Commits Between Branches origin/release/0.9.6 and release/0.9.7

63e341de 2021-12-27 Andy C [refactor] Add comments
f171850d 2022-01-03 Andy C [completion] Fix completion of aliases and functions.
04372e06 2022-01-03 Eli Array Minkoff Fix minor typo in core/ (#1065)
7dac8022 2022-01-03 Andy C [doc/admin] Save NLnet application
8c85a9b7 2022-01-03 Andy C Merge branch 'master' of
2a4b1aa0 2022-01-07 Andy C [soil] Re-enable app-tests task
d20edd90 2022-01-07 Andy C [sourcehut] Try running app-tests
e955f48a 2022-01-07 Andy C debug
2f4eef40 2022-01-07 Andy C [devtools] Separate writing bin/ and _bin/
94388e7d 2022-01-07 Andy C [soil] Fixes for
dfbeb83e 2022-01-07 Andy C [soil] Try different order for app-tests
b1a68695 2022-01-11 Andy C Merge branch 'dev/andy-31' of into dev/andy-31
d5509b86 2022-01-11 Andy C [benchmarks/vm-baseline] Workaround for exec optmization.
9559c8ad 2022-01-11 Andy C [fix] Fix type query ${var@a} when shopt -s compat_array
33a3704e 2022-01-20 Andy C [test/spec-cpp] Re-enable 'redirect' case
554cbc1a 2022-01-20 Andy C [soil/app-tests] Add -t flag to docker/podman for tests
57ad2d77 2022-01-20 Andy C [test/spec-bin] Upgrade busybox to version 1.35.0
a85a66cc 2022-01-20 Andy C [core/state] Set $PATH if unset at startup.
9c55be9c 2022-01-20 Andy C [test/spec] File missing from last commit
44ddf18c 2022-01-20 Andy C [test/spec] Reorganize test cases
d3835de9 2022-01-20 Andy C [spec/vars-bash] Make test work in CI environment
c3abf850 2022-01-20 Andy C [build] Start porting oil-native build to Ninja.
4875a585 2022-01-21 Andy C [build] Make sure stripped version exists when building outside Ninja
9e366f9c 2022-01-21 Andy C [build] CXX is no longer set to Clang if it exists
c72cffb4 2022-01-21 Andy C [refactor] Extract build/ from build/
e5c1e034 2022-01-21 Andy C [refactor] Extract more out of build/
3d9fb2c9 2022-01-21 Andy C [fix] Forgot build/ from last commit
d958daf7 2022-01-21 Andy C [interactive] Handle Ctrl-C during command sub.
3ab4e69b 2022-01-21 Andy C [interactive] Ignore SIGWINCH in the shell.
b6573343 2022-01-22 Andy C [comp_ui] Keep track of screen width in GNU readline.
0b4deb89 2022-01-24 Andy C Revert "[comp_ui] Keep track of screen width in GNU readline."
6b6f7be4 2022-01-24 Andy C Revert "[interactive] Ignore SIGWINCH in the shell."
3f9c1da9 2022-01-24 Andy C [test/interactive] Run interactive tests against bash too.
092115bc 2022-01-25 Andy C [test/unit] Fix failures
2009f8f1 2022-01-25 Andy C [test/interactive] Print a table of results.
481f6532 2022-01-25 Andy C [test/interactive] Implement FAIL status
463e21de 2022-01-26 Andy C [interactive] Fix exit code after Ctrl-C to be 130.
46d29466 2022-01-26 Andy C [test/interactive] Move to ovm-tarball task.
653f01c6 2022-01-26 Andy C [test/interactive] Move back to dev-minimal soil task
6bd2012f 2022-01-26 Andy C [test/interactive] Properly report failure
6aa2ccc1 2022-01-26 Andy C [soil] Add function to debug out why we're root
d22664a6 2022-01-26 Andy C [soil] Reformat
985de3c3 2022-01-26 Andy C [signal-handling] Fix exit code of 'wait' on trapped signal.
3e5ee413 2022-01-26 Andy C [builtin/wait] Fix condition to be >= 128
1fc4f55a 2022-01-26 Andy C [test/interactive] Implement --osh-failures-allowed
bd82270b 2022-01-26 Andy C [signal-handling] Don't clobber shell's SIGWINCH handler with user trap
e21cd312 2022-01-26 Andy C [test/interactive] Add coverage for eintr_retry flag in WaitForOne().
a264f12d 2022-01-27 Andy C [refactor] Simplify awkward interface to WaitForOne()
37d56002 2022-01-27 Andy C [refactor] WaitForOne() returns signal number rather than exit code.
894e5466 2022-01-27 Andy C [fix] W1_OK shouldn't be 0.
f87590fe 2022-01-27 Andy C [signal-handling] Ignore untrapped SIGWINCH on wait.
73b5fa3c 2022-01-27 Andy C [test/spec-cpp] Try timeout of 10 seconds.
5fe1bc35 2022-01-27 Andy C [builtin/wait] Fix wait -n behavior when interrupted by signal
218d15ae 2022-01-27 Andy C [release] Bump version to 0.9.7
3b3eb244 2022-01-27 Andy C [types] Fix annotation in recent commit
c20d5836 2022-01-27 Andy C [build/cpython-defs] Regenerate method definitions.
68c2b2f8 2022-01-27 Andy C [build] Remove dependenncy on soil/
a8b6e2f4 2022-01-27 Andy C [spec/builtin-completion] Avoid conflict with
33569403 2022-01-27 Andy C [benchmarks/ovm-build] Fix silly typo