#!/bin/sh echo "*** GET BUSYBOX BEGIN ***" SRC_DIR=$(pwd) # Grab everything after the '=' character. DOWNLOAD_URL=$(grep -i ^BUSYBOX_SOURCE_URL .config | cut -f2 -d'=') # Grab everything after the last '/' character. ARCHIVE_FILE=${DOWNLOAD_URL##*/} # Read the 'USE_LOCAL_SOURCE' property from '.config' USE_LOCAL_SOURCE="$(grep -i ^USE_LOCAL_SOURCE .config | cut -f2 -d'=')" if [ "$USE_LOCAL_SOURCE" = "true" -a ! -f $SRC_DIR/source/$ARCHIVE_FILE ] ; then echo "Source bundle $SRC_DIR/source/$ARCHIVE_FILE is missing and will be downloaded." USE_LOCAL_SOURCE="false" fi cd source if [ ! "$USE_LOCAL_SOURCE" = "true" ] ; then # Downloading BusyBox source bundle file. The '-c' option allows the download to resume. echo "Downloading BusyBox source bundle from $DOWNLOAD_URL" wget -c $DOWNLOAD_URL else echo "Using local BusyBox source bundle $SRC_DIR/source/$ARCHIVE_FILE" fi # Delete folder with previously extracted busybox. echo "Removing BusyBox work area. This may take a while..." rm -rf ../work/busybox mkdir ../work/busybox # Extract busybox to folder 'busybox'. # Full path will be something like 'work/busybox/busybox-1.24.2'. tar -xvf $ARCHIVE_FILE -C ../work/busybox cd $SRC_DIR echo "*** GET BUSYBOX END ***"