Oil 0.9.3


This is the home page for version 0.9.3 of Oil, a Unix shell. To use it,

  1. Download a source tarball.
  2. Build it and do a "smoke test", as described in INSTALL.

These steps take 30 to 60 seconds on most machines. After installation, see Getting Started.

Test results, metrics, and benchmarks are shown below.


File / SHA256 checksum Size
oil-0.9.3.tar.xz 1,265,164
oil-0.9.3.tar.gz 1,778,573
oil-native-0.9.3.tar.xz 248,124

Note: oil-native is a preview release, not a working shell.

What's New


The Doc Overview links to all docs. Here is the subset of them that are ready to read:

More docs:


Main Test Suites

Other Suites

Manual Tests



Source Code

These files may help you understand how Oil is implemented, i.e. with domain-specific languages and code generation.

Also see the oilshell/oil repository.

Old / Experimental

These links describe the CPython / "OVM" build, which should become the "experimental" version of Oil.

OPy Tests

The OPy compiler is used to compile Oil to bytecode, but isn't itself part of the release.

OPy / OVM Metrics

Generated on Mon Oct 4 22:43:39 EDT 2021