#!/bin/sh # list the newest html files in the tree # License: LGPLv2 setglobal exclude_re = ''(\.git/|xvpics|priv/|tmp/|timeline\.html|modified\.html|head\.html|footer\.html|footer-home\.html|adds\.html|last\.html|header.html|menu.html|left-blank.html|.htaccess)'' #don't show these paths echo ' sitemap/timeline
' echo '
echo '
By DateBy Name
' find $1 -type f -printf "%P\t%T@\n" | sort -k2,2nr | cut -f1 | #files starting with . | files without a . | files ending in .c .cpp ... grep -E "(^|/)[.].+|(^|/)[^.]+$|[.](c|cpp|py|sh|rc|tips|fortune|html)$" | grep -Ev $exclude_re | while read file { setglobal time = $[date --reference="$file" "+%b %e %Y] setglobal file = $[echo $file | sed 's/\(.*\)\/index.html/\1\//] echo "" } echo '
$time $file
' find $1 -type f -printf "%P\n" | sed 's#\(.*/.*\)#¬\1#' | #setup to group paths in sort env LANG=C sort | tr -d ¬ | #files starting with . | files without a . | files ending in .c .cpp ... grep -E "(^|/)[.].+|(^|/)[^.]+$|[.](c|cpp|py|sh|rc|tips|fortune|html)$" | grep -Ev $exclude_re | sed 's/\(.*\)\/index.html/\1\//' | while read file { echo "" } echo '
' echo '
' echo '
' echo 'This sitemap/timeline was generated by gen_timeline' echo '