daemon, a la 'raspberrypi.local', # also keeping xserver & lightdm for GUI login (WIP, not working yet) apt-get remove -y --force-yes --purge \ dphys-swapfile fake-hwclock apt-get -y --force-yes autoremove --purge echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "Configuring system..." echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------------" sed -i "s/#Storage=auto/Storage=volatile/" /etc/systemd/journald.conf # Install watchdog if requested if [ $INSTALL_WATCHDOG -ne 0 ]; then apt-get install -y --force-yes watchdog # $MODULE is specific watchdog module name MODULE=${WATCHDOG_MODULES[($WD_TARGET-1)]} # Add to /etc/modules, update watchdog config file append1 /etc/modules $MODULE $MODULE replace /etc/watchdog.conf "#watchdog-device" "watchdog-device" replace /etc/watchdog.conf "#max-load-1" "max-load-1" # Start watchdog at system start and start right away # Raspbian Stretch needs this package installed first apt-get install -y --force-yes insserv insserv watchdog # Additional settings needed on Jessie append1 /lib/systemd/system/watchdog.service "WantedBy" "WantedBy=multi-user.target" systemctl enable watchdog # Set up automatic reboot in sysctl.conf replaceAppend /etc/sysctl.conf "^.*kernel.panic.*$" "kernel.panic = 10" fi # Add fastboot, noswap and/or ro to end of /boot/cmdline.txt append2 /boot/cmdline.txt fastboot fastboot append2 /boot/cmdline.txt noswap noswap append2 /boot/cmdline.txt ro^o^t ro # Move /var/spool to /tmp rm -rf /var/spool ln -s /tmp /var/spool # Voodoo stuff to get the home folder working touch /tmp/openauto.ini ln -s /tmp/openauto.ini /home/pi/openauto.ini chown pi:pi /home/pi/openauto.ini mkdir -p /tmp/.config mkdir -p /tmp/.local ln -s /tmp/.config /home/pi/ ln -s /tmp/.local /home/pi/ apt clean rm -rf /var/cache/apt/ # Change spool permissions in var.conf (rondie/Margaret fix) replace /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/var.conf "spool\s*0755" "spool 1777" # Move dhcpd.resolv.conf to tmpfs touch /tmp/dhcpcd.resolv.conf echo "nameserver" > /tmp/dhcpcd.resolv.conf echo "nameserver" >> /tmp/dhcpcd.resolv.conf rm /etc/resolv.conf ln -s /tmp/dhcpcd.resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf # Make edits to fstab # make / ro # tmpfs /var/log tmpfs nodev,nosuid 0 0 # tmpfs /var/tmp tmpfs nodev,nosuid 0 0 # tmpfs /tmp tmpfs nodev,nosuid 0 0 replace /etc/fstab "vfat\s*defaults\s" "vfat defaults,ro " replace /etc/fstab "ext4\s*defaults,noatime\s" "ext4 defaults,noatime,ro " append1 /etc/fstab "/var/log" "tmpfs /var/log tmpfs nodev,nosuid 0 0" append1 /etc/fstab "/var/tmp" "tmpfs /var/tmp tmpfs nodev,nosuid 0 0" append1 /etc/fstab "\s/tmp" "tmpfs /tmp tmpfs nodev,nosuid 0 0" mark_script_run sync exit 0