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Oil Documentation

The Oil project aims to transform Unix shell into a better programming language. It's our upgrade path from bash. It's for Python and JavaScript programmers who avoid shell.

Table of Contents
OSH is a Compatible Shell
Oil is a New Shell Language
Notes on Language Design
The Command Language
The Word Language
The Expression Language
Languages for Data (Interchange Formats)
The Shared Runtime
Internal Details
For Contributors


OSH is a Compatible Shell


Oil is a New Shell Language


Notes on Language Design

The Command Language

Commands are made of words, keywords, and other operators. They're for I/O, control flow, and bastraction.

The Word Language

Words are expressions for strings, and arrays of strings.

The Expression Language

Oil has typed expressions, like Python and JavaScript.

Languages for Data (Interchange Formats)

Oil supports these languages for data, which are complementary to languages for code.

The Shared Runtime

Internal Details

For Contributors

Generated on Mon Nov 29 02:22:43 EST 2021