Oil Source Code

Build Status

Oil is a new Unix shell. It's our upgrade path from bash! (Why Create a New Unix Shell? / 2019 FAQ)

Its source code lives in git.

It's written in Python, but we deploy a native executable by reusing portions of the CPython interpreter.

Table of Contents
Quick Start on Linux
Repository Structure
A Collection of Interpreters
DSLs / Code Generators
Several Kinds of Tests
Dev Tools and Scripts
Temp Dirs
Build System for End Users
Doc Sources
More info


Quick Start on Linux

Fetch the source code:

git clone https://github.com/oilshell/oil.git  # or your fork
git submodule update --init --recursive        # to get dependencies

Build the Python extension, and run bin/osh (or bin/oil):

bash$ build/dev.sh minimal
# Now you should have a libc.so symlink in the repository root directory

bash$ bin/osh
osh$ name=world
osh$ echo "hello $name"
hello world

Try running a shell script you wrote with bin/osh myscript.sh.

This is called the developer build, and is very different from the release tarball. The Contributing page describes this difference in detail.

The release tarballs are linked from the home page. (Developer builds don't work on OS X, so use the release tarballs on OS X.)

Run bin/oil to try the Oil language. Send me feedback about it!


The Wiki has many developer docs. Feel free to edit them. If you make a major change, let us know on Zulip!

There are also READMEs in some subdirs, like opy/ and mycpp/.

If you're confused, the best thing to do is to ask on Zulip and someone should produce a pointer and/or improve the docs.

Docs for end users are linked from each release page.

Repository Structure

Try this to show a summary of what's in the repo and their line counts:

$ metrics/source-code.sh all

(Other functions in this file may be useful as well.)

A Collection of Interpreters

Oil is naturally structured as a set of mutually recursive parsers and evaluators.

bin/              # Main entry points (bin/osh)
osh/              # OSH parser and evaluator
oil_lang/         # Oil parser and evaluator
frontend/         # Lexing/Parsing code common to Oil and OSH
core/             # Other code shared between Oil and OSH
pylib/            # Borrowed from the Python standard library.
native/           # Python extension modules, e.g. libc.c
cpp/              # C++ code which complements the mycpp translation
tools/            # User-facing tools, e.g. the osh2oil translator
Python-2.7.13/    # CPython is the initial basis for the Oil VM

DSLs / Code Generators

Oil is implemented with DSLs and metaprogramming, for "leverage".

asdl/             # ASDL implementation, derived from CPython
pgen2/            # Parser Generator, borrowed from CPython
mycpp/            # Experimental translator from typed Python to C++.
                  # Depends on MyPy.
opy/              # Python compiler in Python (mycpp/ will replace it)
  lib/            # Common code
  compiler2/      # Bytecode compiler
  byterun/        # Metacircular bytecode VM in Python
  gold/           # tests
  byterun/        # Unused bytecode interpreter

Several Kinds of Tests

Unit tests are named foo_test.py and live next to foo.py.

test/             # Test automation
  unit.sh         ## Types of test runner: unit, spec, wild, smoke
  sh_spec.py      # shell spec test framework
gold/             # Gold Test cases
spec/             # Spec test cases
  bin/            # tools used in many spec tests
  testdata/       # scripts for specific test cases
  errors/         # TODO: migrate these bad shell scripts
types/            # Scripts for running MyPy and PyAnnotate, etc.

Dev Tools and Scripts

We use a lot of automation to improve the dev process. It's largely written in shell, of course!

benchmarks/       # Benchmarks should be run on multiple machines.
metrics/          # Metrics don't change between machines (e.g. code size)
build/            # Build automation
  oil-defs/       # Files that define our slice of CPython.
  dev.sh          # For development builds, running CPython
devtools/         # For Oil developers (not end users)
  release.sh      # The (large) release process.
demo/             # Demonstrations of bash/shell features.  Could be
                  # moved to tests/ if automated.
misc/             # A junk drawer
web/              # HTML/JS/CSS for tests and tools
lazylex/          # An HTML lexer which doctools/ builds upon.
services/         # Integration with cloud services (e.g. Travis CI)

Temp Dirs

Directories that begin with _ are not stored in git. The dev tools above create and use these dirs.

_bin/             # Native executables are put here
_build/           # Temporary build files
_devbuild/        # Developer build files not deleted upon 'make clean'
  gen/            # Generated Python and C code
_deps/            # build dependencies like re2c
_tmp/             # Test suites and other temp files
_release/         # Source release tarballs are put here
  VERSION/        # Published at oilshell.org/release/$VERSION/
    web/          # Static files, copy of $REPO_ROOT/web

Build System for End Users

This is very different than the developer build of Oil.


Doc Sources

doc/              # A mix of docs
doctools/         # Tools that use lazylex/ to transform Markdown/HTML
README.md         # This page, which is For Oil developers

LICENSE.txt       # For end users

More info

Generated on Mon Mar 23 14:42:04 PDT 2020