
WILD / shell / modernish

Files Max Lines Total Lines Parse Failures Max Parse Time (secs) Total Parse Time (secs) Translation Failures Directory
1 154 154 0 0.28 0.28 0 libexec/
3 103 255 0 0.19 0.51 0 share/

Side By Side Lines Parsed? Parse Process Time (secs) Translated? Filename
view 439 FAIL 0.261261 OK install.sh
view 248 OK 0.234245 OK uninstall.sh


Parsing uninstall.sh
          	is -L dir $installroot || exit 1 "not a directory: $installroot"
../oil_DEPS/wild/src/shell/modernish/uninstall.sh:118: Unexpected argument to 'exit'

Translating uninstall.sh
          	is -L dir $installroot || exit 1 "not a directory: $installroot"
../oil_DEPS/wild/src/shell/modernish/uninstall.sh:118: Unexpected argument to 'exit'

Parsing install.sh
          		select msh_shell in $valid_shells; do
../oil_DEPS/wild/src/shell/modernish/install.sh:179: Expected word type Id.Lit_RBrace, got Id.KW_Do

Translating install.sh
          		select msh_shell in $valid_shells; do
../oil_DEPS/wild/src/shell/modernish/install.sh:179: Expected word type Id.Lit_RBrace, got Id.KW_Do